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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Please comment on the results announced today. Also, was ESP or SVC considered as candidates for your growth portfolio. What would be the one reason they were not selected.
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on April 10, 2015
Q: Atlas is a spinoff of Kingsway, reportedly. Although not a dividend payer, its freedom from KFS seems to have been a positive move. What is your opinion of its current valuation and growth prospects?
Read Answer Asked by David on April 10, 2015
Q: I'm thinking of selling ESP as it appears to be over valued. What is your opinion on its valuation? Thank you for your input.
Read Answer Asked by Cheryl on April 10, 2015
Q: UBS is a Swiss based international bank that I'm interested in purchasing as a stock. Would you recommend it or, if not, could you suggest a European based etf as a better choice ? Thanks, as always.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on April 10, 2015
Q: Hello in an answer to a reasonably recent question you seemed to imply a preference for Pizza Pizza. We hold Boston and it really has done nothing other than the dividend. Am looking for a good dividend, low risk replacement, but something that maybe has a bit better chance for some capital appreciation. While it is a completely different company, we hold Chemtrade (not a large position)would selling Boston and adding more Chemtrade make sense? Do you have one or two other suggestions? Thanks again to 5i, it is a terrific service.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on April 10, 2015
Q: Hello,
Wondering if you can give me your analysis of CDI, I am down about 30%, happy to bear risk and hold for the long term.

Read Answer Asked by Joe on April 10, 2015
Q: Hi Five I team!
I hold most of the model portfolio in my RSP account as well as ETFs that you recommended in your review of my portfolio. I have been so pleased with the results. Thank you! In my TFSA account I hold DHX, Enghouse, Goldcorp and Telus. The last 3 stocks are also in my RSP portfolio. I have about 15000 in cash in the TFSA to invest. What would your recommend? Should I am 68 and do not need the income, nor do I plan to withdraw the funds. Many thanks.]
Read Answer Asked by Ellen on April 10, 2015
Q: Hey 5i team,

The following is an email I received re ASG from Josh Sandberg, Founder, OrthoSpinenews. I thought it would be interesting for our family to read, but only if you feel it is appropriate to post it.

... Thank you for your thoughtful question. I think that ASG has a tough road ahead of them. There are many issues that have to be navigated before I believe the market will respond positively to the stock. I am not a stock advisor so please don’t take this as advice of whether or not you should hold or sell, however, I know the market of spine extremely well and there are many reasons why I wouldn’t invest my money in ASG. The product offering is limited which makes it difficult to get enough attention from independent distributors. They have had significant turnover in the executive staff (primarily in the VP of Sales role). I don’t know why that is but having a few executives come and go within 6 months of hire is a concern. Lastly, the use of marketing funds is a little bit of a head scratcher and they have become kind of a punchline of what not to do (regarding high burn). It seems that they wanted to blitz the market and try to sell quickly, which I just don’t see happening in the short term because there’s not enough value for a strategic in the foreseeable future.

Read Answer Asked by Gord on April 10, 2015
Q: could you please comment on today's earnings and all the other usual stuff ..thanx
Read Answer Asked by Diane on April 10, 2015
Q: I understand the general idea of convertible debentures, but specific cases are puzzling to me. For example, AXL.DB.B, maturing June 30, 2017, has a conversion price of $1.70/s, but the stock is currently trading at around $0.07/s.

The debentures are substantially discounted; at today's price, $10000 face value would cost only $4750. But given the conversion price of $1.70/s, the 5882 (10000/1.70) shares you would receive in 2017 would be worth only $412 (assuming the stock price remained the same.)

Yes, the loss of conversion value is somewhat offset by the yield; with its discounted price, AXL.DB.B currently shows a yield-to-maturity of around 50%. But this only nets the purchaser around $2375 ($4750 @50%); $412 plus $2375 is still well-below cost.

If just breaking-even requires a ~600% recovery in the stock price, what, then, could be the incentive to buy the debentures? Or is there an 'at-par' conversion option I'm missing here?
Read Answer Asked by John on April 10, 2015
Q: Hi
My question is regarding how fees are charged by bank "portfolio funds" or fund of funds. The MER is reported in the prospectus, but would this be in addition to charges already in the underlying holdings?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Les on April 10, 2015
Q: Hi team:
at 1 point, it was pointed out that it could be a take out target by other US competitors in the same business
Now that Chartwell has exited her positions in the US
How would it affect the above as a take out target ?
I also noted that the XRE (read estate) is on an uptrend from a technical point of view, thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Michael on April 10, 2015
Q: Good Morning Peter and crew: I am considering liquidating a position in Cenovus (taking tax loss for next year) and opening positions in one or all three of Torc, Cardinal or Whitecap. I'm interested in getting your opinion on the relative merits of all three of these, and of Cenovus as well for that matter. I know the three mentioned are all well respected names but wonder if you see advantages in some over others if at the end of 2015, wti oil price was still below $60. Many thanks, Don Lockett
Read Answer Asked by Donald on April 10, 2015
Q: Hi,

Is there a similar ETF that focuses on CDN high yield sector? Also, is it ok do use xhy which is hedged given the 0.80 CDN dollar?

Read Answer Asked by Jason on April 10, 2015
Read Answer Asked by roger on April 10, 2015
Q: I own just a few shares of Concordia. . Would a few hundred shares bought in my rrsp at these prices make sense. It just keeps climbing.
Read Answer Asked by Helen on April 10, 2015
Q: You've been lukewarm but trending more positive on Chorus. Some of the base metrics look fantastic:

Forward PE: 7.79
ROE: 43% +
Payout Ratio: under 30
Yield: 7% plus
YTD Total Return: 33%

I know the debt is high but it's not easy to find this combination of metrics. Where are you at these days and debt aside am I missing other negatives?

Read Answer Asked by Kim on April 10, 2015
Q: A recent BNN guest said he was short IPL because it was at 27X earnings - another guest said they had a huge EBITDA bump coming from previous work and had a great long term horizon unless oil falls apart for an extended period. IPL has lagged the other pipelines the past two weeks. Would you bet against this company?
I notice you have done a complete 180 degree turn on Surge and I bought a large amount following your strong recommendations last year. I only own SGY, IPL and SPE (Spartan). Was SGY's debt not a factor last year and due to their hedges this year, do you see any future upside with a modest recovery in oil over the next 12 months?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on April 10, 2015
Q: I set my wife's RRSP Model portfolio last year to match what 5I recommended. Even though her portfolio is not large, she did very well thanks to you. She also has a pension plan from work. I have just finished adjusted this years 5I recommendations, but avoided CCL.B and CSU. Can you recommend a couple of less expensive stocks to replace these two?
Read Answer Asked by david on April 10, 2015