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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What do you think of their latest earnings and their prospects going forward.
Read Answer Asked by don on March 10, 2015
Q: I was wondering if you have any knowledge of this company?
Read Answer Asked by Dan on March 10, 2015
Q: Your comments please on NRI. I understand they have a lot of cash reserves.
Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by William on March 10, 2015
Q: Peter & Co. I bought 200 shares of PKI at $18.03 in 2013. I am pleased with the present PKI price but I wonder if Alimention Couche Tard would be a better investment. Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Gary on March 10, 2015
Q: When a closed end fund trading as a stock is selling at a substantial discount to NAV, is there anything shareholders can do to force the company to liquidate and return capital to shareholders?
Read Answer Asked by Tom on March 10, 2015
Q: Which would you consider buying as a large cap. oil/gas company. Which has the most upside when the oil/gas prices return to normal?
Read Answer Asked by Rene on March 10, 2015
Q: McEwen Mining released Q4 and 2014 financials March 9th. Could you comment on the release and on the current state of the company? You have noted it is higher risk in the past and with that said, buy, hold, sell with these results and forecast?


Read Answer Asked by Erichsen on March 10, 2015
Q: Big drop in LIF yesterday. Is this related to the announcement that they will be requesting shareholder approval to allow flexibility to invest in metal or mineral royalties and issue shares to finance such investments? Does this mean investments beyond Iron Ore?
What do you think this means for the company short and longer term. I have been adding to my position recently and was planning another purchase to bring to a full position. Would this be a good time to add or wait for further weakness or move on.
This has been and will continue to be a long term hold for income and long term growth.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on March 10, 2015
Q: Hi, further to questions on record oil storage and reduced storage capacity what might be the potential impact on medium size Pipelines such as IPL, Pembina, Altagas etc.? Is it possible volumes transported could be curtailed if there is reduced storage available? To what extent is this a valid concern and would long term take or pay contracts protect them and for how long? Thank-you.
Read Answer Asked by Gary on March 10, 2015
Q: Hi what companies are doing more acquisition and how do you find them.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on March 10, 2015
Q: Hello Peter and team, a member recently asked a question regarding an article on 5i research blog "30 Cash Cows of the Dow". I can't find the article, could you tell me where to find it? On which date was it published? Thanks, Gervais
Read Answer Asked by Gervais on March 10, 2015
Q: I read the question and answer section regularly and have not noticed you saying anything negative about ROCK Energy. It has been under forming its peers for the last while. Is there anything that has happened to the stock that I am not aware of. On another note, ESP and CLR, BNN recent picks seem to have dropped off substantially. Any news on them?

Read Answer Asked by Dennis on March 10, 2015