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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have now subscribed to your newsletter for almost a year, and I am very impressed. I have a question for you about a now bankrupt company, Poiseidon Concepts. I lost a bundle on it. It was a darling of the analysts before it tanked, and was recommended in two of the newsletters I was subscribing to at the time. One even recommended doubling up after it had dropped by 70% (which I did), then it "went to zero". Had you ever followed the stock, and were you able to see its demise coming? Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on November 24, 2014
Q: I just re-read Ryan's excellent article highlighting stocks flying under the radar.

I believe that SYZ was one of Peter's picks 2-3 years ago for one of the many stock picking contests he has won. SYZ has gone from under $3 to $12 - and still has zero analyst coverage. I would think that kind of performance puts it into a very special category. Is the lack of coverage incompetence on the part of the analysts and their managers who run the funds, or is there something intrinsic about SYZ that keeps them away?

Thanks to you I am a well rewarded owner of SYZ, but still find the lack of coverage intriguing; but would expect this to change with even more of a share price increase in the future and am looking to add to it.

Would you concur?

Thanks - on many levels for your service.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on November 23, 2014
Q: Apparently recent insider buying. Your thoughts on this company?
Read Answer Asked by kenneth on November 23, 2014
Q: Some reasons for good equity market.Seasonality & 3rd year of mid term election indicate strong Nov to April period.Low interest rate.Increasing earnings growth. Please advise if it is time to invest now?.If so,please provide some appropriate "growth & dividend" stocks. Thanks a lot for your usual excellent advices & serices
Read Answer Asked by Peter on November 23, 2014
Q: Hi Peter & team, In the November 17th edition of Member News you say: "Tim Hortons when its merger with Burger King is approved. The new entity will be classified as a US company". I currently have a position in THI in a non-registered account. Because dividends of US companies are treated as interest, I am thinking of selling THI and replace it by another Canadian company in the same sector. Is it a good idea, may be not? Which same sector Canadian company should I buy to replace THI? Thanks, Gervais
Read Answer Asked by Gervais on November 23, 2014
Q: Peter In response to a question about a switch from BTE to Turmoline you advised to the question that you would agree with the switch as you believed that Tourmline had better management.
Would you share what criteria you use in rating a management team?
Kind Regards
Read Answer Asked by Stan on November 23, 2014
Q: Could you give me your opinion on CWT.UN which represents ~1% of my portfolio. They seem to have reported good results for Q3. In your opinion, are they likely to be impacted by e-commerce over the next few years?
Read Answer Asked by jacques on November 23, 2014
Q: Hi Peter, I have these Mutual Funds in my portfolio and they have done extremely well in this market environment, I wish more people shared they good investments here. While I am at it, would like your opinion of TBE and RMM.un. many thanks, Joe.P Burlington
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on November 23, 2014
Q: I Sold my shares of NFSHF, maybe at the bottom, it scared me. I was thinking of switching to NOV calls that expire in 2016 with a Delta of around 90%. Would you have advice. Maybe I should switch to another sector all together. Do you have a recommendation?
Read Answer Asked by Anthony on November 23, 2014
Q: Pl advise when is the peak period for tax loss selling for this year. Pl advise how we can track what managers are buying and selling.
Read Answer Asked by inderjit on November 23, 2014
Q: I have a general question about market portfolio allocations. I am 31 years old and my wife and I have a new born coming. We have from the sale of a property $150,000 to invest and would only change the allocation in the portfolio once in a while to readjust. I was thinking of holding 20-25 stocks.

In your opinion what is a good ratio to put in different sectors for a diverse portfolio. (10% energy, 10% financials, 10% bonds etc....). Also how much should you invest in the US and in the small cap sectors?
Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Greg on November 23, 2014
Q: Boup Group has proven to be a great investment over the last couple of years. I anticipate that this winter's weather, if we enjoy polar vortex activity, should see some bitter weather and a brisk business for the auto repair industry. However, taking a longer term view, I have to wonder how the technological developments in self-parking, danger alarms, back-up obstruction sgnals etc. will impact the accident rate and therefore the auto repair business.
Would you please comment on these issues and provide your two to five year view of BYD.UN?
With appreciation for your significant support for the retail investor.
Read Answer Asked by Ed on November 23, 2014
Q: Could you give me your opinion on this company at this time.It pays a good dividend and seems to come off its highs recently.

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Allen on November 23, 2014
Q: good morning 5i team,

yesterday it was announced RKN received an order from a national corp in the Asia Pacific worth $13 mill. And your reply to my query yesterday re recent results was luke warm but had some encouraging aspects.

On Sept 15 you answered my question with "RKN has potential but has so far been a bit of a disappointment."... "We would consider holding on for one more quarter to see if things look like they will improve and then consider moving on."

As we stand today @ 4.08 with a bit of an upward trend in place, I am under water a little over 15% on a small position.

Everything considered, would you say 1) things have improved 2) it's time to move on or 3) looks like things are/may be improving and to hold on for another quarter.

As always, appreciate everything you do


Read Answer Asked by Gord on November 23, 2014
Q: Hello Team
I am 79 yrs old and in good health. I have 100k to invest. I do not need this for other than disaster insurance?
65% of money in a RRIF in cash and some BBD.B and CNR stock and 35% of the money is in a TFSA cash and some BNS stock.
Should I be looking to your Income portfolio or the model portfolio or a hybrid of the two as I could accept some risk here.
Read Answer Asked by Frank on November 23, 2014
Q: Hi Peter,

What is your take on WEQ-Buy, Sell Or Hold? The company seems to be moving in the right direction but stock price get slaughtered. Thx Colin
Read Answer Asked by colin on November 23, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and team, do you think it is time to start dipping your toe back into energy stocks or wait for tax loss season to be over? Which stocks would you pick with the highest upside potential for a tfsa?
Thx Nancy
Read Answer Asked by Nancy on November 23, 2014
Q: Hello,
Are you planning to replace Contrans by another name in the transportation sector?
Read Answer Asked by Antoine on November 22, 2014