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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi - your thoughts on the financing today - does this make sense at these prices - pretty big chunk for a $700m cap company. Reducing debt, but also cash for acquisitions? thanks
Read Answer Asked by Scott on February 10, 2015
Q: 10:32 AM 2/9/2015

Hello Peter

I was shocked the other day to see your answer to a question on Currency Exchange International CXI in which you say is is an American Company and thus deemed to be a Foreign Investment from CRA's perspective requiring a Form 1135 report. To me it seemed to be just another TSX listed company!

Is there any reliable way to find which TSX listed companies are actually Foreign or do I just have to search for the company corporate head office address and assume a foreign address is the key?

Are all US [and foreign] companies with a TSX listing considered foreign? And are Canadian companies interlisted in New York considered not foreign?

I wish to avoid the tax and dividend complications of foreign ownership.

Thank you.... Paul K
Read Answer Asked by Paul on February 09, 2015
Q: Hi Peter,

Could I have your opinion on Bombardier Pref B ? I have about a 50 % loss if I sold today, don't mind the income but concerned about future down side. Would you sell and move on ?

Read Answer Asked by David on February 09, 2015
Q: Hi there! Could you please comment on AlarmForce Industries Inc. or AF - T? It appears to be attractively priced trading near its Annual Low.


Dave (Nicholson)
Read Answer Asked by David on February 09, 2015
Q: I bought Regal life style at a much higher price, I am thinking of averaging down, Previous posting indicated that you have positive views of the company. Doing my research I noticed that there is a high insider selling by ELAD Canada at current price, so I am reluctant to add to it. What is your opinion on the high insider selling for this company.

Read Answer Asked by Saad on February 09, 2015
Q: 11:04 AM 2/9/2015

Hello Peter

I bought Northwest Healthcare Real Estate Investment Trust nearly 2 years ago at $11.42 a share and I hold only a 1% position. The dividend is very good at 8.5% and I would assume quite reliable given the nature of the business. Do you agree?

However I am concerned that ever since I bought it the shares slowly have slid steadily lower over the last 2 years with lower highs and lower lows pretty much wiping out the income from the dividends. At present it is near a lower high [I am "only" down 18%] and wonder if I should just sell out and take my loss? My only two holdings in this sector are the 1% in NWH.UN and a 1% position in Chartwell CSH.UN.

Do you consider Chartwell to be in the health sector or in the REIT sector?

Should I just hold on to Northwest for income or should I sell it and add the proceeds to Chartwell which I think you believe to be a "better" company.

Thank you.... Paul K
Read Answer Asked by Paul on February 09, 2015
Q: Something is up at Black Diamond Group. It's up 13% today.
Any ideas what's going on?
Read Answer Asked by Mark on February 09, 2015
Q: Hello Folks:
Even with the down-slide, we have have done pretty well with our hefty position in Gilead Sciences (20%). With their future profitability reduced somewhat by competitors,
would you stick with them or perhaps look for another name in U.S. health care sector or perhaps you could recommend an ETF. We are happy to continue with Gilead if you think best.
Thanks for your great service
Read Answer Asked by Brian on February 09, 2015
Q: Are you still comfortable with all the components of the Canadian Money Saver Model Portfolio for the next couple of years or are there any suggestions for changes.
Read Answer Asked by Martin on February 09, 2015
Q: Hello,
Energy producers represent 5.4% of my RRIF portfolio (TOU,VET,WCP) and Energy infra such as pipelines (ENB,IPL,PPL) & midstream (KEY) represent 10.4% of the portfolio. I intend to reduce the latter on an equally weighted basis and use the proceeds to buy BAD & BIN.
Your opinion please & what sector would they best fit in?
Read Answer Asked by Antoine on February 09, 2015
Q: Hello, am considering a couple of US listed socks, one of which is NXPI which has done well the past year. Is it too late to get in? The other is CNV, an e-commerce company which Barron's in January reported is given an overweight recommendation by Morgan Stanley. Feel free to treat as two questions. Thanks to all at 5i for the tremendous service. Bill
Read Answer Asked by Bill on February 09, 2015
Q: Just curious what your thoughts are on the news that loyalist student housing is spinning off into a separate entity and how this will affect shareholders?
Read Answer Asked by Kim on February 09, 2015
Q: Hello,

I have a question in two parts. I know it's hard (if not impossible) to predict where the price of oil (and as a result our dollar) is going in the short term. Having said that it seems that oil has been stabilized some what and a drop to 30$ (for any long time) in not likely. With that in mind:
1. Is it still worth it exchanging C$ to $US at current prices to buy US equities? and if yes which ones for a 2+ years hold on a non registered account.

2. Some energy stocks doubled since lows in December. Are there any that you would pick today (that even if oils goes down for a couple of months) will not go broke and have the best chance to multiply.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Marios on February 09, 2015
Q: Hi; What's your view on TSo3? I purchased it in Nov and I am down 28.9%. I see analysts have a target price of 2.50-3.75 for 2015 and still showing as a buy rating. It slowly keeps going down. The FDA approval has not seemed to have made a difference. Thanks for your opinion.
Read Answer Asked by Theresa on February 09, 2015