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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I was wanting to buy their convertible debentures that are maturing on October 31, 2015. Do they have adequate cash flow so I would receive the face amount plus interest at maturity?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on March 31, 2015
Q: What is you view/outlook on BTO? Looks promising for the year ahead but it seems that gold prices under $1200/oz keeps BTO from moving. Is that a concern or do the merits of the company and growth potential be the reason for investing in spite of gold make dips under $1200/oz?

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Mark on March 31, 2015
Q: What do you think of WXM? Seems like an interesting way to get a Canadian index etf with a momentum overlay. Performance has been very good even in the face of the oil and gas meltdown on the tsx. Is this kind of strategy proven to work over long periods of time or is it a flash in the pan? Thanks for the great service.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 31, 2015
Q: Hi Peter and Team!! Me again...I have $5000 to invest. I would like to start a new holding with growth potential (a small dividend would be nice as well) Magna just had a stock split...GS??....ET?...I am looking for suggestions. Cheers, Tamara
Read Answer Asked by Tamara on March 31, 2015
Q: Do you think High Arctic Energy is solid enough to survive a prolonged downtown in the price of oil, thanks for your valuable feedback?
Read Answer Asked by Pat on March 31, 2015
Q: Would you please comment on the financial results of Enterprise released today.
It looks like quite a miss to me. I would like your opinion on the company. I am way under water and wonder if it wise to hold onto it for a turn around.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 31, 2015
Q: Please provide your opinion this US ADR: Barclays preferred share series D. Please comment on the risk of it being called and where you expect the yield to be over the next 12 months.

(I like this ADR because its has great yield; good for US income; and there is no US tax withholding on the dividends.)
Read Answer Asked by patrick on March 31, 2015
Q: Any update in the works for MDF? It has gone mainly south over the past year.
Read Answer Asked by Douglas on March 31, 2015
Q: What's your best pick for the gold sector at this time. I have zero exposure, long time horizon and I am looking for growth most of all. I will sell my CCT holdings to pick up some gold exposure.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on March 31, 2015
Q: Hello Peter and team!
I currently hold Goldcorp and I am interested in adding two more gold companies to my portfolio. Are there two companies you could recommend other than Goldcorp? I really appreciate the wonderful service you provide!!! Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Pamela on March 31, 2015
Q: May I please have the benefit of your views on AAA given the recent news stating "Canada's Allana Potash Corp said on Tuesday it will talk with Norwegian fertilizer producer Yara International and three other companies about sharing costs and output in its plan to produce premium fertilizer in Ethiopia." I have held AAA for some time now and my average cost base is .91. As always, thanks much!
Read Answer Asked by Terry on March 31, 2015
Q: I wonder if you can comment on the latest earnings report from Savaria. It would seem to warrant a more positive share price reaction.
Read Answer Asked by robert on March 30, 2015
Q: Hi, I bought a lot of in the past couple month between the price of $1 to $1.3. I am currently worried that this company may not be able to survive through oil price recovery. I also worried if I sell it now, the stock may go up huge if the oil price goes up. Should I sell it and change to a similar oil company but with less debt and safer to survive the low oil price? Do you have any suggestions? Thanks

Read Answer Asked by Adam on March 30, 2015
Q: Looks like after over a two year wait I finally got my wish. Starbucks has announced a 2:1 stock split. Currently their dividend is 0.32 per quarter. Is it safe to assume that after the split the dividend will only be 0.16 considering that there will be double the shares? I see nothing to indicate that I should sell any of my shares going forward and I am thinking I should continue to hold for another 4-7 years. Compiling all my accounts Starbucks is a 5.86% of everything that I have invested. What are your thoughts on Starbucks going forward

Read Answer Asked by Jimmy on March 30, 2015
Q: To ad to your reply to Thomas: TPK has recently been operating in a near perfect scenario. Revenue mainly in US $, many costs in Canadian $. They should be blowing the doors off. If not now, then when?

On a positive note, I notice that Tim Hortons is currently running TV ads in TO promoting TPK's Swiss Water Process. No idea if TPK is funding any of the ads.

Might want to hold for a few more months to see if the stock gets some more lift.
Read Answer Asked by Douglas on March 30, 2015