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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Your new Growth Portfolio is an outstanding cross-section of companies with good potential balanced by necessary risk to achieve above-average gains. Clearly, a lot of work went into this project and, as a member, it is much appreciated. Thank you.
Your cautionary note to members is very sensible. It reminds me of a phrase I try not to forget, sometimes unsuccessfully: "never mistake a bull market for brains".
Nice work!
Read Answer Asked by Steven on April 01, 2015
Q: Why was this company chosen for the Growth Portfolio
Read Answer Asked by judy on April 01, 2015
Q: I follow your model portfolio .I have BNS, ENB and SLF in my Registered accounts and would like suitable replacements. Can you recommend other stocks as replacement for these stocks listed in the model' thanks .
Read Answer Asked by David on April 01, 2015
Q: Re: My question about Companies that are Monopolies/Durable Competitive Advantages.

Thanks John and 5i for the discussion and comment that Rail/Pipeline companies also belong in this category.
Read Answer Asked by Eugene on April 01, 2015
Q: This is a Preferred Reset that has lost almost 50% of it's value. Is there any concern about picking this preferred at a price around $13, such as default. I believe the next reset isn't for another 5 years. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Richard on April 01, 2015
Q: I found Eugene's question on investing in monopolies very interesting, as it has formed the backbone of my investment strategy for about 20 years. While absolute monopolies may not exist, in Canada we do have some oligopolies that are very powerful. In their response 5i referred to banks nd telecom. I would suggest adding rail and pipeline to the discussion. Think about how difficult it is to build out large scale infrastructure in N.A. these days due to politics, nimbyism etc... For example, I have owned CNR and ENB since 1997. I invite fellow members to go to (a great site, previously recommended by 5i) and check out the long run returns of such companies. There is no way CNR and ENB could outperform by that margin, for so many years, without significant barriers to entry in their industry. The marketplace is just too competetive for that. These companies obviuosly have the tables tilted in their favour and in the long run have been excellent holds. Personally I add to them every year. Just my two cents, sorry for being long winded.
Read Answer Asked by john on April 01, 2015
Q: I understand this Co. is involved in gene cell engineering, mainly in Cancer research.It is the company that has made an offer to purchase the Summerland Research company that pioneered the Artic Apple.The stock itself appears to be volatile and I know that you do not cover US stocks per se, but it appeared on BNN 10 days ago in a segment of new and innovative companies on the horizon? I wonder if you are aware of this company and could provide any further information on it?Thank you. I am "hooked" on your site.Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Phyllis on April 01, 2015
Q: Hi again! Doing my portfolio review so I have a few questions. Trying to increase my exposure to fixed income, what would you recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Jason on April 01, 2015
Q: Hello.
I am thinking of adding to a small position in Leon. It has retracted quite a bit recently. Does that make an attractive entry point? Also the closing of future shops, which sold appliances as well as electronics should open up a window for the competitors. also thank you for the wonderful service, and I would like to express the opinion that I do not agree with the people who are in the starting block for the release of a new portfolio and ready for the market open with their orders, showing impatience to your service. Feel free to publish.
Read Answer Asked by francois on April 01, 2015
Q: Hi,
I have full positions (4%) in both TOU and BAD for exposure (mostly) to energy. I would like one more full position for energy exposure for diversification purposes, what would you recommend?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Mike on April 01, 2015
Q: What can you tell me about PHM Is the high volume and rising price justified?
Read Answer Asked by Gary on April 01, 2015
Q: Hi team.
What is your view on SAS for a two to three year hold.Seems like Sprott sold a very large holding yesterday due to "liquidation" issues.I am looking for a possible seasonal trade late September or so as my holding is to large.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Jean on April 01, 2015
Q: Hi,

Since BCIs positive earnings report on Mar 16, the stock price has been dropping every day, even yesterday, when most companies were up?

I have about 5% of my CDN holdings in BCI and am up 30%. Should I trim, sell, or just hold on, as I am a long term investor.
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on April 01, 2015
Q: Just noticing CPD is at its 52 week low, also ZPR close to its 52 week low. Are they a good investment for income and if so when is a good time to buy them? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Loretta on April 01, 2015
Q: I can not find the changes to the balanced equity portfolio. The march update for this portfolio is not listed on the latest report section. Where do I look to find it?
Read Answer Asked by Anna on April 01, 2015
Q: Hi! I don't have much exposure to interest rate sensitive sectors such as telecoms, utilities, REITs, etc. With rates expected to rise eventually (we think!) would it be prudent to wait since historically there seems to be a short-term overreaction in the market and a short-term sell off even though longer term the impact is negligible. Should I start building a position in these Companies now or wait for a short-term interest rate correction or half now and half later. Also, do you prefer Telus over BCE and do you think the Conservatives desire for a 4th carrier will subside eventually or only with a change in government?

Thanks for your help,
Read Answer Asked by Jason on April 01, 2015
Q: I'm holding on to this with a big percentage loss. Would you please comment on the results - they sound better than I expected.

Read Answer Asked by thomas philip on April 01, 2015