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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am considering adding another financial, and am looking at either CIX or IGM (Investors Group). I am retired and invest primarily for income, with dividend sustainability and capital preservation ranking above growth. Which would you choose, and why. This would be about a 2-2.5% position.

Read Answer Asked by grant on November 03, 2015
Q: I'm curious to get your opinion on this company.
Read Answer Asked by Edgar on November 03, 2015
Q: What are your current thoughts on Twitter?
Read Answer Asked by Sheldon on November 03, 2015
Q: Please provide view on Starbucks. Looking for a long term steady hold like Disney or Apple. Understand it's expensive and paying a premium but is it worth it? Thx
Read Answer Asked by Patrick on November 03, 2015
Q: i would like to increase my US holdings by adding an etf that is concentrated in the technology and consumer discretionary/staples sectors. I currently hold VUN which is my only exposure to the US market. I realize that these sectors are covered in VUN, but have very small weightings. Does this seem like a reasonable strategy? Would you please suggest such an etf, preferably on the tsx.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Rose on November 03, 2015
Q: i am selling a real estate property and want to put those funds into real estate and infrastructure question is in your opinion what is the better 10 year investment between a private limited partnership fund or diversifying between reits and public infrastructure companies on the open market.I understand about liquidity issues with the former and market sentiment on the latter.I would just like to hear your opinion on what direction you would think is best to take in this case?
Read Answer Asked by Brad on November 03, 2015
Q: HI Ri , my question is regarding KSK (KIska). I know it is a very risky stock in a very hated sector. But i would like to know your thoughts on their business plan going forward. What do you think of the agreements with Teck and First Quantum ? Will KSK survive this trough ? Is management competent or would like to see them doing things differently ? thanx Norm
Read Answer Asked by NORM on November 03, 2015
Q: I have owned this company's shares for some time but am now questioning the rationale for keeping in my portfolio. Earnings growth appears to be slowing and below the industry average and it has one of the higher PE ratios in the investment services industry. Technically the shares have been an a steady decline since mid year. Expectations of getting a banking license may have moved the stock up but the apparent market consensus seems to indicate otherwise. The company is in your model portfolio. Why? Is it speculation that the licence will be approved because fundamentals may not be supporting the current price. As you review the companies in your model portfolio is this a keeper or one that could be replaced with another more attractive holding?

Read Answer Asked by John on November 03, 2015
Q: Re Peter's Tsx.Switch to any discount brokers of the big 5 can.banks for real time quotes.I use CM---$6.95 per trade,detailed reports on companies including consensus target price,daily technical analysis etc.Search & you may find that a promotion by 1 of the big 5,which pays cash or some free trades for a certain period.All the best
Read Answer Asked by Peter on November 03, 2015
Q: If an investor is comfortable with owning a stock at it's current price but wants to utilize a tax loss, they can sell the stock and then write a January put option on the sold holding. They collect the premium and if put the stock, have a lower adjusted cost base. If they are not put the stock, they can choose to buy it back or not.

Read Answer Asked by Gregory on November 03, 2015
Q: What does it take for a stock to split, i.e. BCE? Has it split in the past, and do you think there is a possibility it will split again in the near future? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Denis on November 03, 2015
Q: Which stocks do you consider most to benefit by the " proposed " huge Federal spending on infrastructure? I thought SNC, STN, WSP, ARE, might be good candidates . Do you think ARE and WSP already have had their run( ?)
Please give plus/minus assessment in term of promise and quality; and commnet on any other that might compete with these.... Thank-you
Read Answer Asked by lyle on November 03, 2015
Q: BNN said today the stock which is yielding more than 7.5% at $26 may drop to $13. Barron's is forecasting a price of $20.
What is your opinion going forward? Is it a sell or hold at about $26?
Is the dividend safe?
Read Answer Asked by Terry on November 03, 2015
Q: May I have your views on this company as to it's growth.Tks
Read Answer Asked by Albert on November 03, 2015
Q: Do you think these small cap health care can bounce back in a 3-6 month period or do you think there is a possibility they could drift sideways and down for a longer period of time,is part of their problems the headwinds of valiant and Concordia thank you.They make up about 15% of my portfolio.
Read Answer Asked by Greg on November 03, 2015