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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i,

GIC's are about 15% of our portfolio with BTI and EPD each at 1.5%. GIC's (laddered strategy) roll over between October and March. Would you recommend 1 or 2 year GIC's (@5.5%), 5-year GIC @5%, add to EPD or BTI , or do you recommend a bond or mix of bonds? We are in our mid 60's, retired, risk tolerance is medium.

Thank you for your Service
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on September 05, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,
What’s your thesis on Empire? I’ve held the position for several years and it seems to be the perennial underperformer of the grocers (MRU, L). Trying to decide whether it’s time to cut the position and move on to better opportunities.

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Greg on September 05, 2023
Q: Help me understand what the 2or3 key reasons are, to continue holding ECN, in addition to economic recovery and lower interest rates. Is economic recovery and lower interest rates the dominant reason to continue holding ECN? In your experience looking at a companies whose business was similar to ECN, how long will it be to see a share price response, to these reasons, if properly executed?
Read Answer Asked by Greg on September 05, 2023
Q: hi,
I was reading questions/answers this am. I noticed "John" today asked what to do with 4 equities that are down right now (AQN,Alaris, cargo jet,goeasy). I agree these seem like holds or buys right now. however, I am guessing John was looking for dividend payers with some growth(opposed to high growth, perhaps more speculative stocks), to swap with his current 4 (3,2,1??) equities he has at loss. he is retired. I am in a similar position, and would like your thoughts on potential dividend payers with some growth ( ie capital gains keeping up with inflation, at least ). cheers, chris
Read Answer Asked by chris on September 05, 2023
Q: Any concerns with BCE’s payout ratio being over 100%? TD’s analyst downgraded the stock last week as he noted that the Street has overlooked BCE’s cash costs related to the payment and servicing of capital losses. As a result, they lowered the FCF estimate by $550M which dramatically increases the payout ratio for 2023E to 148%, versus 119% previously. They note they see no near- to medium-term prospect for the payout ratio to get below 100% if BCE keeps raising the dividend 5% per year.
Read Answer Asked by Zach on September 05, 2023
Q: Hi 5i team:

So today (Sept 1st) there was economic news on a slight contraction to Canadian GDP and the TSX rocketed up, presumably on assumptions about the implications for interest rates. I know you have mentioned in the past that by the time a recession is officially declared we are probably well on the way to being out of it. I’m assuming that the “smart money” probably has more subtle indicators that they watch that probably don’t necessarily make the daily mainstream headlines? Curious if anything maybe below the average investor’s radar has caught your attention of late that has caused you go “huh” with regards to the market (I have learned to appreciate your insights over the years). Thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on September 05, 2023
Q: Follow-up questions. - Do you suggest P/E below is considered a value stock? If not please give us what is considered as value P/E.

The current forward P/E for each sector is:

Materials: 17.4X
Real Estate: 28.2X
Financial: 13.4X
Services: 16.5X
Discretionary: 24.4X
Utilities: 16.1X
Energy: 11.6X
Health: 17.5X
Staples: 19.4X
Industrial: 18.2X
Technology: 25.5X

Thanks for the great service
Read Answer Asked by Hector on September 05, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,
In response to a question of mine and questions from others over the past few months you have pretty uniformly rated GXE a hold - partially I think on the premise that the damage has been done. I am holding and I'm content to continue for a while.
I wonder though - given its small size and present earnings of - $52M - is there enough money there to justify it continuing as a public company, especially one that is shoveling money out the door every month in the form of dividend payments?
In the past year (and possibly for longer)Twin Peaks Capital LLC has been buying up GXE shares pretty regularly, and today it owns 2.51% of the company (6.5 million shares worth $5.7 million at todays prices). Insiders have also been buying.
Why would a business like Twin Peaks Capital LLC buy so heavily into a little public company like GXE - how does it expect to get a return on its investment? Capital appreciation seems unlikely. Is it just cashing dividends, or might it be getting ready to take it over itself or, alternatively, might it be trying to ensure it has a large and therefore profitable position when someone else takes out GXE?
Thanks 5i - I look forward to a better understanding of what might be going on.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on September 05, 2023