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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi, I need to increase consumer non-cyclical to 10% per your recent review. (Thank you for that) I have L (Loblaw) at 2.2 and ATD.B (Alimentation) at 2.7. Just double the exposure or add one or 2 new names in the sector? If so what?
Thank you, Ted
Read Answer Asked by Ted on July 28, 2015
Q: With the nice selloff in LND from 24c to 17c, would you consider the current price a reasonable entry point? One of my concerns are the warrants outstanding, which may put pressure on the shares. Your thoughts?

I have done some due diligence, and believe the business model to be quite attractive.
Read Answer Asked by Sasha on July 28, 2015
Q: Hi Peter,
Our 13 yr old has 19% each of BNS, ESL & T. What and when would you buy with the remaining 43% cash ? Thank you !
Read Answer Asked by Paul on July 28, 2015
Q: Would you please clarify your view that First National's (FN) payout ratio is 100%? In today's quarterly report, FN states that "on an after tax, pre-FMV basis", the payout ratio was 62% and was down from 67% in the same quarter of 2014. Also, what is FMV?
Read Answer Asked by richard on July 28, 2015
Q: Peter and Co
Is it too late or wrong time to get in to CXI or EFN?
Read Answer Asked by Margita Elisabet on July 28, 2015
Q: With all the bad publicity and now an important director resignation would you think it wise to place a stop loss on the stock and around what price would you place it?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Linda on July 28, 2015
Q: Looks like the market is not satisfied with the lack of clarity from PHM regarding insider selling. Do you view this as an overreaction and an opportunity to purchase or a wait and see?
Read Answer Asked by Rudy on July 28, 2015
Q: Further to Paul's MISC question; What is the best way to rebalance? A simple calendar approach? If so how often? At one extreme, one could rebalance daily, but incur heavy transaction fees and possibly sell one's winners way too early.

At the other extreme, one could rebalance annually, or some longer period. Transaction fees would be minimised. But this approach might miss cycle tops (and bottoms).

If a calendar approach is not used, then how is discipline maintained?
Read Answer Asked by Douglas on July 28, 2015
Q: Hello folks:

1. I know predicting interest rates has become a dangerous activity now a days. Rate hike prediction hasn't materialised but instead we got Poloz's rate cut.

2. Through my Scotia itrade I get IPO offers for preferred shares. Yesterday I got one from BMO Perpetual preferred share 5 % and one from Canadian Utilities 5.25 %

Worth buying? Of course one can only express an interest and one is not guaranteed to get the shares.

There seems to be a shift from Rate reset to Perpetual Preferred shares recently. At least that is my perception. Furthermore the new issues, (at least on Scotia iTrade platform) are sold out within a day! Especially the issues by Big Banks and solid Canadian companies. Any reason why? Does it mean the smart money is hungry for a solid 5 % yield?
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on July 28, 2015
Q: Is there any site where I can get moving averages for individual stocks clearly displayed.

Read Answer Asked by Charlie on July 28, 2015
Q: Peter
Any thoughts on its extensive fall recently? It can't all be related to oil sector can it? Is it a 'keeper'? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Dave on July 28, 2015
Q: Hi,
Could I have your opinion on the deal between SVL and FR. I have been holding SVL for a while and am down quite a bit. Should I sell into the strength or hold on.
Thanks, Irshad.
Read Answer Asked by Irshad on July 28, 2015