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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What are the prospects for this company over the next year, and beyond. It has not been very exciting for a while, but do you think the low C$ might help it's performance?
Read Answer Asked by Roland on November 04, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and Team
Glad to be in the cue for a portfolio review. After I registered, however, I was unable to get back in to the screen that outlined the specifics required for submitting the portfolio. I believe it must be in Excel or Word. As a technically challenged retiree I would like to get things set up well ahead (eight accounts in two banks) . Could you please list the requirements.
Greatly appreciate your service. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Gary on November 04, 2014
Q: Peter; Could you comment on this REIT and it 's safety of distribution ?Thanks.Rod
Read Answer Asked by Rodney on November 04, 2014
Q: Morning,

You have viewed HCLP favourably. What do you think about this stock in the light of its earnings today as well as within the weakening backdrop of oil prices. Do you think it is a good long term hold.
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on November 04, 2014
Q: May I have your assessment of Reynolds versus Altria.
Thanks, Tim.
Read Answer Asked by tim on November 04, 2014
Q: Hi just a quick question on ELW. I foolishly bought in at about 95 cents and it has kept falling since. Should cut my losses and sell or hold on long term?

Read Answer Asked by Paul on November 04, 2014
Q: Hi Team,
What are your thoughts on these two? With the resource sector sell-off I am down around 30% plus on both. After tax loss selling which they are now both subject to in my portfolio and I am sure many others). Would you own these (buy them back) after the 30 day period or just avoid them altogether?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Douglas on November 04, 2014
Q: Hi Guys, my self directed portfolio totals $ 350,000 over 4 accounts, TFSA wife, TFSA mine, non registered and a corporate account. Will you look at them as one (which is the way I manage them) and advise accordingly?
thanks again
Read Answer Asked by jim on November 04, 2014
Q: What is the best strategy to protect against a major market decline ? I am concerned that the stock market as a whole may be in bubble territory and that we may see another major decline like we did after the shocks in 2000 and 2007. In response to similar questions from Heather and Charles on Oct 1 and 2 you suggested that investors should hang in there for the long haul. Are you still of the same view or is there a safety net you would recommend ?

By way of background, in the period from 1995 to 2000 the S&P 500 went from 500 to 1500. After the tech collapse, it sold off to a low of around 800 in 2002 (-45%). Over the next 5 years of recovery, the index went back up to 1500 in 2007, but then collapsed again to around 800 in 2009. We are once again in the 5th year of a bull run, with the S&P shooting past 1500 to its current all-time high of over 2000.
Read Answer Asked by Don on November 04, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and Team
Is Black Diamond a name that could be overweight in a portfolio? I am considering doubling down/ averaging down my purchase price on this equity. It seems to me to be a little oversold. I will probably wait until their earnings tomorrow but I would appreciate your opinion regardless. I am very comfortable with the associated risks but of course prefer to keep my capital.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Jeremy on November 04, 2014
Q: Hi 5i Team, Guestlogix reported after hours today can I please get your opinion. They achieved record revenue again but I was wondering what the street was expecting for EPS?
Read Answer Asked by Shane on November 04, 2014
Q: Can you suggest 5 top picks for U.S. manufacturing?
Read Answer Asked by James on November 04, 2014
Q: Lts closed today at 0.28 to book value and 0.82 to cash flow.Is there something fatally wrong with lts (other than management)?Is shortselling causing the share price to be so low?Although a dividend cut is likely,at today's price close even a 50% cut would still mean a dividend of about 8.5%.
Read Answer Asked by George on November 04, 2014
Q: Hi 5i team:
What are your thoughts on an Alta Gas purchase @ the $45 level.
Thanks: Jerry
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on November 04, 2014
Q: Your opinion of Andrew Peller please.Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maurice on November 04, 2014
Q: Hi Peter,
I bought LRE at 5.73$ and it has fallen (crashed!) to 3.02$. Should I just sell and buy something else in the same sector (SGY,WCP) or look into a totally different sector.
Thank you for your help.
Read Answer Asked by L J on November 04, 2014
Q: Hello Peter and Staff,
I own a diversified portfolio inspired by your own and I have done OK thank you. My question is regarding my energy portion.
CWC,KEL,PEY,PD,RRX,WCP represent now about 7% of my portfolio after the recent pull back.
Should I hold, average down or sell for better opportunities ?
Thank you for your excellent service.
Regards, Raouf
Read Answer Asked by Raoul on November 04, 2014
Q: Hello Peter & Co.
My RRIF portfolio contains most of your equity holdings and many of Jason Donville's top 10; I thank you for your contribution.
My problem is that energy producers make up 10% of my portfolio; I should reduce it to 5%.
I hold BTE, CPG, TOU, VET and WCP; how would you rank them?
Thanks again
Read Answer Asked by Antoine on November 04, 2014