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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i staff, I have a position in Whiting Petroleum as a result of a takeover. It is about 1% of my portfolio. I am overweight CDN energy names. Could you please take a quick look at Whiting? Is it a decent name to hold for potential sector recovery? If it is not a hold could you please suggest a US etf ( non energy) that might have better potential for growth? Thanks as always, Frank
Read Answer Asked by Frank on January 05, 2015
Q: Which of the following etf's holding emerging market securities would you recommend.... HAJ, VEE or ZEM? Most of my other ETF holdings are Blackrock iShares with some BMO products, so I would like to diversify into Horizons, Vanguard, or BMO on this one. Many thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Paul W on January 05, 2015
Q: I have a quarter position in Rifco that has not been working.
Would you trade this for Currency Exchange International(CXI)?
I would like to ensure my $ in the higher risk/higher growth portion of my portfolio are in the names that have the best chance of working.
Read Answer Asked by Zen on January 05, 2015
Q: Rob McWhirter, on BNN quoted Ned Davis' research prediction for the next 16-20 years of low commodity prices. Oil=$35/bbl, Gold=$700/oz and copper= $135/t. This would have serious impacts on the TSX and the old favorite banking stocks would feel the pain as well. Are you able to comment on these forecasts?
Read Answer Asked by Greg on January 04, 2015
Q: I have a Riff pay't coming to me on Jan. 15/15.(need to raise about 9.000. to cover Riff pay't.) And I am wondering what I should sell. Do I sell a stock that is in a negative position or one that is in a positive position. What would you recommend, or one that has no potential for growth. But how does one decide which is the best to sell. My stocks are mostly dividend earning stocks. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for a great site. Ernie
Read Answer Asked by Ernie on January 04, 2015
Q: I see that there is still a bit of insider buying in Aston Hill with net buying overall. Do you have any insight regarding how AHF is progressing with restructuring their Assets Under Management ? Would you consider them a speculative buy here ?

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Clarence on January 04, 2015
Q: Hello 5i Team,

I am searching for a healthcare ETF, and see that you normally suggest XLV, and sometimes ZUH. However, what is your opinion of FXH? It has performed better than XLV over the last 5 years, but has a higher (0.66%) expense ratio (which may be worth it).

What are the major differences between XLV, FXH, and ZUH, and if you were to choose one for a medium risk investor with a long term (3+ years) hold which one would it be?

Paul J
Read Answer Asked by Paul on January 04, 2015
Q: Happy New Year Peter and Staff.. I have basket of utilities but did not own Valener yet....seems to look like what you would hope for drop in value though it did not rise as much as many in the sector in 2015. The recent drop in oil has reminded me that if I am getting a healthy dividend with tax credit, and I get my acb back some day I did alright. Having said all that ,what is your outlook for share value future growth and dividend maintenance/growth on VNR
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on January 04, 2015
Q: NLN seems to be breaking above a trading range that has existed since the spring. Technically the stock looks fine to buy but have fundamentals changed sufficently that you are more comfortable with it?

Read Answer Asked by Donald on January 04, 2015
Q: Can I have your opinion on this ETF for the US portion of my portfolio. The returns seem to have been quite decent and wandering if the low volatility would protect my portfolio on the downside.

Thanks for the great work and have a happy new year.
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on January 04, 2015
Q: can you tell me if this a good investment for the next 2 years

Thanks for your help
Read Answer Asked by DAN on January 04, 2015
Q: Whitecap in your modelportfolio is not rated and there's no report yet, but I'm wondering whether to go ahead and sell Baytex and replace it with Whitecap. Would WCP be the better holding for a recovery in oil prices, as well as for the long term?
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by chris on January 04, 2015
Q: A year ago you responded to my question regarding Mawer Funds. You said they were among the best of the managers available. I purchased Maw 102, 104, 108 and 130. I am happy to say they have all done extremely well. I am thinking of buying more of maw 108. What will be the impact on the fund if the Canadian dollar appreciates in value. Could you explain how exactly the fund is Canadian dollar hedged. Thanks for your help.

Read Answer Asked by Ray on January 04, 2015
Q: Hi Peter and team

Today, Jan 2, Rob asked for information sources re: preferred stock. I would recommend published by Hymas Investments It lists all Canadian preferreds by ticker symbol with dividend information, redemption dates, retraction dates (if applicable),type(perpetual, retractable , etc) and misc info such as whether the dividend is cumulative or not. Also in the comments, there is sometimes information on the rating. I hope this helps. Note the symbol is a place holder as your format requires a symbol.

Read Answer Asked by Ross on January 04, 2015
Q: I am looking at investing money in health care , would you recommend ETF to do that and if so what US and Canadian ones. If not can you recommend two stocks (US and CDN) . I do not have any health care exposure and would like to allocate 5% of my portfolio to either stocks or the ETF.s, thank you and Happy New Year.
Read Answer Asked by Jean on January 04, 2015
Q: Peter
The following are a mix of “fixed” income ETFs listed in the Nat Post's article on Robo-investors from last November sorted by decreasing yield. I am trying to shore up the fixed income portion of my portfolio and unsure of the rationale and safety of these ETFs.

Just how safe are these instruments? If there was a meltdown, could their values collapse accordingly?

At the lower end, isn't just worthwhile to buy a GIC, it looks as if they net bigger returns than the lower return ETFs?

What distribution of these ETF's would you recommend for a retiree portfolio?

ETF Ticker Institution MER% Yield% Net Distribution %

ZHY BMO Corporate Bond 0.55 5.77 5.22
XHY I shares US Bond .66 5.46 4.8
PBD Purpose Total Bond .45 4.47 4.02
CBO I shares 1-5 Yr Corp Bond 0.27 4.1 3.83
XCB I shares Corp Bond .44 3.38 2.94
XBB I shares Univers Bond .33 3.16 2.83
XSB I shares Shrt Term Bd .27 2.91 2.64
VAB Vanguard Ca Bond 0.12 2.71 2.59
VBU Vanguard Us Ag Bond 0.2 2.6 2.4
XRB I shares Real return 0.39 2.4 2.01
VSB Vanguard Shrt Trm Bond 0.1 2.2 2.1
HFR Horizon Float Rate 0.4 2.17 1.77
PSA Purpose High Savings 0.12 1.34 1.22

1 year GIC 1.9%

Read Answer Asked by Rory on January 04, 2015
Q: Hello.

What would be the impact to Russel Metals if they experienced a decrease in demand for their Energy Products sector? Do you think management would 'adjust' well? Do you see this as a real risk?

Looking at their annual reports & their 3 main segments from 2005 to 2014, revenue has declined from Metals Service and Steel Distributions, while revenue from Energy Products has increased steadily from 23% of revenue in 2005 to 46% in 2014 (Q1-Q3).

Regards, David
Read Answer Asked by Robert on January 04, 2015
Q: Good Morning
I have a self-directed investment account separate from our registered RIF, LIF and TFSA accounts and would like to one day take over management of the registered accounts. I'm wondering whether there would be much difference than the account I have. Do you know of any resource that would help me with the transition and management of the accounts such as annual payout minimums, taxes, etc.? I have not found the banks that helpful.
Thanks for all you do.
Read Answer Asked by Gary on January 04, 2015