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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Peter,
Is the stock price ahead of itself for Amaya? Would you consider it as a hold, add or trim to one's holding. I have about a 3 percent weighting. thanks very much
Read Answer Asked by umedali on November 19, 2014
Q: Hello.
I read on BNN that Penn West (PWT.TO) is seeing some aggressive insider buying. What are your thoughts? Stock is inexpensive ($4.76) with a whopping 11.75% dividend. Sustainable?

Read Answer Asked by Giovanni on November 19, 2014
Q: I have most of my portfolio in cash and equities. I don't understand bonds very well and I'd like your recommendation on a long term bond for a RRSP.

Read Answer Asked by Charlie on November 19, 2014
Q: Hello Peter,
Since the article in the Globe about Nuvo Research, the stock has surged. Is there other news you are aware of that is moving the stock higher? Also, Concordia's numbers were excellent even though they missed the estimate. Is this the reason why the stock is flat since the earnings and in general when companies continue to increase their revenues and Earnings but miss estimates, is this a bad sign for a stock as i thought the analyst estimates was just one factor in buying and selling not the complete reason for owning or selling the stock. Thanks for your advice.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on November 19, 2014
Q: where is the best place to find out what % of a companies stock insiders own.tks
Read Answer Asked by andrew on November 19, 2014
Q: Hi Peter,
I am planning to initiate position either in FRC or MTL but confused as I don't know which is better investment. Pl provide your analysis keeping in view declining oil prices and glut in production of oil in USA.
Read Answer Asked by inderjit on November 19, 2014
Q: Hi Peter, currently I have REITs AX.un, BBT.un, CAR.un AAR,un and RMM.un, They been paying nice div. I am loosing capital on RMM and would like to replace it with either ATD.b,ZUH, XHC, ZGI or ZLB.
Would appreciate your advise.
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on November 19, 2014
Q: Hi Peter & Team
Have you looked at Avon Products. Is it a Hero (in disguise), or a Zero
Thanks, as always
Read Answer Asked by Conrad L on November 19, 2014
Q: Re Feizal's re P.Hodson's top picks on BNN.The 3 picks on Oct 27 were GC(up 17%),TMA(7%) & XTC(11%).You can see the importance of the picks. My request is that if You can provide us with your top 3 picks on your monthly update on the 2 portfolios.There are many benefits to members such as rebalancing of portfolio,entry point(know You do not like timing),confidence @ that point of time etc besides the above appreciations of your picks.Thanks a lot for your consideration
Read Answer Asked by Peter on November 19, 2014
Q: In my portfolio I have Rio Can to cover my real estate, and I am wondering if First Service would be a better choice. I just have a small gain on Rei.un plus the dividend. Should I sell Rei.un and buy FSV? I have all the other names in your model portfolio except SYZ, & DSG.
Thanks very much for the wonderful service!
Read Answer Asked by Shirley on November 19, 2014
Q: Hi Team,

I'm looking for a single etf or low cost mutual fund to diversify my tfsa portfolio which currently holds only Canadian equities.

A fund that caught my eye was prpfx which is supposedly modeled on the "permanent portfolio". What are your thoughts on this fund.

Are there other products that contain fixed income and international equity which you would suggest I consider? Do you have a favorite?

Thank you very much for all of your helpful answers.
Read Answer Asked by Geoff on November 19, 2014
Q: I just looked at the 5 year chart for this company after it dropped yet again today.
I know you have looked at it and apprently there is no "news" to justify this degree of downward momentum.
However, no other time period in the last 5 yers comes remotely close to this kind share price decline for WEQ.
In your experience, when you see this kind of dramatic sell off do you often find that it turns out to be insiders or folks close to insiders selling on information that the rest of us do no have access to?
I have held this company for many years and done well by it, but now my instincts smell a "rat". Am I justified in feeling this way?

Thanks for another learning experience.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on November 19, 2014
Q: I first want to say that I really like the service offered by 5i and have recommended it to others. I would to better understand the portfolio review service that you are now offering. Will your team be considering risk tolerance, age, etc? I just don't know how different the recommendations/feedback will be other than mirroring what the model portfolios already offer.
I am considering it, but would like to know more! (I imagine this question might be on the minds of others too)
Read Answer Asked by Mike on November 19, 2014
Q: Peter could I have your opinion on Disney.
Thanks Shirley
Read Answer Asked by SHIRLEY on November 19, 2014
Q: With DH sitting at or near their 52 week high, do you you still consider them to be a good buy, or would you wait for a pullback?
Read Answer Asked by steve on November 19, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and Ryan, with this supposedly glut of oil is there any reason to be holding service stocks and frackers at this time? Would you consider PD and CFW a buy, sell or hold at this time.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by CHARLES LA on November 19, 2014
Q: Hi Peter
Took your advice early in the week and was very happy with purchase. Did they really need to dilute things today with the new issue or are you happy with it?
Thanks for all the effort
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on November 19, 2014
Q: Would appreciate your comments on LTS, underwater big time. Is it worth hanging on to or maybe even average down. Will it survive? Leonard
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on November 18, 2014