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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I know you like SUM from previous communication. A fine jump again of 7.14 per cent as a result of positive quarterly results. Do you consider this a long term hold and might Solium qualify soon for your investment portfolio? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on November 04, 2014
Q: Hi folks: Would MKP be a good "get paid while you wait" stock to own at this time?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on November 04, 2014
Q: Hi Team,

In light of your answers to single stock weighting questions I am wondering if a $30,000 RESP account comprised of 9 to 10 individual stocks would be considered too risky (10-11% weithting/stock). I am fairly comfortable with risk/volatility, but would also want to preserve the funds. They have been recently switched from mutual funds; should I put a portion in ETFs? If yes, what ETFs would you suggest and what percentage.

As always, thanks for the great service.

Read Answer Asked by Bekaye on November 04, 2014
Q: The next quarterly report will come out tentatively November 13 or 14 according to the company.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on November 04, 2014
Q: Given that BXE is down another 12% today, is it finally time to give up on it, take my lumps and just move on?
Read Answer Asked by John on November 04, 2014
Q: Home is reporting earnings tomorrow which I expect will be good, with the continuing strong real estate market. I wonder if events like earnings reports are good times to buy or to sell, particularly with financial stocks?
Read Answer Asked by Steve on November 04, 2014
Q: I have held this in various accounts for over a decade and it just keeps paying out its dividend through the ups and downs. As I get closer to retirement age I would like to buy more as it is has of the best percentage dividends. The price is down right now. Do you feel this is just along with the rest of oil and gas in the market, or is there any other reason to have concern. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Barb on November 04, 2014
Q: Hi Team,

DHX is dropping again today. Is the stock for sell, hold or buy?
Thank you!

Read Answer Asked by CYNTHIA on November 04, 2014
Q: Peter I hold 15% in energy and have a high risk tolerance I hold 5%each of Bte wcp sgy I have a long term time horizon and am still above water on wcp by about 20%.Would you reduce say to 10%.
I hold IPL for many years and don't really consider it energy and is not as volatile and is a stock that will go to the next generation.
I have a high comfort level with the rest of my holdings
Read Answer Asked by Stan on November 04, 2014
Q: This is more of a tax question than a Baytex question. I sold Batex Energy on October 9th and it had a settlement date of October 15th. I sold for a loss to offset some capital gains. I sold it at $38.00 and had purchased it at roughly $46.00 On what day can I purchase it back and still get the tax loss and is there any rush to buy it back? Thanks so much.

Also this service is amazing. Thanks for the awesome research.

Read Answer Asked by Jimmy on November 04, 2014
Q: Thinking of cashing in my dogs for 100 shares of Alibaba. Which hit an all time high today . Barring any major correction in the next year do you think its to soon to jump into this stock?
Read Answer Asked by Walt on November 04, 2014
Q: Hello,
How often is the Model Income Portfolio reassessed? Do you feel the stocks listed in the portfolio are still acceptable for entry positions?
Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Giovanni on November 04, 2014
Q: Do you have faith in the oil market's recovery? And if so would you put new money into BXE and SGY at these seemingly extreme low levels? Thanks, Curt
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on November 04, 2014
Q: Would you recommend holding or selling HNL if recently acquired? Could it be that the market is beating up the stock more than what is warranted and it should regain price to $3 and then a bit more?
In other words, is C+ a hold?
Read Answer Asked by Brenda on November 04, 2014
Q: With the recent slight increase in natural gas and seasonality for it, would now be a good entry point for natural gas stocks. If so, I am looking at Pine Cliff or Delphi but if these would not be your choice, I would appreciate your top two gas stocks. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on November 04, 2014