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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Public storage and cell tower stocks are down significantly this year. Were they simply over-valued previously? Assuming interest rates will stabilize, do you feel that they may offer above average returns going forward? Your favourites listed on US and Canadian exchanges?
Read Answer Asked by John on August 16, 2023
Q: With multiple xdivs coming up, what would be your top 10 Canadian dividend picks? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Eric on August 16, 2023
Q: Seth Klarman's fund reported a recent trimming of Alphabet and a new purchase of Amazon. Since he is a renowned value investor how would you explain that trade from a value investor's perch? Could it be that a company like Amazon which operates many global businesses and that may be poised to move into several others meaningfully (healthcare, etc) and potentially dominate in those cannot be traditionally valued because it provides future growth opportunities like no other company can and because of that isn't able to be predictably valued? Could it be that someone like Mr Klarman is investing in Amazon for the long term because he sees no company that compares with its potential, not even an Alphabet? Could it actually be reasonably priced as a "one-of-one" company? Would like your opinion on this "analysis" of Amazon. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Ken on August 16, 2023
Q: I have a very positive view on renewables, and these stocks are well down today. I have all three of them.
I'm undecided between adding more BEP.UN, which I like best, and NPI, which is more deeply discounted. Morningstar has NPI at five stars.
Read Answer Asked by John on August 16, 2023
Q: I currently have little emerging market exposure and would like to move some surplus funds into that sector. The transaction would be in my USD non-registered account. I've been looking at a few ETFs and think that DEM:US would be a good pick as a start. Of course if you have other suggestions please include them with your response.

What should be the maximum allocation to an emerging market ETF given I am retired and this income stream would supplement my pension, LIF and RIF income.

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Ronald on August 16, 2023
Q: DJCO/Daily Journal

As a fan of the guys that run Berkshire, DJCO seems to be somewhat of a business that is kind of like would Constellation Software would be interested in acquiring.

What do you think about DJCO as a stock to invest in at this time?
Read Answer Asked by Eugene on August 16, 2023
Q: Good afternoon,

I've owned the MAW 108 & MAW 106 mutual funds in my RRSP and TFSA accounts for a number of years and although I've been reasonably pleased with the absolute return of each mutual fund, the relative annual return compared to their benchmark index has not been that great...

Given that the MER of both funds is substantially higher than that of an ETF tracking the S&P 500 and the S&P TSX, I'm thinking of selling both Mawer funds and replacing them with one ETF that tracks the S&P 500 and another that tracks the S&P TSX, both with a much lower MER.

Q1. Do you agree with this course of action given that there would be no tax issue in selling these Mawer mutual funds and replacing them with two appropriate ETFs.

Q2. Would you kindly recommend your two best ETF ideas that would achieve my goal of reducing my MER fees and that track the S&P 500 and S&P TSX indexes.

Thank you and as always, your sage advice is much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Francesco on August 16, 2023
Q: Hello,

In your response to the last question about Sea Limited, you mentioned that the next quarter would be telling as to its ability to grow profits. Can I get your assessment of this company now that it has reported?

The stock drop today has been brutal and I'm at a loss in a registered account, unfortunately. Can I ask what you would do with it? Thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Doris on August 16, 2023
Q: Please sort the list if you were assigned a task of bottom fishing.
Firstly sort them (best to worst) in terms of growth perspective for next 3-5 years.
Secondly sort them from fundamentals/safety perspectives.
Ignore diversification.
Also feel free to add your own favorite bottomed pick.
Read Answer Asked by Jabs on August 16, 2023