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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi,
Do your comments to Blake's question this morning apply to both First Service and Colliers? If not, perhaps you could also comment on Colliers. Thanks for taking the time to clarify.
Read Answer Asked by Christopher on July 27, 2015
Q: Do you know when Guestlogix next earnings report will be released and what are you expecting to see in the results?
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on July 27, 2015
Q: Hello Peter & 5i team,
I have reduced my exposure to energy producers last fall to 5% of my portfolio (TOU,VET and WCP) and I'm not giving up the ghost, yet.
I had also reduced my exposure to pipelines and mid streams to 10% of my portfolio (ALA,ENB,IPL,KEY and PPL) and wish to reduce it to 5%. I could reduce the weight of each holding or keep only 3; which 3 do you suggest I keep?
Read Answer Asked by Antoine on July 27, 2015
Q: I would like to know what valuation model could be used for an early stage exploration company that has not booked any reserves. I am looking at some old analyst reports and they are using a Net Asset Value model and assigning Chance of Geological Success as high as 25-35% on some wells. How would one come up with a realistic CoGS number in this case. Nuttall says CoGS should be 3% so now my range is between 3%-35%. Can I just put in the mid?
Read Answer Asked by Kreshnik on July 27, 2015
Q: I would like your thoughts on COS. This company should logically get taken out as it owns a stake in Syncrude and nothing else. With there debt load and oil below 50 dollars do you think this increases the chances of that happening? THANKS
Read Answer Asked by John on July 27, 2015
Q: What is the reason why DDC has fallen from $24 to $15.40 in 3 months. With the dividend of over 3% and possible recovery in the share price, would this not be a good investment for a 3-4 yr. time frame? What makes the price of diamonds go up?
Read Answer Asked by Rene on July 27, 2015
Q: I have only 3 resource stocks. RMP, FM and THO. RMP is down 55% from my pruchase price over three months, FM is down 21% in less than a week and THO is down 31% in 2 weeks. What should be my strategy here. Should I bail out on these 3, take the hit and invest in some healthcare or technology stock or shoudl I keep holding on and expect they will recover sometime. Please advise.
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on July 27, 2015
Q: Please provide an update as it has broken down on price and looks like the bottom maybe $50. Is it worth holding or is the housing market going to go down from here.
Read Answer Asked by Cary on July 27, 2015
Q: Douglas Porter suggests (see quote below) that the very weak dollar will cause inflation to rise and consumer spending to fall. In terms of those 2 themes, I am wondering which of the 5i stable of equities you expect to benefit most and least. A couple of examples would be a great help.
Many Thanks

“As opposed to the somewhat mixed picture for business, there is no ambiguity about how a weaker currency affects Canadian consumers — it is bad news, period,” he says.

“Ironically, a weak currency is probably a bigger risk to Canadian consumers than the perennial bogeyman of record household debt.”
Read Answer Asked by michael on July 27, 2015
Q: Is something weird going on with the recent bad few days or is this just a rollover from recent upward moves?
Read Answer Asked by Glen on July 27, 2015
Q: What is your opinion on using Stop-Loss orders? Should investors use them and if so, what is a good percentage to use?
Read Answer Asked by Eugene on July 27, 2015
Q: Hi 5i team. What is your view on this new TSX REIT? Would you buy for income or wait and see how it shakes out?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on July 27, 2015
Q: I am going to stay away from the energy sector which is 14% of my portfolio and sinking. New money will go to non energy with a reasonable dividend. Could you suggest a few that would fit please.
Read Answer Asked by Bob on July 27, 2015
Q: As the Cdn $ gets clobbered, can you recommend a few Canadian companies and/or sectors that would benefit from the weak loonie. Thanks M
Read Answer Asked by michael on July 27, 2015