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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Dear Peter and Team:I'm thinking of taking a tax loss in Airboss of America and buying it back in 30 days. Have your thoughts about the company changed since you first recommend it? As always, thanks for the expert advice at such a reasonable price.
Read Answer Asked by Norman on October 29, 2015
Q: I own a 1% position in new gold. Reported earnings. Should I continue to hold or should I sell and move to AEM. ( looks like Sean Boyd) is a better manager.
Read Answer Asked by blake on October 29, 2015
Q: with it's increase of production and lower cost why is this ice doing better is it the hold price dragging it down
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on October 29, 2015
Q: Convalo released August 31, 2015 quarter over quarter growth rate of 145% and an annualized growth rate of 580%. Does this meet or exceed expectations? Would also appreciate your explanation of why the warrants expiry has been accelerated to Nov 17. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on October 29, 2015
Q: Over the past few days, I have heard several talking heads on BNN (which I watch infrequently) disparage the Consumer Staples sector and ATD specifically, saying the valuations are too high. Which metrics are they using? You haven't rated ATD yet so I haven't found the answer on this site.
I like watching the technicals (but don't react to them). Neither the sector as a whole nor ATD is overbought and in fact the sector is closer to oversold. And, ATD has been on an unbroken uptrend since July of 2009 - but is that a bad thing?
Read Answer Asked by Fred on October 29, 2015
Q: I am still kicking myself at my stupidity. I sold these when 5i sold them from the model portfolio and bought FM and G when FM was still in the model portfolio thinking it was on sale.I have since been in contact with the IR at FSV and the future looks good they assure me.FM has gone south quickly since their massive offering. There are lots of other stocks that are more "expensive" in the model portfolio.I am just disappointed at the choice of resource stocks by 5i and the damaged caused in my returns.
Read Answer Asked by blake on October 29, 2015
Q: Good Morning...
Could you please comment on Inspira Financial and Covalo's latest quarterly earnings?
Read Answer Asked by Donald on October 29, 2015
Q: BBN reported this am that Rogers dropped ESP.
Read Answer Asked by Alvyn on October 29, 2015
Q: Why was trading in ESP suspended, and why did shares drop 35 per cent?
Read Answer Asked by Kurt W on October 29, 2015
Q: Hi, eSP came out with amazing earnings but it fell thirty seven percent this morning. What am I missing here? The numbers looked fantastic. Should I just sell and take the loss?

Read Answer Asked by Carla on October 29, 2015
Q: Re your comment to Murray on tax loss selling bargains. Seems like PLI made a significant move following FDA approval of one of its research streams yesterday. IT and AVO have made significant moves off their respective lows recently on no news that I see. Could this be the end of their tax loss selling season, isn't it a bit early? When would you normally look for these 'bargains'? Is this a reasonable strategy to pursue?
Thanks again Peter
Read Answer Asked by Peter on October 29, 2015
Q: Please comment on their results. What were the estimate and did they miss or beat them. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on October 29, 2015
Q: Your comments on their 3rd quarter results please. Looks like they continue to forge ahead. I have most of the balanced portfolio with full positions, and half of the growth at 3% positions or less for a total of 60% per your suggestion. Re your philosophy of adding to a winning position, and considering Kinaxis performance to date would you bring it up to a full position.
Thanks Peter
Read Answer Asked by Peter on October 29, 2015
Q: I am considering stepping into a small position in Tata Motors - do you have any negative (or positive) thoughts on it?
Thanks so much. Your opinion is much appreciated!
Read Answer Asked by Susan on October 29, 2015