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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: A comment to Marc's question.

Note that, as of Feb.10, 2015 (i.e. one year before maturity), Vermillion can redeem ("call") this bond at 100% of face value (plus any accumulated interest), i.e. without any additional "sweetener". If Vermillion feels that it can refinance this debt in the current environment with a better interest rate than 6.5%, it is quite likely to be redeemed and you likely will actually lose a bit of money (based on your above-par purchase price).

I suspect that this is the reason that the apparent >4% yield-to-maturity looks so attractive for such a short-term holding, since it is quite likely that the bond will be called.
Read Answer Asked by Gregory on November 14, 2014
Q: Your expert view on CQE's results today.Also your advice as bought it @ $2.55.Thanks a lot for your usual good services & opinions.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on November 14, 2014
Q: Hi, I bought HOU at $5 and it is now trading at $2.87.
In your opinion, can an ETF on crude oil go bankrupt?
Read Answer Asked by Carlo on November 14, 2014
Q: Hello,
Taking into account that you like this stock, can you please comment on the valuation of this company (price / cash flow i assume would be the best metric ?) vs the sustainability of their growth rate, assets / reserve, volatility to commodity price and vs competing companies in the industry. Thank you for your great service.
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on November 14, 2014
Q: Thanks for freat advice!
I am 69 years old wuth avdefined pension which needs supplementing and would like to earn income and get growth exceeding inflation in some energy stocks whether or not the price of oil goes up or down... How would you rate each of these industries for this purpose going forward, and what others might you recommend. Also would you be able give (2) best choices in each:

Processing and or storage or other related services

Also are there 'best times/seasons' to take positions or avoid taking positions in each industry?

Read Answer Asked by lyle on November 14, 2014
Q: Peter and Team,

There is a bond in the "high yield" category available through my broker for Vermillion Energy. The Maturity is Feb. 2016 and it is showing a coupon of 6.5% and an ask price of $101.850. I like the short duration and I think the yield looks good. Any thoughts and buying or not buying this bond? My aim is simply to buy the bond and hold to maturity to collect the yield and then get my principal returned.

Read Answer Asked by Marc on November 14, 2014
Q: Hi 5i: What is your assessment of Kelso's recent results, and what do you think of its prospects over the next year or two? Thanks again for your invaluable advice.
Read Answer Asked by Roland on November 14, 2014
Q: hello 5i team

Have been watching GILD for a while now as I think there is tremendous potential. Having said that today it was reported AbbVIE appears to have pulled a bit of a fast one on GILD by convincing the patent office they have invented a novel computer model to predict effective combination therapies. This has apparently convinced the patent office the very same patents applied for by GILD back in Sept actually belong to AbbVIE.

It was these very patents which gave GILD such a big upside moving forward but now it appears with AbbVie jumping into the picture the market is not looking favorably at GILD with it down almost 10% in 10 days and dropping.

Both are now suing each other.

Can you shed any light on all this for us and exactly what it means for GILD moving forward.

Thanks for all you do

Read Answer Asked by Gord on November 14, 2014
Q: Good morning,

When will be the last day to sell some shares for tax loss?

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Paul on November 14, 2014
Q: Is Alibaba a buy at the current market price?
Read Answer Asked by Dwight on November 14, 2014
Q: I know one can't time the bottom. In your opinion, are we near a bottom or at a point where you would be comfortable suggesting some buying opportunities in this sector, or would you advocate waiting longer?

Thanks for your advice.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on November 14, 2014
Q: In 2011, I purchased 2000 shares of CCO for growth in my RRSP prior to the collapse of uranium prices. CCO has recovered a bit but I am still down 33%. I am toying with selling now, absorbing the loss, and redeploying the approx. $42K to higher-yielding stocks like FRU or AW.UN with potentially better medium-term growth prospects. Now retired, I want more income and think CCO is dead money, at least for the next few years.
I would welcome your opinion on this approach.
Read Answer Asked by Jean on November 14, 2014
Q: Peter:

Caldwell Partners International (TSX: CWL) released fiscal 2014 report this evening and the results look outstanding year-over-year. They even increased their dividends. This stock seems totally mispriced, even on a trailing basis. Do you agree?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on November 14, 2014