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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Please can you give me any info. on his co. Thanks Jim
Read Answer Asked by jim on January 22, 2015
Q: Good Morning
Can you please tell me whether the following three securities are classified as foreign income and whether they have to be reported on Form T1135 ?

ALA.PR.U ENB.PR.U and 5.8% Brookfield Asset Management Bond maturing in 2017. The first two are preferred shares traded in the Toronto Stock Exchange in US dollars. The Brookfield bond is also in US dollars. All three securities are held in a US account with a Canadian Discount Broker in Ontario. The Discount broker reports the income of these securities annually on T3s and T5s.

If they are classified as foreign income, do we still have to report them on Form T1135, even if our foreign property was less than $100,000 in the preceding year?
Thank you for your advice.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on January 22, 2015
Q: With the strength in the USD would it not be wiser to invest in mid/smaller cap US equities since they have less FX exposure. What do you think of VUS?
Read Answer Asked by Albert on January 22, 2015
Q: I know that you are favourable towards myt. But, would you consider it too risky to hold in a tfsa account, given that you would lose space and also could not claim a deduction if it lost value?
Thanks for the great service and congratulations on your award,Claire
Read Answer Asked by joseph on January 22, 2015
Q: Good morning 5i, could you please update your opinion on these ETN's as an income investment. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Alayne on January 22, 2015
Q: With the budget cuts,which of Enb,Ala,PPl ,ipl still has the most growth prospects ?
Read Answer Asked by terrance on January 21, 2015
Q: Just a follow up question to the American banks would you personally recommend the Zub etf or buying say two U.S. banks such as Bac Bank of America and Wfc Wells Fargo
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by jason on January 21, 2015
Q: Peter and team Could you let me know if you prefer Counsel Corp or Atrium Mortage I am tired of hearing interest rates are going up I want to add to my Financial Services position

Read Answer Asked by Paul on January 21, 2015
Q: You have mentioned MDA,G,CCL.B as Canadian stocks benefitting from U.S. growth. With the BoC rate cut, could you identify any other stocks in your two Model Portfolios that you think will have additional benefit. Are there any that you would now have concerns with given the rate change ?
I don't hold any non-Canadian stocks - do you feel it is sufficient to benefit from U.S. growth this way or would you still recommend buying U.S. stocks direct ? If so, what U.S. etf's would you now recommend, as I have a (more than) full complement of individual Canadian equities. Many thanks and congrats on such great results for 2014.
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on January 21, 2015
Q: Good afternoon,

Your comment on MBT and is the dividend save?


Read Answer Asked by Paul on January 21, 2015
Q: Good morning from B.C.

I woke today to see that Richmont Mines announced a bought deal financing valued at 34 million (they are selling X# of shares at $4.00 a piece).

My take is that $4.00 is a great price for them to get (seems that financial institutions usually extract a price much lower than current market value when doing these), but am unsure what it means bigger picture. I think 5i generally doesn't like these sorts of events as it dilutes current shareholders, however I'd appreciate your thoughts on RIC specifically.

Is this a bullish event for RIC?

Thanks so much.
Read Answer Asked by Cameron on January 21, 2015
Q: Could you please update your opinion on MTY Food Group. Would
you buy it at its current price and do you see much upside?
Read Answer Asked by James on January 21, 2015
Q: Recently, these two credit card companies have been talked about as worthy investment Opportunities. Between the two im looking for Growth and Income, 2 to 3 year hold, which one would you favour, and why?

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on January 21, 2015
Q: I am concerned that a flat yield curve is bad news for HCG in that their margins will be squeezed. I don't think that they will be able to repeat past years' performance. When they were profitable back in 2009, the yield curve was steeper than it is now. I am down 13% with this stock and considering moving on as I think the future does not look bright. Do you think this could be the reason for the drop in the stock price?
Read Answer Asked by Richard on January 21, 2015
Q: Any new news on Canadian Tire that is negative. Thanks Alvin
Read Answer Asked by alvin on January 21, 2015
Q: I have about a 6% position in Open Text (OTC) and about a 2.5% position in DH Corp (DH) representing my tech holdings. Do you see anything wrong with slowly adding to DH while valuations remain under 14.5x 2015 earnings (I have 2015 consensus at $2.45 earnings per share)?

Do you see the potential slowing earnings in the banks having a material impact on DH's growth prospects?

Lastly, I'm thinking about slowly building DH to about a 4% position and then adding between a 4% and 5% position in either CSU or MDA to round out my tech holdings over the course of this year. What percentage weighting in tech would you consider too much? Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by john on January 21, 2015
Q: I currently own ZPR and CPD.ZPR has been underperforming CPD over the last six months particularly.Is there an explanation for this difference?I am considering a switch to CPD entirely.Thanks, Joe
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on January 21, 2015