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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: This is a new US healthcare product I was interested in buying. I wonder how you feel it compares with ZUH. Thank you so much and have a Happy New Year to everyone. I value your opinion.
Read Answer Asked by Mary Jean on December 31, 2014
Q: Do you have any opinion on the recent increase of RET.A stock price? Would you consider the retail / apparel sector a strong prospect for 2015? ...... please indicate any favorites you may have. thanks.
Read Answer Asked by KEN on December 31, 2014
Q: Hello Peter & Co,
With the aim of asset class diversification, I need to invest at least 30% of my RRIF portfolio in fixed income vehicles; could you give me 3 ETFs (corporate, government & other) that would do OK in a gradually rising interest rate environment?
Happy New Year
Read Answer Asked by Antoine on December 31, 2014
Q: You often mention liquidity when recommending ETF, what is the approx Asset Under Management (AUM) you consider liquid.

Thanks and all the best to 5i team in the New Year !
Read Answer Asked by Steve on December 31, 2014
Q: Can this stock maintain its payout going forward.
Read Answer Asked by Howard on December 31, 2014
Q: Which of these 2 stocks offer the best value, and future
performance. Thanks, How
Read Answer Asked by Howard on December 31, 2014
Q: Would you still view High Crush Partners as a hold or should I sell and take my remaining 50% profit (I am retired and in a relatively low tax bracket).
Read Answer Asked by jacques on December 31, 2014
Q: Hi folks,can u please clarify when u have to buy a stock to collect it's dividend,I always thought as long as u bought on ex-div date,u would collect.I bought penn west on ex-div date of 29 December,thinking I would collect .14 div,am I right or wrong,thanks for help,jb
Read Answer Asked by John on December 31, 2014
Q: Hi 5i team,
I'm thinking of dollar cost averaging either my Canadian Oil Sands holdings (purchased in 2008 for an astonishing $39/share) or Goldcorp (bought in early 2012 for cringeworthy $47/share). My time horizon is 3-5 years. I have similar weighting in my portfolio for both oil/gas vs mining sectors. Both these battered stocks pay dividends. Which of these 2 would you suggest I choose now to dollar cost average? I'm working under the assumption neither company looks like they will become insolvent and declare bankruptcy.

Read Answer Asked by George on December 31, 2014
Q: Would either of these companies be affected by the reduction in spending in the infrastructure projects in the oil and gas sector?

Thanks and Happy New Year

Read Answer Asked by David on December 31, 2014
Q: When calculating sector weightings, in a scenario where say you set your oil and gas weighting at 14% a year ago and its fallin to say 7%,today , would it not be wise to always use your book value when calculating weightings instead of current price weightings to avoid getting to sector heavy.
Thanks Gord
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on December 31, 2014
Q: What does 2015 look like for WEF? Is it a good time to buy?Any possible takeover bids? Thanks...Happy New Year
Read Answer Asked by Michael on December 31, 2014
Q: I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and we are looking for a prosperous New year with your advice. I would like to diversify my holdings outside of Canada for growth using etf's. What areas of the world and what etf would you recommend? I already have etfs in the US for exposure there. Perhaps a etf for Britain, Korea, India or China? Or would an etf that covers the world ex US make more sense. I appreciate your wisdom and advice on these matters.
Read Answer Asked by Colin on December 31, 2014
Q: Hi. I gather that you are not real big on Rogers, neither am I now, as I own a position in my RRSP that is currently down 15%. I have been planning on just sitting on it and hoping it would come back up 15%. But I wonder if it would be a better stratagey to just sell out and invest the money in something that may have a chance to recover that 15%? Thank you and all the best in the New Year.
Read Answer Asked by David on December 31, 2014
Q: Can I get your opinion on Corby Spirit and Wine. Happy New Year!
Read Answer Asked by Rob on December 31, 2014
Q: A portfolio manager on BNN this week suggested that Hi Yield Bonds will outperform the TSX on a total return in 2015. My portfolio is 60% fixed income and 40% equity. The fixed income is equal parts GIC ladder, CBO and PHN Hi Yield Bond Fund [ RBF 1280 ].

To shelter the fixed income capital from a spike in interest rates I am considering selling CBO and buying 1 year GIC's. I will keep the hi yield bond fund because the higher yield will offset the loss in capital, I hope. The duration of the bond fund is 2.3 years.

Do you agree with my proposal or can you suggest an alternative?

Happy New Year to the 5i Team and all the members.
Read Answer Asked by Richard on December 31, 2014
Q: I would like your opinion on questor in light of the lower oil price environment. Do you think this will adversely affect uptake of their technology as oil and gas companies cut capital spending? I note that their last quarter had only grown 6% in revenue and 5% in earnings compared to last year's quarter. What do you get as the forward p/e? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on December 31, 2014
Q: I was looking to invest some money for 6 months in our RESP. I was considering Canacol Energy Convertible Debentures maturing June 30, 2015. Do you have any concerns about the solvency of Canacol? Is it likely I would get the face amount back at maturity?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on December 31, 2014