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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have parked US$ in a money market fund that pays 0.2 % pa. (RBF2014 in my case). That is a negative real return and money rusts away while you wait wait for the US market to cool its overheated jets. For parking C$ I use iShares CBO. Are you able to suggest any US$ short term* non-hedged US$ bond ETF? (* meaning 1 to 5 year). Funds would be required as and when reasonable prices are found or if US markets pull back. The holding period could thus range from several weeks to months.
Thank you. Best, Adam
Read Answer Asked by Adam on November 26, 2014
Q: I have noticed that when you suggest to members that tax loss selling might be a desired activity to lower taxes, you have used a 23% saving. Am I correct that this is because the Ontario maximum Tax on Capital Gains is 46% X 1/2? I live in Alberta, and I believe our similar rate is 39% X 1/2. Just clarifying.
Thanks for all you do for the members.
Read Answer Asked by Ed on November 26, 2014
Q: Hi Peter & Team,

Which of these 2 ETFs would you prefer? ZUE or ZSP.

Thanks for your great advice.


Read Answer Asked by Henry on November 26, 2014
Q: Much thanks to the post by 'Peter' re: Shorting America
By Walter Cruttenden.
Short selling with it's manipulating ways has always been a sore topic with me .
I would advise every investor to confirm with their investing broker that they 'do not' want any shorting of equities held in your name without your permission.
Thank you D McV
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on November 26, 2014
Q: In your portfolio review, will you only review Canadian Stocks or can we submit with U.S. stocks also?
Read Answer Asked by Doug on November 26, 2014
Q: GH seems to sliding. Any news? and can you comment on the last quarter? Thank You Ron
Read Answer Asked by Ronald on November 26, 2014
Q: Hudbay price is approaching 200-day M.A. - They have a big mine in Peru nearly ready for production - your thoughts, please.
Read Answer Asked by jim on November 26, 2014
Q: Hi guys,

I have a decent gain on BEP.UN of approximately 15%. It is touching 52 week highs and I'm trying to raise a bit of cash given that the market has done very well since the correction. With interest rates rising in 2015 (possibly) and the realization that interest rate sensitive stocks would get hurt before rates actually rise, do you think its a good idea to sell BEP.UN and move up the ranks to Brookfield Asset Management on a pullback?

Thanks for your advice,
Read Answer Asked by Jason on November 26, 2014
Q: Peter I am in your line up for a portfolio review. On my allocation diversification I look at my assets in total which means in some accounts I am skewed heavy to one sector but on a whole I am reasonably well diversified.How do you view this?
Regards Stan
Read Answer Asked by Stan on November 26, 2014
Q: Hello Peter & Co,
I own CN.
I sold TFI in July (35% profit in 1 year) when it spiked after announcing its intention to acquire CSS. I also sold WTE in July (100% profit + dividends in 4 years) because of the poor outlook for coal.
I'm thinking of re-entering the trucking business: back with TFI? (perhaps I should not have sold it) or TMA? or MTL?
Seeking your guidance.
Read Answer Asked by Antoine on November 25, 2014
Q: Hi Peter
Sirius seems to be drifting lower every day with slowing growth. I hold a small percentage in my portfolio. Should I hold on longer, or sell for a tax loss. Thnks
Read Answer Asked by George on November 25, 2014
Q: I must have missed it but how do you calculate your fee for your Portfolio Review service?
Thanks and I am very impressed by your (and my)portfolio performances.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on November 25, 2014
Q: Just wondering if I wanted a portfolio review is the fee that 5i charges tax deductible?

Read Answer Asked on November 25, 2014
Q: Hello Peter & Co
Some of my holdings have a negative beta (globe investor); how does one explain that?
Read Answer Asked by Antoine on November 25, 2014