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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: best way to play cooper ??? for rewards of future electrification
Read Answer Asked by JOSEPH on August 30, 2023
Q: Hi Folks,
I currently hold AQN in my RRSP account at a loss of 30%. I am looking at NEP in the US as a possible replacement. May I have your analysis and opinion of such a move or would you recommend holding onto AQN for now and wait to see if anything comes of the "activist investors".
Read Answer Asked by JOHN on August 30, 2023
Q: Can you suggest public traded companies that focus on restoration after environmental events (i.e. fires, hurricanes and floods)?
Read Answer Asked by Danny on August 30, 2023
Q: Do you have any stocks you can recommend in the battery space? I'm seeing lots of hype about solid state batteries and other battery chemistries. With the electrification of everything, battery tech is going to continue to evolve and demand seems to be massive.
Looking for both startups and established businesses.


Read Answer Asked by Jim on August 29, 2023
Q: hypothetical question on loss provisions: should these provisions that are set aside (or at least a portion of them) ultimately not be necessary in the future, does that mean there is a potential for them to be reflected as revenue on future earnings and thus, result in a seemingly excellent quarter, year, or whenever this situation could happen? How is viewed from an accounting perspective?
Read Answer Asked by Brett on August 29, 2023
Q: Looking for stocks based on the same business model as CSU AME and TDG - collection of entrepreneurial businesses in same sector growing organically and by acquisition, leaving managers and ulture intact [provide corporate support] with siognificant market share and pricing power. I think that describes these 3 companies. Please identify others and rank all with initial buy prices.
Read Answer Asked by sam on August 29, 2023