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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Nice move upwards today.
I need to sell some shares in my RRSP to pay tax bills and I had this one earmarked for the chop. Now I'm wondering if I should hold on for a bit.
The trouble is that whenever I hang on for a further rise after an encouraging increase, the price seems to fall to where it was before.
Was there any news in particular that sparked the rise?
Read Answer Asked by John on November 17, 2014
Q: Hello Team,
I'm trying to decide between FM & NSU. I will be holding it for the long term. Which do you think will have the better upside? Also do you think the dividend is safe with NSU?
Read Answer Asked by luke on November 17, 2014
Q: Hello,
I've been holding HAL for 1.5 years. With their recent acquisition of Baker Hughes (BHI), would it be wise to take my profits and exit?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Sunita on November 17, 2014
Q: Further to comments re drips: I really don't like the suggestion of sending confidential financial information via email unless it's encrypted for security (which Scotia trade may well be, i realize). I made a phone call to TD direct investments and they took care of it in seconds. I confess I don't know if they give the discount.
Read Answer Asked by M.S. on November 17, 2014
Q: hi it seems the world is going in the direction of LED lights and lighting systems. I would like to know if you have any thoughts on crs corp or any other manufacturers of LED lighting the may have upside in the markets. thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by jim on November 17, 2014
Q: Yr comments plz re the recent financial news.

Read Answer Asked by roger on November 17, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and team,
Will you pl comment on these companies in detail keeping in view the low prospects for energy related businesses? Which one is the buy at current prices or any other name you recommend?
Read Answer Asked by inderjit on November 17, 2014
Q: Good morning Peter & Team,

This isn't a question. Austin recently asked you how to go about setting up a DRIP for a particular stock. I am with Scotia iTrade, and it's a simple process to set up a DRIP, just by sending an email to their customer service dept., with details of the request - account number, number of shares, and name of stock. They also have a nice feature that indicates what stocks in your portfolio are set up with a DRIP (a highlighted "D" in a circle).

Perhaps other brokers require the client to contact the company's agent directly, but certainly iTrade has made this process really easy.

Thanks for your wonderful service. I am constantly learning and find the Q & A section invaluable.

Read Answer Asked by Jerry on November 17, 2014
Q: I hold HLF in TFSA (approx 15% position). It is down 2% from purchase. I am considering replacing HLF with CCL.B based on your latest report. I am emphasizing growth in my TFSA. Your opinion re this idea ?
Read Answer Asked by Terrance on November 17, 2014
Q: Mark me down as stupid, but I have no idea what is going on with STN. All I can figure out from their news release as stated on their website and from the entries here is that I'm getting their standard dividend of 0.185 per share and I'm under water by over 49%. Could you please elucidate?
Read Answer Asked by Fred on November 17, 2014
Q: I have 60k in cash evenly split in my RRSP & TFSA awaiting another correction .
In the interim can you give me 6 blue chip low beta Canadian stocks to invest in my RRSP and TFSA . Many thanks Richard
Read Answer Asked by Richard on November 17, 2014
Q: Hi Guys, I have taken over a few accounts from my financial advisor thanks to your guidance. Now, I have an Income mutual fund ($15,000.00 value, 5% weighting) that has a penalty of $ 600.00 if I cash it out early (matures in Sept 2016). My thoughts are, cash it in now, if I can earn between 7% to 12% within your equity portfolio I will be ahead of the game.
Read Answer Asked by jim on November 17, 2014
Q: Hi Team, re above, I am impressed with David Burrows and Diane Avidgor. When I look at their fees and performance bonus in the private pool structure, I get cold feet. Any comments as I have done well with your guidance.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on November 17, 2014
Q: Hello,
I am wanting to add another stock to my TFSA, which contains SGY, DSG & ADW.A. Each stock is close to 25% of TFSA but only about 2.5% of total portfolio.
I am considering adding ITP, Winpak WPK, or CCL Industries CCL.B.
1. I like all of ITP metrics except for the Forward PE (19.5) which is higher than the Trailing PE (9.8). Should I be reading anything into this?
2. Which company would be your preference for continued earnings growth & growing dividend with 5 yr plus outlook.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on November 17, 2014
Q: Hi Team,

Would you please recommend a couple of US funds ETF'S geared towards income and growth, and one which is strickly income? safety of principal is a priority. I need a US dollar income stream, with a $100,000 to invest.

Thanks for your help

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on November 17, 2014
Q: Hello Peter,

I am looking for recommendations for best momentum plays for the annual year end rally (either stocks or sectors).
Thank you again for the excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Raoul on November 17, 2014
Q: Good Morning 5i,

There are reports that the price of oïl could hit $50 by early next spring seasonal down trend. I am holding 5% of my portfolio of each in CPG,SGY and FRU. All of them are for the dividend. Also, I hold ECA (5% of the protfolio) for growth.

Since, the reports are saying price decrease, what would be the strategie for me at this time. Naturally I am under water on all of those stocks. Selling for tax season would be one strategy and the other is hold on to get the dividends.

Do you have any other strategy? Am I too heavy weitghed in the sector?



Read Answer Asked by Paul on November 17, 2014
Q: What are your thoughts on the Q3 results? What impact will the Red Chris mine have on its metrics?

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on November 17, 2014