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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: This question was too long to publish, but related to the fact that investors, according to some, should own NO bonds due to higher risk levels due to potentially rising rates.
Read Answer Asked by joseph on July 16, 2014
Q: What do you think of PPC, Pilgrims Pride, on the Nasdaq?
Read Answer Asked by John on July 16, 2014
Q: Hi guys,
I have a half position in FSZ (Fiera)which has been trading sideways for the last 2 months. Would now be a good time to top it up to a full position.
Thanks Peter.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on July 16, 2014
Q: I have three questions:
Tricon (tcn)doesn't seem to excite investors these days despite being a regular top pick on BNN. Do you think it's flatlining after a good run and what do you see three years from now?
What do you think of Spartan Energy (spe) at the $3.85 level for a three year investment?
Finally, you selected Interpipeline (ipl) as your last pick from a group of four when replying to another question today. I had held this stock since March of 2009 and it seems to be growing steadily and raising it's dividends. May I ask why it ranks behind Enbridge (enb), Altagas (ala) and Pembina (ppl)?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on July 16, 2014
Q: Hi guys,

I am a small business owner and the incorporation has access to a little bit of cash (100k). I have been selecting stock for a portfolio but I am wary of pulling the trigger because of talk of the infamous correction. Would you suggest to wait for a market pullback to start buying the positions or go ahead in this highly valuated market? I am in no hurry and comfortable waiting up to 6 months with cash on hand.

Here is the stock in the portefolio:

US: MCD, GOOG, WFC, XOM, BRK, Qualcom, Deere, WMT, Air Lease, Cognizant

CA: THI, BCE, T, BEP.Un, Superior plus, Power Corp, Linamar, Surge, Sylogist, DHX Media

Thanks for the awesome service,

Read Answer Asked by Richard on July 16, 2014
Q: Westmoreland Coal Company (WLB.US) has recently acquired Canadian assets from Sherritt, and are apparently looking to continue to grow though acquisition. Do you have any thoughts on the company?
Thanks for all that you do for independent investors!!!
Read Answer Asked by Jim on July 16, 2014
Q: Lux --us . Largest manufacturer of eye glasses (non prescription ) in the world ---? monopoly

High P/E ratio --? entering deal with Gogle re "Google Glass " ---Buy ---or wait for better entry pt ?

Thanks --- great service ---Don
Read Answer Asked by Donald on July 16, 2014
Q: Hi,

As part of my overall portfolio, I've had a strong weighting in oil and gas for about 9 months. My holdings include CNQ, POU, TOU, CPB, BTE, PEY and VTE. Oil and Gas stocks have been getting hammered recently, albeit after a strong run up. Is it time to add more to these existing names or will the correction continue during this slow period for the market?

Are you comfortable with all these holdings or should I sell some to replace with other names?

Thanks for your help,
Read Answer Asked by Jason on July 16, 2014
Q: Hello 5I, is this new offer from InnVest "good enough" to accept in your opinion? ("InnVest") (TSX:INN.UN) announced today that it intends to increase the purchase price under its existing offer to purchase up to $28,750,000 of the outstanding principal amount of its Series G Convertible Unsecured Subordinated Debentures (the "Debentures") from $1,060 to $1,080 (the "Increased Offer Price") for each $1,000 in principal amount (the "Offer"), and proposes to amend the conversion price for each InnVest unit to be issued upon the conversion of one Series G Debenture under the trust indenture governing the Debentures to $7.50 rather than the $8.00 originally proposed (the "Indenture Amendments").
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Alayne on July 16, 2014
Q: Hi,
Can u give an opinion on Ocwen Finacial OCN-N. Buy/Sell/Hold. Is it a strong company that is out of favour? I own & it performed well during the us housing recouvery last year but tanked when that fizzled as well as possibly on the news of an invester law suit.
Read Answer Asked by LJ on July 16, 2014
Q: Hi Peter & Team! Most of my investments are large cap stocks and I hold a well diversified portfolio. My TFSA represents a small portion of my overall portfolio and I'd like to add 3-4 stocks with some strong growth potential recognizing of course that I would be assuming some risk. Could you recommend some names for consideration at this time? Thank you, Ian
Read Answer Asked by Ian on July 16, 2014
Q: Hi 5i: Just a comment relating to your recent mention of Bankers Petroleum (BNK) as maybe riskier than oil producers with primarily Canadian operations. Your point makes sense from a political perspective but I've been thinking about whether having some diversification away from the North American (WTI) commodity market may help to smooth things out for people with oil production exposure. It seems like some pundits are forecasting periods of much lower WTI pricing as the NA oil glut develops over the next few years. I think Brent oil pricing has some history of maintaining higher levels while WTI has dipped. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Lance on July 16, 2014
Q: How do you figure out if a company is earning enough to pay its dividend? Is the earnings per share value after the dividend is paid out? I am not talking about a oil/gas stock but just a regular equity. STB specifically.
Read Answer Asked by Ning on July 16, 2014
Q: can you comment on XSR results just out. Revenue growth looks good and lower debt costs helpful. Is this a decent entry point for income/growth investors? thanks
Read Answer Asked by Scott on July 16, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and team,

Please give me your valued opinion on the receently listed IPO Datawave (DW)?
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on July 15, 2014