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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Took advantage of the 27% increase in NVDA today to reduce my holding to 5% and free up some cash. Looking for advice on how best to redeploy these funds. I already hold MSFT, GOOG and AMZN. I've been looking at AAPL, but am concerned about the geopolitics surrounding the company's manufacturing operations in China. Does this add a significant layer of uncertainty to investing in this company? Including AAPL, please provide a total of three names - in ranked order (best first) - where I could invest funds today. (Not sure if META would be one of them, but please exclude. Can't support the corporate ethos.) Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on May 26, 2023
Q: Hello, With reference to your Model Portfolio changes to trim Stantec's present 2.5% weight to 2%, in Growth portfolio ( start price $68 - current price $77.50), could you elaborate on the rationale, a little more, for a better understanding. If the valuation is stretched, is the current price is expensive, in your opinion ? Also. generally, if you like a company and the sector, the model portfolio will hold a position 2.5-3.5% or higher.

We have noted your recent comments on this company and, decided to initiate a 1.5% position at $78, after the recent pullback, following company's results. We had no infrastructure/consultancy exposure before in our portfolios and have been low on industrial sector Just wondering, if our move makes sense.

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on May 26, 2023
Q: Hi team,

This is more of a second order question - so nvda is clearly doing very well, where could we look for benefit on the supplier side, ie. the inputs for what they need for the AI?

Read Answer Asked by David on May 26, 2023
Q: Everyone, what is your concerns with the large cap technology sector today and for the next six months. Clayton
Read Answer Asked by Clayton on May 26, 2023
Q: What would be your top 5 or 6 large cap growth opportunities at this time? U.S. or Canada

Read Answer Asked by blake on May 26, 2023
Q: An analyst on BNN said today that he feels Stantec's share price could double in the next 5 years, as they do a lot of business in the USA, which is spending a lot on infrastructure improvements, which should benefit Stantec. He felt their headcount in 5 years could be roughly where WSP Global's headcount is now, with some of the growth coming from acquisitions. Wondering what you think of Stantec's growth potential over the next 5 years, and also about their debt levels. Looking at the balance sheet, the debt to cash flow looks a little high.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on May 26, 2023
Q: Good evening 5i.

The Marketbeat site indicates dividend increases for these companies (amongst others) during the month of May. I do not see the same increases on the 5i Dividend Updates page. Is Marketbeat correct?

Read Answer Asked by Dave on May 26, 2023
Q: Hi, There has been recent commentary and reports from analysts that trucking sector is witnessing a slowdown and getting hurt with lower rates. They also say that these headwinds may persist for at least later half of this year. ( or longer, depending upon, how recession scenario plays out ). Recent results from companies in the sector has only confirmed this.

Specific to TFI, analysts have commented that the discount is already reflected in the current valuation and M&A will likely offset the slowdown impact to certain extent, over time. However, consensus is that any near term recovery is unlikely.

We have a small <1% position in TFII and were contemplating to eliminate it and use the funds to add to existing 1% position in CP or to further add to ATS { better momentum and visibility ).

What are your thoughts ?

Thank You

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on May 26, 2023
Q: We have a well-diversified portfolio with 40+ securities (11 small/mid caps presently under 1% of portfolio). Is Nvidia a corporation YOU would let run up to 6-7% of your protfolio?

Thanks to your good advice we have many excellent stocks with the only clinkers due to my own buying exuberance or holding securities too long.
Read Answer Asked by J on May 25, 2023