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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Any thoughts on PM's quarterly numbers? There seems to be an enormous chasm between the expected earnings per share and what Prism actually delivered. Taking into account the one time items, the gap closes a little but still I'd like your expert opinion on the numbers.

Revenues were up nicely but earnings fell significantly. Do you see anything in the numbers that raises a red flag or cause for concern?

2016 earnings per share estimates were 75 cents, prior to today's q3 numbers. Any guesses what the new estimates will be for 2016?

Thanks for your time.

Read Answer Asked by john on October 28, 2015
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

I saw this article on National Post that could be driving down ATD.B. Sounds like Credit Suisse analysts are saying that its price to cash flow ratio is inflated and that it's driving a bubble in consumer stocks. What are your thoughts on this? I have a fairly large position (~8%) in ATD.B and don't want to get caught in a sector falling out of favor (like what just happened in biotech).

Read Answer Asked by Jordan on October 28, 2015
Q: brian acker on bnn said that cpg has a .43 cent valuation .REALLY
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on October 28, 2015
Q: Is this a reasonable partial entry point for a 2-3 year hold ?


Read Answer Asked by Dr. Donald on October 28, 2015
Q: I understand that Canadian rules are more lax than those in the US and that is one reason why they are shorting Canadian stocks. Also, that the hedge funds have underperformed in the last number of years,so this is another way for them to boost their bottom line.
Read Answer Asked by Anne on October 28, 2015
Q: I would like your opinion of Sandstorm.
What do you think of the Yamana streaming deal?
Read Answer Asked by John on October 28, 2015
Q: Please give me the debt level on the CHR and is their dividend safe.
Read Answer Asked by Jack on October 28, 2015
Q: Hello Peter & 5i Team

Are there any hedges in place that will help support Surge and if not how do you feel the company is doing currently? Will they manage to keep the dividend at current levels or would it be at risk if oil prices remain at these levels?

Thanks for your valued opinion, as always.
Read Answer Asked by mike on October 28, 2015
Q: I have been watching the following three L-Brands, Ross Stores, Nike for about a year now,and I can not decide which one to invest in. Therefore, I would like any help you can give me to decide which is the one going forward.
Read Answer Asked by Herbert on October 28, 2015
Q: Hi Peter
I want to get into the technology stocks. ZQQ and IGM (US) have similar holdings but a huge difference in cost to get in. Do you think these ETF's have similar potential? Many thanks for finding IGM.
Read Answer Asked by Cam on October 28, 2015
Q: Peter and Team:
What are your thoughts on this company? You did comment back when it was "Tweed", but that was a while ago, and prior to a Liberal Majority win. Is it purely a speculative play, or is there some substance behind the smoke?
Also are there other companies in this sector that may stand to benefit from the potential legalisation of marijuana.

Read Answer Asked by Phil on October 28, 2015
Q: Good morning,

I have been reading many more articles recently regarding the macro trend toward organic and non anti-biotic raised food. Major food chains such as A&W (thanks very much for the investing idea!) and now McDonalds (large restaurant chain in the world) offering meals with non anti-biotically raised animals.

Can you please provide your perspective on this as well as the best way for an individual investor to participate in this macro trend. Please provide best equity or other opportunities in this space either in Canada or in US.

Thanks as always for the independent perspective you provide!
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on October 28, 2015