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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Peter & Co,
There are obviously a variety of metrics to measure the valuation of the stock. I usually look at the ratio ROE/forward PE which should be above 1; you mention in your report on BIN that, due to its capital structure, EV/Sales and EV/EBITDA are better metrics. Could you please explain? How does the average retail investor parse the various ways of measuring valuations?
Read Answer Asked by Antoine on August 05, 2015
Q: A few months ago I asked you about Vogogo and you said it was overvalued/expensive so I didn't buy it, and it has since fallen almost 50%.
What do you think of it at this price? It just raised $12M in funding and seems to have good growth prospects.

Thanks a lot!
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on August 05, 2015
Q: Hi, what's your opinion on these two companies. Would you consider these a buy at current levels. What are the pros and cons?

Thanks for the great service.
Read Answer Asked by Alberto on August 05, 2015
Q: colliers reported today. how do the numbers look ?

Read Answer Asked by blake on August 05, 2015
Q: Could you comment on the latest results, payout ratio, dividend growth? Thanks for your service
Read Answer Asked by Ozzie on August 05, 2015
Q: First I want to say what a great job Peter did today on BBN.I know you are not familiar with a number of US co. but was hoping you might have something on this co.Thanks
Read Answer Asked by jim on August 05, 2015
Q: I think I know the answer to this question but I will ask anyway. I bought NGD IMG and TA as recommended by David Stanley BTSX several years ago. All have cut or reduced dividends and my capital has been seriously eroded.Time to move on and sell. Thx for selling FM. I cant believe several months ago this was promoted at over $16.50 by the brokers. What a joke.
Thx for all you do.
Read Answer Asked by blake on August 05, 2015
Q: Peter; It appears that HLF missed on all fronts- can I have your opinion please? Thanks.Rod
Read Answer Asked by Rodney on August 05, 2015
Q: Hi guys.

Lets say I initially buy a 4% position in company xyz. Over the course a few months that position gets whittled down to 3% due to either share price decline or due to the rest of of the portfolio performing well while xyz does nothing.

For portfolio rebalancing purposes, would you consider that xyz position to be either now 3% of the portfolio, because that's what it represents currently, or would you consider that xyz position to be a 4% weighting because that's what it was when you initially made the purchase.

If you like the company, is there anything wrong with buying more (with existing cash in the portfolio) to bump up the weighting closer to that initial 4%, or do you say "my initial position was 4%, I'll wait till xyz's share price performance catches up to the rest of the portfolio?

I'm using "xyz" as a theoretical example because I'd like to know what the general rule is, or does it really depend upon the stock, MacDonald Dettwiler for example.

Thanks a bunch.
Read Answer Asked by john on August 05, 2015
Q: Your comment on their earning , dividend increase again all metric look good, impressive AUM increase. Look like a good buy these level.
Read Answer Asked by samuel on August 05, 2015
Q: everyones favorite company, what the just announced press release tell you, does it put the panic to bed. dave
Read Answer Asked by david on August 05, 2015
Q: Who is underwriting the IPO for exactearth?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on August 05, 2015
Q: Peter, I am a GIC refugee. Bought ipl Pembina, Enbridge income fund and Veresen <old Forth Chicago> many years ago for income. In those days they were yielding 7 to 8% and they were not popular. They became very popular till the last 6 months and now are dropping like a rock. At what yield do you think the market will demand before they stop dropping? Interesting not one question today on Bnn on pipelines. Question two It is my understanding that Enbridge inc. sold many assets to Enbridge income fund. News release June 19. ENF said they were raising the div. this Sept, Jan 1 and every year for the next four years by 5% per year. Do you still expect this to be the case? Have tried to phone ENF and Enb, Inc with no answer.Thank you, Ken
Read Answer Asked by Ken on August 05, 2015
Q: I have owned 1000 shares of transalta for several years at a cost 50% more than its current value. I am thinking of selling my holdings and reinvesting the proceeds in rnw--my option is to sell only 50% and investing the proceeds in rnw. Given the significant holding of ta in rnw does it make more sense to simply receive my ta dividend and hang on and be patient.
Read Answer Asked by donald on August 05, 2015