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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: General question.Please provide your implications when comparing the closing price of stock on the day that the bought deal equity financing is completed.For example, on 7/9,POU closed @ $58.22 vs financing @ $60 plus $74.4 for flow through shares; & 2)INP @ $2.29 vs $2.30 financing price.On 6/18 EFN closed @ $12.81 vs $12.75 financing price.Thanks a lot
Read Answer Asked by Peter on July 10, 2014
Q: Hi team,
With the recent turmoil in the Middle East,and inflation numbers above 2%,the price of GOLD has been acting better over the last three weeks.
Consequently I,ve noticed the volume doubling on SAS Goldfields shares and it's share price appreciating 20% over the last two weeks. Technically GOLD is seasonally strong in the summer, and my dilemma is knowing WHEN to sell .I am up 8% on SAS and keeping a very close eye .....what do you suggest?
Thanks a Million
Read Answer Asked by Jean on July 10, 2014
Q: may i have your thoughts on, 1) central banks owning 29 trillion of world equities. 2) the demise of the petro dollar and how it would affect n.a. markets if the saudis start selling thier oil in other currancys (yaun, ruble, gold,etc.) tkx pat
Read Answer Asked by patrick on July 10, 2014
Q: I am considering an investment in Morguard MRC. Currently I have 3% of the portfolio in REI.UN and HR.UN. In your recent report you concluded MRC's returns make up for the yield and the valuation provides downside risk. Comparing the 3 stocks, over a 5 year period would you expect MRC's returns to be significantly higher than the other 2(capital appreciation and dividend combined)? Would you agree with putting half the current holding into MRC and which of the other 2 would you keep.
Many thanks for your considered opinion
Read Answer Asked by michael on July 10, 2014
Q: I'd like to have part of my portfolio in US$ (say 20-30%). What would your top 5 US stocks be for growth plus dividends ? What do you think of the strategy and is it better to hold them in a RRSP so i don't have to deal with tax issues? Thank you. Jack
Read Answer Asked by John on July 10, 2014
Q: Hi Guys
Can i have your opinion on Goldman Sachs, and do you see it eventually getting back to its old highs.

Thanks Gord
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on July 10, 2014
Q: Hi 5i team, I see no one has asked about CXO since last August. This stock was brought to my attention but wanted to get your thoughts on it. Is it a good 1 to take a risk on ?

Read Answer Asked by Paul on July 10, 2014
Q: RIC (Richmont) With the price of gold moving up and down and mentioning perhaps a better year this year in the past answers.Do you see any improvements in the next 6 months to year in their performance.Tks
Read Answer Asked by Guy on July 10, 2014
Q: I'm looking at buying a position in TIMBERCREEK SENIOR MORTGAGE INVESTMENT CORP(MTG:TSX, CA). Can you please comment on this company and if this is a good time to purchase it.
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on July 10, 2014
Q: What are your thoughts on IEP (Icahn). I'm in at around $ 100.00 US and it's done nothing this year. Time to move on ?
Read Answer Asked by Randy on July 10, 2014
Read Answer Asked by ebrahim on July 09, 2014
Q: Cineplex CGX

Hello 5i Family

With recent comments regarding theater goer's #'s being down 20% compared to last summer - NetFlix plus other cable shows - we've seen a 4% hit for CGX since closing last week.

stock has been fairly stagnant for most of the year and is down 9% overall since the beginning of the year.

I have a 4% position. Would you consider this high? Should I take some cash out and redeploy it elsewhere? If so, where? And would you consider CGX a Buy, Hold or Sell right now considering these recent announcements?

Thanks for all you do for all of us

Read Answer Asked by Gord on July 09, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and Ryan:
I am sorry to hear Peter's accident. I hope you feel better soon. Thank you both for your very informative articles. I learn alot. Could I know your opinion about ARN, AAA, ICP and GFS should I sell? I lost money on those stock. Is there any hope in those companies.. Thanks a lot. Keep up the good work. Regards,

Aysel Ozkan
Read Answer Asked by Aysel on July 09, 2014
Q: Please tell me what you think of OZM.US (Och-Ziff Capital). Thanks! Mike
Read Answer Asked by Michael on July 09, 2014