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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: (Follow-up to my question earlier today)
Thanks for the answer. However, I am curious as to where you obtained this info. Neither the Investors section of the Mitel Website, nor the business news feed on iTrade or NBDB shows any mention of this. (I also checked Google news - nothing there either.)

Read Answer Asked by Gregory on April 10, 2015
Q: Pason seems to be rising. Is it time to buy? Or would you prefer McCoy? I have no oil service exposure. Thankx
Read Answer Asked by jim on April 10, 2015
Q: First off, thank you for not making the Growth Portfolio, released on April 1, an April Fools joke. I was having nightmares of you guys pulling a April Fools prank and filling the growth portfolio with names like Jaguar Mining and Lightstream Resources.

(just kidding)

Amaya (AYA) vs Intertain (IT). If you had to pick one for a fairy conservative portfolio which one would it be and what percentage would you go up to? I presently have a 9% position in tech represented by DH Corp (DH), MacDonald Dettwiler (MDA) and Open Text Corp (OTC).

Amaya and Intertain both look pretty attractively priced if 2015 eps estimates are met. Intertain looks a little cheaper but Amaya is growing faster. Amaya also has a larger market cap (which would presumably mean "safer") however the stink of the regulatory investigation hangs overhead. What are your thoughts regarding Amaya vs Intertain? Would you split the difference and buy smaller positions of both or just pick one?

Thanks, again.

Read Answer Asked by john on April 10, 2015
Q: I;ve been watching mx for a while & it continues upward except a drop of 2% today Is this a buy? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by John on April 10, 2015
Q: Good morning team,
My daugther will start a TFSA with $17,000 and will not need the money in the near term. She also plans to contribute regularly and reach maximum contribution within ~2 years. I would like your advice as to 4-5 stocks from the Model Portfolio to get her started. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by jacques on April 10, 2015
Q: Hello Peter and Ryan,
I have a fundamental portfolio question if I may...I’m getting increasingly more concerned over how little the market is reacting to geo-political issues, in the sense that this non-reaction will possibly do a 180 into a sharp reaction at some point. I read Mohamed El Erian’s comments from his speech yesterday, and it certainly highlights these concerns.

I’m a true blue-chip buy-and-hold-type investor, but I’ve let some of my fixed income portion slide into conservative dividend stocks, as bonds stopped offering much in the way of income. I’m a true holder; I never sold in ’08-’09, I rode it through, and I will ride through any future turbulence as well, regardless of how steep.

Given all that, for someone in late 50s, no pension, and plans to live off the income generated from the investments (while planning to continually add some of the income back into capital to stay ahead of inflation) - and at this point in the cycle - what general percent should one maintain in GICs/high-grade-bond portion of the portfolio? And to state again, while my equity exposure is quite high today, 75-80%, it is in blue-chip type companies. On the margins I play the growth end, but only on the very far margins.

I realize that in this type of forum you can only provide general answers, so I’m only looking for your general ballpark thoughts, given how dramatically fixed income has changed in only the last few years.

I’ve marked this private, but if you feel it’s beneficial for your large audience, please feel free to publish. Thanks very much….
Read Answer Asked by Warren on April 10, 2015
Q: Would be interested in your thoughts now that year end results are in. Is,the dividend sustainable? Looking for a stable income producing position and love the yield.
Thank You 5I
Read Answer Asked by Mark on April 10, 2015
Q: After seeing it on your filter list yesterday I checked the company and distribution and read that the distribution is "100% OF capital". What is the advantage of this? Doesn't it just mean that one gets one's own money back?
Read Answer Asked by Astrid on April 10, 2015
Q: Dear Peter,do you see merit in taking money off the table when the market has had a good run and waiting for a downturn to reinvest? Thank you for your much appreciated help!
Read Answer Asked by M Anne on April 10, 2015
Q: Good morning Peter and Team, To stay in the energy sector, albeit a low weighting in our portfolios, I was thinking of selling VET and buying WCP. WCP's chart certainly looks better, and their dividend is higher. Your past positive comments about WCP have also influenced me. Your thoughts on this swap? Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on April 10, 2015
Q: You may have seen the announcement of aluminum-ion battery technology: <>. Understanding that this technology requires further development, doesn't it defeat the investment thesis for lithium mining (particularly as concerns automotive batteries)?
Read Answer Asked by John on April 10, 2015
Q: Hi Peter can I have your thoughts on SOX and how safe do you feel the dividend is.
Kind Regards
Read Answer Asked by Stan on April 10, 2015
Q: Spectra has gained some momentum of recent with new products and "design ins". with the warrants out of the way and stronger capital position what do you think about SEV at this level?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Douglas on April 10, 2015
Q: To me, it appears both PHM and NHC pre released very good quarterly numbers. What did you think of them?

Also I remember 5i being hesitant on NHC due to past experience with management. Has their recent success tempered your concerns? To me it still seems quite cheap relative to the sector (based on forward estimates).

Read Answer Asked by Scott on April 10, 2015
Q: Skyworks has been a very clear winner in the last year or so. Is it still a good time to invest now?
Read Answer Asked by Eugene on April 10, 2015
Q: Hi team, I have been watching ZPR for some time now at this level is it beginning to look interesting? I don't have any holding specifically in this area so I was looking for some diversification. Or would HPR be a better buy? Any thoughts would be appreciated, thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Ray on April 10, 2015
Q: Hi Team,
Could you advise if you have an updated opinion on Neptune? Seems to me that the risk reward profile is becoming more favourable in light of their ore business stabilizing and potential for Acasti etc. would appreciate your thoughts.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Douglas on April 10, 2015