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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: The stock tanks today in the US market due to this bearish article
Can I get your perspective please? Is this an opportunity to get in? Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Iskandar on August 04, 2015
Q: Good day,
Peter is quoted in the Globe thusly “If you’re an institutional shareholder and you come in and management owns a lot of shares, then the financing closes and management doesn’t own a lot of shares, that’s when you say: ‘I don’t want this stock and I don’t want this company; I’m going to ditch whatever shares I have.’” In light of this, are you advising people to dump PHM? Because your previous statements said nothing has materially changed with the company, which I took to mean it was still worth buying...
Read Answer Asked by John on August 03, 2015
Q: I am a proxy for a friends account, his advisor was charging him 1 per cent, but in the account were some stocks and 2 mutual funds with a fee of between 1.5 and 2.5 per cent on top of the 1 per cent of money under management not to mention maybe a trailer fee for putting the money in the fund. since you are independent what do you think of this practice and how pervasive is it.dave
Read Answer Asked by david on August 03, 2015
Q: Why are costs of producing gold now in the 800$ + range compared to say early 2000s and before when gold was trading well below current level and presumaly poduction costs were significantly lower. I understand inflation but I suppose methods of extraction have also improved. You general comments would be appreciated. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on August 03, 2015
Q: Hi 5i, On many occasions you have indicated that you like to watch earnings and interest rates when it comes to your view on where the overall market might be heading. Could I please have your updated market view based on what we have seen from Q2 earnings season and the Fed comments of Wednesday.
Thanks Rob
Read Answer Asked by Robert on August 03, 2015
Q: Hi- what do you think of Chesswoood? Results looked good again.
Read Answer Asked by Pat on August 03, 2015
Q: Peter -any current thoughts on AIG AT THESE LEVELS??KIM
Read Answer Asked by Kim on August 03, 2015
Q: I currently own a half position in TCK.B

We have seen this before in the materials sector and with Teck specifically. At what point would it not make sense to raise this to a full position? I am in for the long haul here and not a worried investor. I really don't see this company going bankrupt. When the sector turns I think it will do well. Diverse portfolio weighted more in the tech sector currently. Thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on August 03, 2015
Q: Hi Gents,

I have sold my house and moved to a new city. I am renting to start. Can you please advise how to invest the proceeds from the house sale for one year or so.

I would like some sort of capital appreciation but also want relatively decent protection. I think I might want to put some in to the U.S. market as well as the Canadian market.

Perhaps a selection of stocks from the income portfolio and/or etfs?

Or if I wanted to be really conservative, what would be the best money market type vehicle?

Thanks, Chris
Read Answer Asked by Chris on August 03, 2015
Q: Can I get your comment on the earnings? I noticed this was a 45 dollar stock in the past. What made it difference back then and now? Thanks for your feedback.
Read Answer Asked by Iskandar on August 03, 2015
Q: With selling FM last week at a loss, my TFSA is less than the $41,000.00 I have put into it. I must be doing something wrong. Most of us have 3 Canadian Accounts ... TFSA, RSP, and Regular /( Income in my case ) . How should one approach these regarding 1.risk , 2. dividends , 3. bluechip or other factors ... I think I am doing something wrong. My Regular account is OK, my TFSA is down and my RSP , meantime , is flying high with tech stocks and increasing my future RRIF tax liability . ᴴᴱᴸᴾ
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on August 03, 2015
Q: What date would you expect the overhang from the share issue to clear up? thx
Read Answer Asked by Michael on August 03, 2015
Q: I liked the article you posted, The Truth About 99.3% of All ETFs. Given the contents of this article, would that make 5i review their recommendations for certain ETFs or have those factors already been considered?

In my portfolio are a few ETFs and even before I read this article I was pondering shedding them and moving into the stocks themselves.

Thanks for you response,
Read Answer Asked by Ronald on August 02, 2015
Q: Just read a moody's review of Amaya What is your view of the $550 million contingent payment, will they be able to pay this off with cash or will they have to raise equity?
Read Answer Asked by Rob on August 02, 2015