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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: ITP - Intertape Polymer Group has just boosted its dividend by 50% based on a positive outlook and there has recently been some insider buying. Earnings are due out this August, and the last time that they boosted their dividend, their earnings surprised nicely on the upside. This company seems to be a real cash machine; Good, clean earnings with not a lot of accruals. The company has almost no analyst coverage, yet it is approaching a 1B market cap. This company is yearning for outstanding, conflict free analysis of the type that 5i can provide. Will 5i be covering this company in the near future? What did you think of the dividend boost, proposed share buyback, and stated positive outlook?

Read Answer Asked by WAYNE on July 09, 2014
Q: Hi guys, Why should someone «who has done okay with CPG» sell and wait for something interesting.
From what I hear the dividend(6%) is safe and with a 3%-4% annual growth I think it is still a good investment.
It's not sure that something more interesting will surely come along. A bird in the hand......
Your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by Carlo on July 09, 2014
Q: Given the present market environment do you view preferred shares as a safe place to invest new money seeking a modest return...if so, could you make a few recommendations...Bonds seem doomed with the threat of rising interest rates and common shares too susceptible to a correction? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on July 09, 2014
Q: re: VXS

Have been sitting on this one for a time. Was reported on BNN to begin watching it move beginning of July with new technologies coming on line that only VXS can satisfy and sure enough it is up 25% since June 25 after technically 2 months of flat performance.

I am seriously considering adding a small position. Is there any comments you can provide that might help me out?

Thanks for all you do for all of us

Read Answer Asked by Gord on July 09, 2014
Q: Please comment on Timbercreek Mortgage Investment (TMC) vs Timbercreek Senior Mortgage Investment (MTG). Both pay high dividends. Which one would you prefer for an income portfolio and why? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Paul W on July 09, 2014
Q: Many seniors who withdraw funds from RRIFs but don't require the funds for expenses are not aware that investments need not be sold and commissions paid to fund the withdrawal, as in Donald's recent question. John Heinzl addresses this in a recent article titled "the ABCs of mandatory RRIF withdrawals" available here:
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on July 09, 2014
Q: Hi Guys

I have started my 18 year old son in the world of investing with some ideas from your site. He has purchase Bad and cgx for his self directed acct. He is getting a little antsy with the almost 20% drop in bad. any suggestions on how he should deal with these situations. obviously I would like for him to have a positive initial experience with the world of investing but also have him realize is experience is valuable and something can be learned from it. he has about 11k in his account.

Read Answer Asked by Michael on July 09, 2014
Q: Looking for comment regarding following RESP allocation, goal is low volatility with solid income and slight growth, withdrawal starts in two years. Thoughts on allocation change before and after withdrawal starts would be greatly appreciated.

HFR = 5%
XHY = 10%
CLF = 5%
CBO = 10%
CPD = 4%
ZRE = 4%

RBF1018 = 28%
VDU = 12%
CIF = 5%
VGH = 8.5%
CUD = 8.5%

Total RESP approx 85K

Wish Peter a speedy recovery, a successful fund raising, smooth bike ride and thanks for doing it for a good cause.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on July 09, 2014
Q: According to my G & M watch list, TD has a roughly 34% dividend payout ratio, which seems very comfortable. BMO and BNS, however, both have negative payout ratios of 118 and 134. Does that mean they are making that much more than they pay out? and does itmean they are a better "bang for the buck" than TD? .
I own all three and don't plan to sell any. Just wondering Thanks again for your wonderful service. I can't overemphasize how much I appreciate it.
Read Answer Asked by M.S. on July 09, 2014
Q: I saw a guest on BNN recommend infrastructure stocks for safety and yield and wondered what stocks, ETF s, or mutual funds you would recommend in this area. Also, do you agree that this is a good area in which to invest? Thanks for your reply.
Read Answer Asked by Peggy on July 09, 2014
Q: Hello. From a technical perspective ESL seems to have incurred a slight setback in the April/May timeframe and appears to be recovering and resuming it's trend. Are you aware of whether this setback was related to some specific event or whether it was related to external events and is this still considered a viable entry point for this stock? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Marilyn on July 09, 2014
Q: For someone with mostly income stocks inside a RIF, is it better to DRIP the dividends or to accumulate cash for periodic withdrawals? The attractions of DRIPS are significant but going this way (which is what I have been doing) means having to sell stocks and of course pay the commisions as well. Some of the stocks I would have to sell in the future have 8-12% yields based on purchases made years ago.

Thanks for your guidance here.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on July 09, 2014
Q: Hello,
HNL seems to be slipping lately- any particular reason for the change in sentimentÉ Would you buy, or continue to holdÉ
Read Answer Asked by Pat on July 09, 2014