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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Have a 4% position in Allergan (formerly Actavis). Would you recommend selling all or a portion given the Teva takeover of the generic drug division, or continuing to hold.
Read Answer Asked by Barbara on July 28, 2015
Q: Do you have any further opinons on this since May 27/15?
Read Answer Asked by Garnet on July 28, 2015
Q: My question has to do with portfolio rebalancing and how that differs from timing the market. I regularly trim my winners (although they are getting harder to find!) so that no one equity gets too large within the context of the portfolio. With the proceeds, I either buy an interesting looking new idea (which usally means also selling a loser to retain portfolio concentration) or to increase a position in a currently owned equity. But I notice that from time to time, when asked about portfolio weightings, you do change the weightings to reflect your latest assessments of the market - for example you recently suggested that it might be best to hold off on material sector companies (I trust I am not misquoting). So is portfolio review an ongoing activity or more of a a structured event which usually is done quartely semi-annually or annually? If structured, how often should one do it and is that when I should sell or trim winners?

Appreciate you insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on July 28, 2015
Q: This is one company that seems to be bucking the trend in the gold miners. What is your opinion. Would you continue to hold (it is in an RSP). What do you think of it going forward. Thanks so much.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on July 28, 2015
Q: I am considering adding an oil producer (WCP) to my portfolio which has 2% invested in PEY, TOU, & VET. My thinking is that if the break-even for most North American producers is $70- 90.00, and even the Saudi's are at $27/bl, then $47.00 is not sustainable. The big question is how long the price stays low.
Would you recommend starting to add WCP and building over the coming months or are there indicators you would want to see before making the investment.
Many thanks
Read Answer Asked by michael on July 28, 2015
Q: What's your assessment of this new auto REIT and the safety of the 8% yield? Do you know when they will pay the first dividend?
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on July 28, 2015
Q: Hello Good People,
I just received notice that CDI and TDG are going to be one. The offer is $5.90 per CDI share or approx 1.0631 TDG shares, which one should I accept. Many thanks for help.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on July 28, 2015
Q: This company is advertised as Royalty play with 3 mines in Canada and 3 mines in Australia. Can I have your opinion as an investment now.
Best regards
Read Answer Asked by Harold on July 28, 2015
Q: Is there a specific reason why gold stocks are down a lot more than the spot price ? Is it only related to the China purchase being way lower than anticipated ?

Do you recommend adding to Goldcorp at these levels. I now have a 3% position ? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on July 28, 2015
Q: I bought some fairfax preferred (4.75%) a few months ago thinking the downside was limited. However, I am already down about 13%...

I also own the laddered preferred etf ZPR which is down more than 20%.

Can you please explain briefly why they are down so much and what should be anticipated at maturity for the fairfax shares. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on July 28, 2015
Q: Would you recommend FN/MKP at this time, do you think the dividend is safe, would you think these stocks will take more of a hit? Would this be an OK place to park cash for 1 - 2 years. When interest rates rise, will the stock price erode further? What is the payout ratio. I Understand that this investment would be mainly for income?

Thanks for your service,
Read Answer Asked by Ozzie on July 28, 2015
Q: Although my exposure to oil is manageable, I have accumulated over time various small positions in oil related companies such as: cos, bxe, rmp, cfl, bdi, frc, sgy, bte. I am trying to consolidate into only a few names going forward but was wondering if any of those name are now outright sell. With the current selloff I am either even or down on the names. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on July 28, 2015
Q: Hi Peter: A while ago you commented on huge trading activity of funds at the end of a quarter. Would the end of the quarters be end of March, June, Sept. and December or some other end points?

Read Answer Asked by Derek on July 27, 2015
Q: I own Cigna. Would you wait for the deal to be approved by regulators or sell now?

Read Answer Asked by Greg on July 27, 2015