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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I would appreciate your comments and advice on whether I should add to my position in AQN at the new issue price of $8.90 which is available until September 16th.

As a new investor, I would very much appreciate your comments on how to move forward. ie. Do I call my online brokerage or do I just place a limit order myself at the new issue price?

Enjoy the ride, Peter!!!

Read Answer Asked by Gail on September 05, 2014
Q: The market is telling us that the contrans deal will go thru,what is your opinion as of today, i do not want to hold this stock if the deal is going to go thru, there are better opportunities elsewhere.
Read Answer Asked by david on September 05, 2014
Q: i am looking at celg and gild in the US. Which would be a better prospect?Thanks
Read Answer Asked by hal on September 05, 2014
Q: Hi 5i Team: In the last couple of days, WSP Global (WSP) and Sylogist (SYZ) has announced bought deals.

WSP Global: The Acquisition and other related transaction costs are being financed through a combination of:
•$502 million bought deal public offering (the "Offering") of subscription receipts of the Corporation (the "Subscription Receipts") at a price of $35.85 per Subscription Receipt (the "Offer Price") and up to additional gross proceeds of $75 million pursuant to an Over-Allotment Option (as defined below);

Is this interpreted as: $502M / $35.85 = approx. 14M additional shares (not including over-allotment)?

•$400 million private placement (the "Concurrent Private Placement") of subscription receipts of the Corporation (the "Placement Subscription Receipts") at a price of $35.85 per Placement Subscription Receipt to two existing shareholders, (i) Canada Pension Plan Investment Board ("CPPIB") and (ii) la Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec ("La Caisse") and up to additional gross proceeds of $60 million pursuant to the Additional Subscription Option.

Is this interpreted as: $400M / $35.85 = approx. 11M additional shares (not including over-allotment) purchased by CPPIB and La Cassie?

WSP Shares Outstanding before announcement is: 61.6M

If the above is correct, future WSP Shares outstanding would be approximately: 61.6M + 14M + 11M = 86.6M, therefore a 40.5% increase in shares outstanding. Is this correct?

Sylogist Ltd. ("Sylogist" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:SYZ) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with Acumen Capital Finance Partners Limited ("Acumen"), pursuant to which Sylogist has agreed to issue, and Acumen has agreed to purchase on a "bought deal" basis, an aggregate of 1,820,000 common shares of the Company ("Common Shares") at a price of $11.00 per Common Share for total gross proceeds of $20,020,000 (the "Offering").

SYZ Shares Outstanding before announcement is: 22.4M

Therefore, the future SYZ Shares outstanding would be approximately: 22.4M + 1.82M = 24.2M, therefore an 8% increase in shares outstanding?

If my interpretation is incorrect for both companies, please advise. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Karen on September 05, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and gang
Bellatrix BXE is down again today. Is there something going on that we should be aware of, or is just sector related?
Have a safe journey Pter
Guy R.
Read Answer Asked by Guy R. on September 05, 2014
Q: You last commented on Sir Royalty Income Fund (SRV.UN) last October. Could I please have an update. Is it a secure long-term hold for an income portfolio and is the dividend secure? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Paul W on September 05, 2014
Q: Hi,

If you had to bet on one of these solar stocks/etfs for a long term hold, which is the better bet- CSIQ, TAN or KWT? Or is there a better/safer solar alternative?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on September 05, 2014
Q: I have held Telus in my RRSP account for decades and it has grown to be a huge part of my portfolio. I feel that I should trim it back substantially, although I'm having a difficult time trying to figure out what to replace it with. I have always liked its stability and have taken advantage of the DRIP.
My question is, when trimming should it be done all at one time or over a period of time and also, could you recommend 4 or 5 quality stocks to replace it with without regard for sectors.

Thanks so much
Read Answer Asked by Rose on September 05, 2014
Q: What advise can you give to a person that just changed careers and their pension had to be moved to defined contribution plan with Sunlife Financial as to the type of products, ie ETFs,mutual funds,etc. and the weightings? time frame 20 years and very little investing knowledge.

thanks and we still consider5i as one of our top investments ever
Read Answer Asked by James on September 05, 2014
Q: 9:16 AM 9/4/2014
Hello Peter....
Best withes on the ride!
I have owned a 1.4% position in Great-west Life [GWO] and a 1.7% position in Sun life [SLF] since December 2013. SLF is up 11% and GWO down 1% since I bought them. These are held primarily for income. I would appreciate your opinion on whether I should just do nothing and collect the dividends which are about the same for both companies [SLF 3.5% and GWO 3.8%] or whether I should sell the GWO with essentially no loss or gain and put the money into SLF, in the expectation of a little more growth. Is it worth the diversification to own both?
Many thanks...... Paul K
Read Answer Asked by Paul on September 05, 2014
Q: We learn this morning that the ECE cut its interest rates to 0.05%. It seems a good bet to add to my european assets using the ETF XEH. What do you think? Also, would you go with ZEQ instead of XEH or are those two pretty much the same?
Read Answer Asked by Matt on September 05, 2014