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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Peter

You said "Our IT guys have indicated MS Office has an option when you are saving to save in the older Excel format. This is all they have offered so far. We are unsure if you have tried this yet."

This morning I downloaded the latest version of Apache Open Office 4.1.0 and your .xlsx files open perfectly.

Many thanks....... Paul K

Read Answer Asked by Paul on July 14, 2014
Q: Hello Peter and Team
I hold SU, CVE, ARX and HSE in the energy sector of my portfolio which is becoming overweight. Do you see these four companies to be diverse enough to warrant holding all four or is there sufficient duplication to justify selling one of them? In other words, if I wish to reduce my energy holdings should I trim all four or sell one? If the answer is to sell one, which one? My preference is to holder fewer stocks if adequate representation of the sector can be maintained.
Read Answer Asked by David on July 14, 2014
Q: Just looking at LVS, Las Vegas Sands. They seem to have hit a bit of a speed bump in June but have had good growth. Their report is coming out on july 16th, i believe.
Read Answer Asked by joseph on July 14, 2014
Q: My question is on DD (Dupont) I have been holding for about three years now. I am just wondering if the upcoming spinoff is still going ahead and if I should sell before or coninue to hold until it spins off into two companies.

Read Answer Asked by Jimmy on July 14, 2014
Q: Hi Peter & Team,
Oil & Gas stocks are consolidating lately, I am thinking to buy either VET - Vermilion, BTE - Baytex, or SGY - Surge.
Which one would you suggest and pls rank them by 1 , 2 and 3.
Thank you for your advice as always.
Read Answer Asked by Pui on July 14, 2014
Q: Peter & Team, DEE. With oil prices retreating to more normal levels, can you please comment on the declines in most energy names and, and in particular, the precipitous drop in the share price of DEE (-18% in a month; 5+% today). I like the growth prospects of DEE as outlined in their recent presentation available on the web. Is now a good entry point into DEE? It is a Jason Donville top pick and he forecasts a $20 stock in 3-5 years as the plan is implemented. What do you think? Many thanks and all the best to Peter in his recovery. Keith
Read Answer Asked by Keith on July 14, 2014
Q: Hello Peter & Co,
In the energy sector (14%) of my portfolio, I hold BTE, CPG, HWO, TOU and VET; I was waiting for a pull-back in DEE (Delphi) to add it to the holdings. Is it OK to buy or is it not really necessary?
Read Answer Asked by Antoine on July 14, 2014
Q: Due to the aging population in Canada.
What is your opinion on Regal Lifestyle Communities RLC.To
As a stable dividend provider?
Read Answer Asked by Robert (Bob) on July 14, 2014
Q: Hi Team: do you have any insight on Petrus resources. They are currently private, but some talk of an IPO perhaps. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Scott on July 14, 2014
Q: what is your opinion about TKM, which looks drop down a lot recently. Should I hold or sell or even by more? thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Yingzi on July 14, 2014
Q: Realizing you don't cover American stocks that much, but could you comment on Aflac [AFL] and Medtronics [MDT] as to which would be your preferential hold in an RRSP? And why if possible. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by steve on July 14, 2014
Q: This isn't a question, but a suggestion to those who are looking for much higher yield than treasury bills and government bonds with many of them trading at very low risk. The preferred side of split shares. There are several of them yielding anywhere from 4 to 6%. They are redeemable anywhere from one year to 6 years with a downside protection up to 100 % or more. Liquidity however is an issue with some of them. You just have to be selective.
Read Answer Asked by Saad on July 14, 2014
Q: Hi Peter,
Any idea why the high volume of raging river (rrx) today? Was it perhaps insiders buying/selling?
What price would be a good entry point to buy back into this stock ?
Do you know of any potential catalysts that could send this back to new highs?
What would be a fair takeout price, if someone were to try and scoop them up and who are the likely suitors ?
Many thanks, Peter!
Read Answer Asked by Scott on July 14, 2014
Q: July 10th gold opened up at $18 and held onto most of its gains. Gold stocks did not participate. There was news on PLG and FVI. Did not seem negative but they both dropped substantially. Any reason why these two stocks would fall that far with gold going up?

On a different topic VCM and DWI look impressive. Would you give them a good rating?

Read Answer Asked by Dennis on July 14, 2014