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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Which are the best two picks to buy right now between Home Capital, Enghouse and Easyhome?
Read Answer Asked by RANDY on December 29, 2014
Q: Peter and Team,
A quick question re: averaging down. First, we am doing very well with the overall portfolio; Thank you !! BDI is a outlier down 65% from where we bought and is now a minor player for us. With your positive outlook for BDI, is it time to average down ? Is this a typically a prudent strategy ? Many other "experts" frown on this. All the best to you all for a safe rest of the Christmas break and for a really Great 2015. Paul
Read Answer Asked by Paul on December 29, 2014
Q: Is it advisable,& the entry point,to buy these 2 stocks'Appreciate your usual expert views & services.All the Best for 2015
Read Answer Asked by Peter on December 29, 2014
Q: I am interested in getting into the US market for this years TFSA investment and am thinking of a Canadian ETF which would give me US coverage - what would you recommend.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on December 29, 2014
Q: Hello Peter and team,

I am getting ready to make my 2015 TFSA contribution on Jan 2nd, and with some cash in that account I would like to invest in one or two growthy stocks. What are your top 5 suggestions for a TFSA at this time (holding period is 3 years minimum).

Also can you list your top 3 TFSA suggestions in the Information Technology and the Health Care sectors.

Please rank your choices highest to lowest.

Happy New Year,

Paul J.

Read Answer Asked by Paul on December 29, 2014
Q: NAL : TSX. According to yahoo's website. NAL's projected revenue Est for 12/14/14 is 858.04M. It's projected revenue Est for 12/14/2015 is 994.56M. It's Est growth Est for 12/14/14 is 11%, it's Est growth for for 12/14/15 is 30%
It's growth Est for the next five years is 22.5% with a five year PEG of .80
All the numbers look good and it's not more than twice growth. I compared to same numbers to Canadian Oilsands, to my surprise the numbers tell me NAL : TSX is way better. What are your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by Michel on December 29, 2014
Q: Hello

What is the difference between ATD.A and ATD.B? Why is there a price difference between the two and is purchasing one over the other preferable?

How could I identify what shares with similar tickers but a different suffix are? Another example: CCL.A and CCL.B.

Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Vir on December 29, 2014
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on December 29, 2014
Q: Hello 5i team

I hold a 4% position and have done quite well seeing a 16% increase while collecting a very nice dividend.

A suit is being brought forward by Credit Unions that failed under the weight of Mortgage-backed Securities they bought from WFC prior to 2009. I have read one article stating WFC remains a buy recommendation with a ratings score of A, and 3 others (including Bernstein) downgrading the bank.

Can you please share any opinion you may have in this matter and what your advice for me moving forward might be - hold or sell.

Thanks for all you do

Read Answer Asked by Gord on December 27, 2014
Q: Your opinion on CRR.UN.It dropped fr $13.18 on Nov 17 to 12.13 on Dec 12 & now recovered to 12.90.It appears that some stock in the REIT sector had recently gone down due to fear of increased interest rate in 2015.Appreciate your usual excellent views & services.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on December 27, 2014
Q: I would like to buy a stock for my TFSA in January 2015 that will have a good chance of having a large gain and long term growth. I am thinking about beaten up stocks like BDI, CPG or Cos. What would you recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Anne on December 27, 2014
Q: Would you mind commenting on ALC's latest numbers. Revenue appears to be up but not earnings. Was the hit on earnings a one time issue? Is debt repayment on target?

Sorry to trouble you on Christmas day - I can wait for the answer.
Read Answer Asked by James on December 26, 2014
Q: My question is why are you answering questions on Christmas day? This has nothing to do with religion. Everybody needs a break and down time. Anybody submitting them Christmas day should not expect an answer until the next business day at the very earliest.

Paul Condon
Read Answer Asked by paul on December 26, 2014
Q: Hi 5i,
if you have to choose 5 companies from your equity portfolio and 5 other from the income portfolio,which one you'll select and why?

regards and happy holidays

Read Answer Asked by Nick on December 25, 2014
Q: I am considering increasing my 1% ownership of Inogen inc---a small company that develops, manufactures and markets oxygen devices for people with chronic breathing problems. Can you comment on this industry/company/management.

Read Answer Asked by joe on December 25, 2014
Q: I am a retired dividend investor with 30% exposure to clobbered oil/gas stocks. When the price of oil finds a bottom and begins to rise again, should I increase my exposure at much cheaper prices to pursue potential capital gains?
Read Answer Asked by Jean on December 25, 2014