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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: This preferred share is currently yielding 11.3%.
No matter what happens to 5 year government interest rates you are guaranteed 6.25% per annum in the future.
With the dividend tax credit this yield of 11.3 % is approaching close to 15%.

Would you say this is a good buy? Or there are credit issues with the company issuing this preferred share ?
Thanks for your insight
Read Answer Asked by Terry on August 15, 2023
Q: Hi, I'm not sure if my question went through previously, but I was wondering if you could provide more information on the ETF Fund Growth Model Portfolio with respect to proportions of different sectors and different country involvement?
Read Answer Asked by Adam on August 14, 2023
Q: Good day,

I did some rebalancing based on your response to my Feb question. I bought GOOG which paid off, GXE which sort of didn't (yet), and held the rest, and definitely should have listened on LLY and TFII... Wow.

My NVDA took off, and I believe ZWT mostly gained from it and the mega caps as well. NWH.un continues to wallow.

I'm looking to diversify, as I'm heavily concentrated in tech and Energy. Are there any materials that you expect to have a high demand on the horizon? Similar to Uranium/Lithium

Would you take some NVDA gains, and sell ZWT (I hold AMZN, GOOG, NVDA, TSLA separately), Sell NWH, in the current market, and then where in the above sections would would distribute it? Did I miss the boat on TFII and LLY?

I've also held BNS on and off the last 5 years, would you exit that in the current interest market?

Please recommend a couple options in each of a few sectors that you find most compelling right now, thanks.

[Apologies for the disjointed question, the text box on mobile is pretty small]
Read Answer Asked by James on August 14, 2023
Q: Is Well Health Technologies the most manipulated stock in the Canadian market? I use Wealthsimple for several accounts and activated their "stock lending" option where they give you a yield on borrowing your shares. Their example target is 4.5% for shares borrowed. I could see the short attack on Well beginning like clockwork, 1 week before last quarterly release, as my shares were lent out more each day. I started getting 6% yield and that was ok. But that went down more and more with each "short", until I was loaning out all my shares for a measly 0.2%. I contacted the brokerage multiple times and they stated "market demand" and "fluctuations". Clearly 0.2% was not part of the deal and certainly not worth the risk. I obviously canceled this borrowing feature. What is this trickery? They are literally giving away shares to shorters as a means to suppress the share price. This has ONLY occured with Well:ca. How do they get away with it?
Read Answer Asked by Ok on August 14, 2023
Q: Over the long run these two technology ETFs show comparable returns. However while ZQQ has significantly outperformed RBF1030 over the past year, the trend has reversed over the last month. RBF 1030 has a higher healthcare component than ZQQ and recent healthcare news (diabetes, weight loss drugs) seem to be driving it forward while stumbling tech shares recently are holding back this component. Given the big run up in technology over the past year, do you think RBF1030 with its higher healthcare component might be safer or provide better performance over the next year or so.
Read Answer Asked by Ken on August 14, 2023
Q: Hi there, do you have a view on any specific emerging markets (eg single countries) that are particularly investable right now? Ideally accessible via a targeted ETF. Thanks as always!
Read Answer Asked by Chris on August 14, 2023
Q: I note you last comment on ZRR (BMO Real Return Bond Index ETF) was in 2022. I note it has declined from the $19 range about a year ago down to $14 currently. What are your thoughts on it today as a place to invest for dividend income (RBC shows a dividend of 6.83%). I am interested in it for income as I am retired. How safe is the dividend and what will cause the price to appreciate again?
Read Answer Asked by Randy on August 14, 2023