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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Could you comment on the combination of Northwest healthcare and Northwest International Healthcare ?
Read Answer Asked by terrance on March 12, 2015
Q: CLCT has recently pulled back a bit after a nice run. What is your current opinion of purchasing this US small-cap stock now as a 1 - 3 yr hold, and how well covered is their (rather juicy!) dividend?

Read Answer Asked by Gregory on March 12, 2015
Q: Regarding Linda's question on washing within RRSP. RBC Direct for a few years now, has both US and Canadian currency accounts in RRSP, TSFA and all other accounts. Thus when you trade US securities they stay in US $ and you are not hit with currency exchanges coming and going. I find this feature a huge advantage.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on March 12, 2015
Q: Peter and Team, I used to think this was just coincidence. But I’m quite positive now that I know FOR CERTAIN how to determine exactly when a stock is going to drop between 5 and 10 percent, to wit: This will occur within the two trading days following my purchase of said stock. (Latest example: Exco.) My question is: how can I harness this newfound knowledge for my own financial benefit – or possibly even for the good of all mankind? (Please do not say “buy puts”. I’m quite sure this would only cause the stock to skyrocket.) Thanks as always, James
Read Answer Asked by James on March 12, 2015
Q: Hello Peter. In a RESP account for a 16 yr old child valued at 50k, are you comfortable moving it to model income portfolio. Current holdings CDZ,CHB,XHY,CNR,ENB,XFN (about equal weights). or any other suggestion.Thanks and keep up good work.
Read Answer Asked by RUPINDER on March 12, 2015
Q: Hi Peter and Staff:

You have probably already aware of Amaya response below. You may or may not wish to publish however I was wondering what would be a good entry point here, if I was to leverage down

"Amaya comments on media report regarding Italian operation (cnw)
MONTREAL, March 11, 2015 /CNW/ - Amaya Inc. ("Amaya" or the "Corporation") (TSX: AYA) today provided clarification to a media report regarding a tax dispute involving the Italian operations of PokerStars.
The tax dispute relates to operations of PokerStars dating from before the acquisition of the company by Amaya in August, 2014. The merger agreement related to that transaction provides remedies to address certain income tax and other liabilities that might occur post-closing but stemming from operations prior to the date of acquisition, including monies held in escrow as initial sources for indemnification. The current tax dispute is something Amaya was aware of prior to the transaction. Amaya does not anticipate that these tax issues would apply to future fiscal periods. The company's operations continue as usual on and it remains focused on delivering the most popular online"

Thanks again for your great advice.
Read Answer Asked by Rick on March 12, 2015
Q: Morning,

Any thoughts on why AGT is in a down trend?

Do you have an update to your Feb 2 comments on the stock price?

Is AGT a good, safe investment in the consumer area at this time?

Read Answer Asked by John on March 11, 2015
Q: Dear Gentlemen,
In your anwser for AW.un today, '' We think it remains safe to buy some for income, but would not load up to a huge position.''
For my information , what HUGE means in %
I have a position of 5% - for entire PF since last 5I report
Thanks and best regards
Read Answer Asked by Djamel on March 11, 2015
Q: Can you confirm forward p/e and forward $68.43....i think it is 12.5 / 15.5?
Read Answer Asked by Tom on March 11, 2015
Q: Further to your comments from Peter, then would this not be an excellent opportunity to leverage down. With the strength in the US dollar, and the possible intention of interest rate increase, the Canadian Market has really felt the brunt of everything is the past few days.

Again thanks for your excellent advice
Read Answer Asked by Rick on March 11, 2015
Q: Thanks for the prompt response to my earlier question today re Urthecast.
I neglected to ask earlier - could this be a good time to buy a small position in the company?
Read Answer Asked by Linda on March 11, 2015