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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: The stock has plummeted and management has been given the boot by the debt holders (albeit not until original management made out like lottery winners).
Do you know anything about new management and whether it is at all possible to turn this baby around. Would a commodity (gold, uranium) reversal of fortune help at all?
Read Answer Asked by richard on February 02, 2015
Q: Do you believe Avo has broken out of it's recent trading range with it's close on Friday? I maybe watching it too closely as it went through a key price gap at $18.93, just missed $19.60 and I think the next price gap is $ 24.89. I want to add on the way up to the momentum!
Read Answer Asked by Tom on February 02, 2015
Q: For a couple in their late 70s, what what would you recommend for our TSFA. So far we have contributed every year and bought GICs, (2%) with the thought rates would soon be higher. The opposite has happened. What would you suggest we do now?
We don't need the money, but would like to keep it safe. Otherwise we have a diversified portfolio of your income, and some of the model portfolio. Any advice you have would be appreciated. Cheers!
Read Answer Asked by Shirley on February 02, 2015
Q: Mcard or Visa, which of the two would you pick? Is it a good time to take a position? Thanks for your opinion.
Read Answer Asked by Charles on February 02, 2015
Q: 1/30/15 - Oil had a big move up of $3.75. Most oil stocks moved up with the oil move - example - SGY up 10.3% - 3 stocks you support ROCK, PRW and QST moved down. Any explanation why didn't participate in the rally?

Read Answer Asked by Dennis on February 02, 2015
Q: In my last question to you I said that I was over-weight in financials due to the drop in prices of oil stocks. My holdings are AD 14.51%,Counsel 3.14%, DH Corp. 34.6%, EFN 11.77%,Fiera 5.4%, Gluskin GS 12.23% and HCG 18.30. I just bought HCG in the last week of Jan as it was down. Counsel was just a flyer. DH I bought at $18.40 in Apr 2012. I would like to trim something and would like your suggestion. Olso pls keep in mind that I intend to add to my portfolio in Feb so that will also lessen the weight of the financials. Thanks in advance. Gary
Read Answer Asked by Gary on February 02, 2015
Q: For a long term hold (> 5yrs) which has the best long term potential, ABX, FM, TCK.B, G, AEM. What other materials stock has good long term potential?
Read Answer Asked by Rob on February 02, 2015
Q: A further question on deflation. If we do enter deflation, can low to zero interest rates still be used as a positive indicator for the economy?
Read Answer Asked by Bryon on February 02, 2015
Q: Hello Peter and Team. Its re balance time and I would like you to share your opinion of the below portfolio asset mix, does anything jump out as needing adjustment?
US Stocks 29%
Can Stocks 21%
Bonds 21%
International Stocks 17%
Emerging Mkts Stocks 4%
Cash 8%
Read Answer Asked by Peter on February 02, 2015
Q: Hello Peter & team, I wish to invest in US Small cap stocks. Which of the 2 following ETFs would you prefer, SLY or IWO (iShares Russell 2000 Growth (IWO)? SLY seems to have a better P/E ratio and a better yield. Both carry about the same fees of 0.20%. Thanks, Gervais
Read Answer Asked by Gervais on February 02, 2015
Q: Thinking of picking up some Pembina Pipeline and Brookfield Infrastructure Fund for income. What do you think of these companies? Also I know we are a ways away from a rate hike here in Canada but when rates start to rise, will the stock prices of these companies get hit hard?
Read Answer Asked by John on February 02, 2015
Q: In a recent interview Tom Liston said he sees venture capital shifting from resources to technology and believes there are a number of good Cdn tech companies that are IPO capable. In fact he sees a pent up demand in public markets for IPO's.
Do you get the same sense, and if so would this be a catalyst for CF?
Read Answer Asked by michael on February 02, 2015
Q: From what I've read today (01/02/15) it seems the reason why oil appreciated on Friday is because of the strike by "USW". It's a nation wide strike. If I remember correctly the last time the "USW" went on strike an agreement wasn't reached until after a month. If this is the reason why oil spiked on Friday what do you make of it?
Read Answer Asked by Michel on February 02, 2015
Q: Hi Peter and team
I hope you can help with this dilemma. I want to open an RESP account for my grandchild and I have like to hold Uas stocks in this account. I have been told by RBC DI that they only set up CAD accounts in RESP's. Do you or any members out there know of what alternatives I have to do this? If there is such a possibility does it qualify for the CESG having USD stocks?
Read Answer Asked by Kathy on February 02, 2015
Q: do you think this would still be okay to buy? thanks
Read Answer Asked by jim on February 02, 2015
Q: I would like to know which Company bought the Rights to Pennsaid, Also, I read that Nuvo reacquires 2% Rights of Pennsaid. I know this is an excellent product, it works wonders for me, it is a bit expensive, but worth it.
Read Answer Asked by Catherine on February 02, 2015
Q: This is in reference to the 5i reply to my question on NRI. Fabrice Taylor recently appeared on BNN and said they had $6 in cash. Is that correct. If so can a stock fall much below cash value as it is already at 4.51. What about the other products they are getting money for which are already in the market. Would they count for something. I already own stock with average price of 6.1. Should I bail out and take a loss at this point or wait or waiting could result in more losses.
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on February 01, 2015
Q: You mentioned that Nuvo had about 10 million in cash and that more downside is likely. I thought they had over $50 million in cash and that the current price reflected cash /share which would be approximately the floor. Please advise.
Read Answer Asked by sandy on February 01, 2015
Q: To register for the webinar one must register to Questrade who have the authority to contact you. I already have an account set up, so I really don't want have to deal/talk with them. My question ... Is the webinar available for view immediately after the live show ends?
Read Answer Asked by Rick on February 01, 2015
Q: Thanks to Mike's recent comment about treating all accounts as a whole as suggested by 5iR, I'm in the process of doing it. Wow, it is quit the effort...what with hold about 20% in US equity, as I decided to go with the TSX sectors rather than the US sectors. Although the US sectors are fewer, I went Cdn as more equity is in TSX stocks. Take it that is the way to go?
One thing I need guidance is on how to classify FB, GOOGL and in the US, the three are classified as communication. Thinking of showing FB and GOOGL as Information Technology, while DIS as consumer discretionary. What say you?
There are many other BAD is treated as Consumer Discretionary but I'm classifying it under Energy - services, and BDI as Finance - Real Estate rather than Industrial. (All so "wild and woolly" eh?! ) But these are all marginal, right?
Hope to complete this task before the Super Bowl game kick-off.......Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on February 01, 2015