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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi everyone,

What if this is all a lie. I am talking about the recent Q3 earning report? What if there is really no smoking gun and just smoke? I never believed it when the CFO left so suddenly literally a day before Q2 release. And now I read in the G&M that he is alive and well working for another company since he left AVO. What is your take on this article and the accounting concerns pointed out by Veritas.

Is this another case in which naive shareholders like me will have to learn the truth well after the share prices have completely collapsed? I look forward to your reassuring perspective. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Saeed on November 06, 2014
Q: Hello Peter & Co,
I (age 71) have recently made adjustments to my RRIF portfolio (for 70% of my retirement income)
2014 ytd return 22%, yield vs book 3%, beta 0.40
Consumer discretionary (5%) LNR,MG
Financials (8%) BNS,EFN,HCG,TD
Industrial/Transport (7%) CHE.UN,CCL.B,CNR
Infrastructure (6%) BIP.UN,SJ,STN
Materials (3%) IFP,WEF
Pipelines/Midstream (11%) ENB,IPL,KEY,PPL
Retail (4%) ATD.A,DOL
Services/Media (8%) BYD.UN,CGX,DHX,FSV
Technology (13%) CSU,ESL,GIB.A,MDA,OTC
Util/Telco/RE (9%) ALA,BCE,BEP.UN,TCN
Cash (5%)
As 5i Research has rated many of these holdings, a general commentary would be sufficient.
Read Answer Asked by Antoine on November 05, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and team, I have a very high risk tolerance and a very long time horizon. I consider there are huge bargains present in the gold mining sector. My plan is to systematically buy quality names like YRI and G. I expect these companies will revert to their fair values creating very high gains over time provided they won't go out of business. Your evaluation on this contrarian strategy please.
Read Answer Asked by RAJITH on November 05, 2014
Q: Can you please give me your opinion of che.un. Why is it not profitable? Its P/E is shown as nil.

Many thanks as always
Read Answer Asked by Joanne on November 05, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

2 questions for today. Firstly thank you for your continued advice - I have and will continue to subscribe to it, as I find it invaluable for the Canadian market.

My questions arise from 2 sources, firstly that my investments are currently 100% Canadian, and secondly Mr. Poloz' recent letter to the CCPPP (link below) titled "The legacy of the financial crisis – what we know, and what we don’t". I think it's time to diversify out of Canada a bit.

Here are the questions:
1) Can you recommend a US 'no conflict of interest' equity research firm similar to 5i that I could check out?
2) I take the overall message in Mr. Poloz' letter to be Diversify out of Canada. Would you agree?



Read Answer Asked by Keith on November 05, 2014
Q: What do you think of transocean? Is it safe to get in for a long term (3-5) year hold
Read Answer Asked by Cathleen on November 05, 2014
Q: Your thoughts please on the recent news and decline in stock value. Many thanks!
Read Answer Asked by roger on November 05, 2014
Q: I would like your opinion on the direction of the US dollar as it relates to our precious metals market here in Canada. It seems the dollar will continue to be strong but gold and silver prices cant go much lower than the cost to produce them. Is this the time to nibble away at the the higher torque mid-sized names in the space or wait? Which names do you like for the next 6-12 months?
Read Answer Asked by Randy on November 05, 2014
Q: I am a large holder of intertape polymer, believe it or not since 2.75. just curious as to why you do not cover it. it seems to fit into your mandate. dave
Read Answer Asked by david on November 05, 2014
Q: Your thoughts on yesterday's earning release and short term outlook on the stock.

Read Answer Asked by satish on November 05, 2014
Q: would you say TOU is a good purchase for a TFSA right now, given the fundamentals are good and the sector is beaten up.
Assuming your answer is yes, would it make more sense to wait as the sector may not have hit it's bottom yet?
Thanks for everything, as always!
Read Answer Asked by Brenda on November 05, 2014
Q: Just heard that there has been an oil pipeline explosion in Saudi Arabia. Could be the cause of the rise in oil today.
Read Answer Asked by Silvia on November 05, 2014
Q: Would you recommend which company(s) to sell in my cash account for tax loss selling? PRW, BAD, VET, BTE, BDI?

As others have mentioned, I certainly appreciate your service. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Catherine on November 05, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and company. I was wondering what your thoughts are on the SAND BAGGING most analysts took last/this week. The company lowered there numbers to analysts and in turn the stock had large short positions gaining and down grades. I bought some shares last week and Monday and sold this morning. Does this change your thoughts on managements communication with the public in whole? Have you set a new target price?

Thank you Jason
Read Answer Asked by JASON on November 05, 2014
Q: Regarding Lyondell for the member asking (I hold it as well) - Lyondell uses a great deal of energy in it's business and retooled to use cheaper natural gas. That action boosted it's margins and gave it an advantage over other chemical companies. Now that oil is cheaper, that advantage is gone. For now.
Can I ask - Canadian oil was receiving much less than the WTI price a year or so ago. That seemed to improve more recently. What price are the Canadian companies receiving now? Is the much different than the oil price they received when transportation was an issue? (I guess I am asking - is this downturn really, relatively, so bad?
Read Answer Asked by Pat on November 05, 2014
Q: Good Morning 5i team, I am currently underweight energy and zero weight materials. I am looking to allocate new dollars to both sectors in the coming months. Could you please rank the following sectors on their current risk/reward: oil, natural gas, energy services, gold, silver, base metals. Also, a top pick from each of the six sectors indicated. Thanks for the great service. Rob
Read Answer Asked by Robert on November 05, 2014
Q: Just a note of thanks for your weekend advice to sell my CRP.RT holdings on Monday morning. I sold at 43 cents, and this morning CRP.RT is trading at 4 cents! (As well, the CRP shares themselves are now at a much more interesting entry point.)

Read Answer Asked by Gregory on November 05, 2014