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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.


What' your take on the new development regarding Wilan?

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Dong Sheng on April 10, 2014
Q: Good Morning 5i Team and thanks for such a great product. I am learning a lot from member questions and your responses.

Weighting of a portfolio is very important and in your model portfolio you keep the weightings around the 5% mark. For those who might have less than $100,000 such as in a TFSA account it seems almost pointless to purchase less than a board lot as any gains, while maybe nice on a percentage basis, may not add much in terms of value when trading fees are calculated in. In a smaller account one may only have 2 or 3 stocks and this would distort the 5% weighting practice.

My question is, at what portfolio dollar level would you consider moving closer to the 5% weighting recommendation?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on April 10, 2014
Q: Quick question on FLOT. In the model portfolio it shows acb as $55.97. RBC is giving me a quote of $50.66 for April 1.
Read Answer Asked by michael on April 10, 2014
Q: Crew(CR) released information after the close that it had both sold assets and purchased additional (fill in) Montney assets. It has been argued that it's balance sheet had become somewhat stretched. Do you like these transactions? The stock has been very strong of late, do you think it can continue to rise from here?
Read Answer Asked by John on April 10, 2014
Q: Your model portfolios are a great aid in putting together my own investment portfolios, thanks for the great work. In your income portfolio spreadsheet, can you add a column to show the dividend increases for each stock, perhaps a percent growth over the past three years? Or would you consider that to be superfluous?
Read Answer Asked by David on April 10, 2014
Q: Thanks for the income model. I plan on using it as a buying guide. I am retired with 100% in GICs. I plan on using about 15% of the GICs to buy the model. However, with such a high percentage of fixed income in the GICs, I wonder about the fixed income portion of the model. Should I replace the first 4 securities with equity? If so, please make some suggestions. Thanks Tim...
Read Answer Asked by Tim on April 10, 2014
Q: Hello Peter and team,

I have put half of my ,money (taxable account) in the model portfolio and I would like to deploy the rest outside of Canada.
I was looking the the following : Microsoft (MSFT), Wells Fargo (WFC), Home Depot (HD), Time Warner (TWX), Anheuser Busch Inbev (BUD, Adidas (ADDYY), Qualcomm (QCOM), Consumer Staples Select Sect (SPDR). Last on it's an ETF. What do you think? Any other suggestions.

Thank you in advance
Read Answer Asked by Marios on April 10, 2014
Q: Good afternoon,
I would appreciate your view respecting a potential investment in Wisdom Tree (WETF). My goal would be solely capital appreciation.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on April 10, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

I bought the 5 income ETFs from the 5i model income portfolio and have enough cash to buy 2 more stocks. Of the following I don't yet own, which would you consider to provide the best chances of reliable long term income?

Please note I also already own all the other income stocks in the portfolio as well as Stantec and Telus if that affects your response. Otherwise I have a well-balanced portfolio.

Thank you very much. Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on April 10, 2014
Q: I own the following ETFs for international exposure. EFV, SCZ, FEZ, VTI, VBR, VNM and VWO. I am trying to maintain a 30% of international ETFs. 1/3 in each of US, developed countries and emerging markets. I'm needing to add more emerging and thought I might add ILF to the mix. I would value your opinion on my overall choices and what you think about adding ILF or should I stick with VWO and VNM. Thank you for your valuable service.
Read Answer Asked by Cheryl on April 10, 2014
Q: re: CSX Corp

CSX has been ok Q1 2014 but nothing to write home about. Sluggish performance is attributed to weak Coal shipments. I'm ahead right now about 3% and their Q1 earnings will be up next week. I am seriously thinking about getting out before the earnings announcement then jumping back in as I do believe CSX will perform well over the long term through improved intermodal & expansion plus it is relatively cheap for the sector.

Your thoughts?

ty Peter & Family

Read Answer Asked by Gord on April 10, 2014