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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Could you explain, in general terms, how companies like CXR (and I suppose VRX) actually thrive? CXR buys an existing company, but how do they become so successful? Do they somehow unlock synergies to cut costs or increase sales, or is it just price increases? Or is it that they somehow are able to purchase these companies at a great price, and if so, why would the existing owner sell at such a low price? CRX has levered itself to buy their most recent company, but why is this such a great deal? Thanks again for your insight!
Read Answer Asked by Donald on October 23, 2015
Q: Do you preceive that there will be less tax selling this year due to the volitility of the markets for the last 10 months.
Read Answer Asked by Ross on October 23, 2015
Q: Good morning,
I just a few questions about how a company discloses drill results. Assuming they visually see something in the cores before they are sent to the lab, does the company have to disclose what they "think" they saw? This company sent in 173 samples for testing out of 1515 meters drilled. How big would a typical sample be? Last but not least, can a company disclose material news while they are trying to close a financing?
Appreciate your thoughts
Read Answer Asked by Seamus on October 23, 2015
Q: hi Guys

Your thoughts on TPK? Do you see any catalysts for share price appreciation? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Dave on October 23, 2015
Q: Hi guys. I own,, CXR, SIS, SIA, and PLI all varied weights and losses or slight gains in different accounts for a total weight dropping to 7% and dropping more. My question is do you see any of these as a Sell for the time being (perhaps a year or so) be bought back when the sector starts to look better. and freeing up cash for better places to hide. Perhaps GUD??? Thanks for your tireless support! We cant do it without you.
Read Answer Asked by El-ann on October 23, 2015
Q: Huntsman has cratered from an all-time high of $27 and looks compelling now. Would you buy this stock for a five year period?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on October 23, 2015
Q: Having sold my US financials six months ago, I am now looking at re-entering with Lloyds Bank and KKR. The latter pays a very hefty dividend so I will purchase it in my RRSP. What is your impression of these companies and, in particular, the fact that the UK government is or has disposed of their Lloyds stock.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on October 23, 2015
Q: ( and Bip.un)Three stocks I am considering. What are your thougts? I already own maybe a 2% position on Bep. I don't own any hotel stock. Under infrastructure I already own some WSP and SNC. Thanks for your great advice.
Read Answer Asked by Shyam on October 23, 2015
Q: Hello 5i Can I get your thoughts on this French company Total S.a. I thought this would be good for some international diversification seeing as it seems to have operations worldwide. It seems to have a low cost of operation and low cost of acquisition, but I am not sure how to read it's debt levels. It's had a nice little bump up since end of Aug. Your views are greatly appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by pietro on October 23, 2015
Q: I am thinking of selling BIN (down 20% in RRSP account) and buying GUD. Industrials make up 14% of my portfolio with health at 1%. Would this be a reasonable trade at this time.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on October 23, 2015
Q: Peter I am under water on this stock
cost 63.312 should I take my loss and move on?
Also I want to invest $10000.00 in my TFSA, I'm thinking of buying Knight Therapeutic GUD. your thoughts please. also open to your suggestion Shirley
Read Answer Asked by SHIRLEY on October 23, 2015
Q: Hello Peter and team, I'm considering adding to my half position in EFN. But while I know it's up nicely over the past year, the recent performance has not been good, including today when it is down in an otherwise buoyant market. Any reason I should hold off?
Also, which of ESP and DHX.B would you suggest I favour (for the long term) if I am adding to only one or the other's position. Thanks as always!
Read Answer Asked by James on October 23, 2015
Q: Could you tell me the difference between XEM and XEC emerging markets ETFs. Do you have a favorite ETF in this sector, perhaps ZEM or something else?
Read Answer Asked by David on October 23, 2015
Q: Could you recommend 7 large cap Canadian dividend paying companies that have a history of increasing the dividend and are under valued at the present time. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on October 23, 2015
Q: Good morning 5iresearch. Would just like your opinion on Adrian phosphate Inc. what does the future look like for this company .thanks alan
Read Answer Asked by Alan on October 23, 2015
Q: Hi guys, again.

Feel free to take your time on this one and dont post publicly if you feel it adds zero value to the discussion.

I was reviewing Citron's twitter account and it looks like they only took notice of Valeant after Hilary Clinton's tweet, promising drug pricing reform. Citron Research's first tweet on Valeant, that I can find, was on September 28.

Do you think its possible, Citron, noticing Valeant's reaction to Hilary Clinton's tweet, decided to only then initiate their short attack on VRX by simply packaging the questions that have always surrounded Valeant in a nice neat report?

Imagining a world where Hilary Clinton never sent that tweet, would Citron have thought of to initiate their short on VRX? Would they have the courage of their conviction to place a $50 price target on VRX?

If you think Citron's report on Valeant took months to research and create, then obviously, the above timeline doesn't work out as Hilary first commented on drug pricing reform in late September.

So which do you think it is? (1) Citron was working on their report previously and independently of Hilary's comments or (2) Citron noticed the weakness in Valeant's share price, after Hilary's tweet, and smelling blood in the water, were opportunistic in deciding to create their short report.

Thanks again for your insight.

Read Answer Asked by john on October 23, 2015