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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Bonjour, please give me your opinion on the following funds: Imperial International Bond Pool, Imperial Canadian Dividend Income Pool and Imperial US Equity Fund.
Read Answer Asked by Ronald on April 15, 2015
Q: would like a comment on today's 1Q15 sales,eps and outlook. thanks
Read Answer Asked by george on April 15, 2015
Q: Many cannabis startups are stagnant or declining, but CANN seems to be finding its feet. Is this just noise, or is CANN's pick-and-shovel focus getting traction in the market?
Read Answer Asked by John on April 15, 2015
Q: Would appreciate your opinion on JOY. I bought at $44.04US and watched it go down. Thomson Reuters rates it a average score of only 3. Is it time to sell, or hold for a turn around in the mining sector, where most of their equipment is sold. Thanks Art
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on April 15, 2015
Q: Hi Guys,
Can you please give a quick update on NML's decision not to answer the $23MM cash call from Tata? Based on the initial agreement between the two parties NML has a $300MM free carry and then any Cap Ex above this amount NML would be responsible to pay their fair share which is 20% of any further Cap Ex based on a 30/70 equity/debt split. Based on the math looks like the total spent thus far on the DSO is $684MM resulting in a $23MM cash call. NML has made the decision not to give Tata this funding and therefore will be diluted in their ownership perhaps to 16-17% from 20%. When the initial binding legal agreement was established would NML not have protected themselves against this? Tata in the last year or two changed the scope of the DSO to produce more than originally suggested and therefore further Cap Ex is required. Theoretically Tata can continue to spend further pressuring NML for further cash calls knowing NML can't or won't raise the funds. Hence diluting NML's interest potentially to zero. I assume the original agreement would have set up the guidelines and NML would have capped the Cap Ex? If Tata on their own changed the scope why would NML be bound to the new terms? thank-you for any clarification.
Read Answer Asked by Chris on April 15, 2015
Q: Can I get your opinion on this company and how does it compare to SHAK? I'm looking for exposure to the US consumer and feel that the restaurant stocks might offer a good opportunity to capitalize. Thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Rob on April 15, 2015
Q: You would consider TCW to be a good buy now (to hold for 3 to 5 years)?
If not, what other stock would you recommend (regardless of the sector). Looking for growth with some dividend while I wait.
Read Answer Asked by Jose on April 15, 2015
Q: Got an analyist upgrade to-day.Your thoughts on this company please.Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Maurice on April 15, 2015
Q: I bought 4 different CIBC mutual funds on Oct 1 last year. The Dec 31 results were 2 had small gains, 2 had small losses and the net change for the 4 funds was +$256.47 for the 3 month period. I received a T3 slip that showed a capital gain of $808.17. How Is it possible to have a capital gain on a return like this? Art
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on April 15, 2015
Q: Your current opinion on nuvista(nva) would be appreciated.Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Maurice on April 15, 2015
Q: I have practically no tech exposure. My former money "manager" got rid of it all! :(
Would I now be best to buy ZQQ or a combination of OTC,GIB.A, and CCL or WPK?
Read Answer Asked by Astrid on April 15, 2015
Q: hi folks:

repeatedly you have stated that kelso has a good balance sheet, good mgmt, and is in a good industry niche

AND always commented it to be 'very expensive'

assuming the above I ask....

given that it is directly related to the O/G sector yet given at $4.60 it is down +/- 35% at what point does it become reasonably priced (based on fundamentals), and at what point would it move to 'you'd be a dolt not to buy some'

Read Answer Asked by Robert on April 15, 2015
Q: Hello,

I am looking for member questions on "Wealthsimple". However the searchbox is limited to 10 characters even when I use the "search all text" option. I therefore cannot find the question(s) on Wealthsimple using the search function, although I recall seeing them.

Could you direct me to where I can find them?

Read Answer Asked by Vir on April 15, 2015
Q: Hi Mr. Hodson and Team
A. I have another question related to my previous question:
I also hold the following Dividend-paying Storage and Pipeline stocks:
KEY 1.5%. ENB 1.4%. IPL 1.1%. TRP 0.5%. Total of 4.5%.

Do these belong in the Energy exposure as well? If so, do these then make our Canadian Resource exposure a total of almost 25%? (With Cpg, Arax, Bte, Eca, Vet, Bnp, Su + Cnq)

B. Which of these should i keep? Which should we eliminate or trim?
Should we bring the total Can. Resource exposure (Energy+Materials+Gold) down to 12%, as we think?
Feeling a little like deer in the headlights. Your kindness is so appreciated. sarah
Read Answer Asked by sarah on April 15, 2015
Q: I watched the apparent manipulation of the PGD stock price to "wash out" warrant buyers over the past couple of weeks.

Could you confirm how many shares were out standing before and then after the warrants closed last week.

I see it has shot up and getting near where it was before the warrant fiasco. However I can't tell what 0.35 stock price before the warrant issue is worth now that the warrants have been executed and diluted the stock price.

Thanks in advance, Mike

Thanks for your great service.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on April 15, 2015
Q: Hi Mr. Hodson and 5i,
Our equity exposure is currently 95% in Canadian large caps.
With all this talk about Canada's stagnating economy, we want to trim our can. large caps. We just trimmed Can. banks and Reits by 11% of the portfolio today.
The proceeds are to go into 5i portfolios, US, Eafe and Emerging Markets Etfs.
Please comment on following tentative Percentage Allocations for the large cap and International Sector portion of the equity:
Financials 13%. (Can.)
Telecom, Utilities, Pipelines 11% (Canadian)
Energy+Materials+Gold 12% (Can.)
REITs 4% makes it
Total Canadian large cap = 40%.
Healthcare 10% (US)
Tech+Industrials 13% (US)
Consumer Staples+Discret. 9% (US)
Small cap Etf 3% (US) makes it
Total US Sectors = 35%
Eafe Etf 17%
Emerg. Markets Etf 8% makes it
Total Global Etfs = 25%.
I would like your opinion on the above Canadian large cap 40% + US Sectors 35% + Global 25% equity allocation. Too much? Too little?
The portfolio is for growth, time horizon 5 years +.
Thank you so much.

Read Answer Asked by sarah on April 15, 2015
Q: Appreciate your thoughts on recent quarterly results.
Read Answer Asked by John on April 14, 2015