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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: No questions on this one since Feb 2014. I note your concerns expressed at that time. While still not much in the way of financial results, I cannot help but wonder why Clive Beddoe would assume the role of chairman of the board (April 2015). I also note Wilmot Mathews, also on the board of WestJet, is a board member. You wouldn't think that these guys would get involved with a 25m market cap company unless they saw something in it. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Neil on November 09, 2015
Q: Hi Peter and Gang,
My US holdings account for approximately 30% of my portfolio and my gains on US/CDN exchange are approximately 30%. If I were to sell all of my US holdings and convert the proceeds to CDN$ to realize that 30% gains on exchange. Then what can I do with the CDN fund after conversion if I still want to retain a 30% exposure to US markets.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on November 09, 2015
Q: Greetings: I still hold ENL from back in the Paladin days. It and Knight (GUD) make up about 3% each of my portfolio. Endo's quarterly statement seemed fairly positive to me, but the stock dropped significantly. Is it in the same boat as Concordia and Valeant. In other words, should I continue to hold it, or is there some problem. If you say it is similar to Concordia, I will probably just keep it. Thanks, as always, for valued opinion.
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on November 09, 2015
Q: Just noticed this press release and was wondering what your thoughts are on Bin now. Is it still a hold in your opinion. Thanks for your great service.

08:44 AM EST, 11/06/2015 (MT Newswires) -- Progressive Waste Solutions (BIN) shares were initiated by Credit Suisse with a underperform rating and $21USD price target.
Read Answer Asked by Luca on November 09, 2015
Q: On Friday evening, I took in BNN…first time is many months. Bill Carrigan, a technical analyst was the guest. For auto makers, like MG and LNR, my take is he said auto sales hit a record hit last quarter and there is a topping, and from looking at the trading pattern and applying Elliot wave theory, there is a major correction, downturn, long down leg in the cycle for this sector. (Egad, i hold MG and other related stocks in this sector.) My question is do i monitor this trend and if so sell, or do i hold (because the companies are sound businesses in keeping with 5iR approach to investing)? The reason for asking this is….is this an example of trading investment style as compared with the philosophy of 5iR?…..Thanks for the clarification…..Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on November 09, 2015
Q: Any thoughts on Dorel's latest earnings release? Took a nasty hit on Friday due to earnings miss. Looks like primarily a FX impact. I've had this stock for many years and it's essentially trading where I bought it so have made no money on it other than the dividend.
Read Answer Asked by John on November 09, 2015
Q: What do you think of ventas at this price. Is it a buy?
thanks for your great service.
Read Answer Asked by manochehr on November 09, 2015
Q: Please comment on the results for ax.un.
Read Answer Asked by maida on November 09, 2015
Q: What do you think about this stock it has a great yield pushing 15% is it sustainable, buy or not?
Read Answer Asked by Kurt on November 09, 2015
Q: I am trying to understand Mandalay's US$50 million of senior exchangeable bonds on their balance sheet (see below).
US$50 million of senior exchangeable bonds issued April 29, 2014.
The Bonds, which will have a maturity date of five years from the issue date, will be issued at par and carry a coupon of 5.875% per annum payable quarterly in arrears. The Bonds will be exchangeable into ordinary shares of the NYSE Arca listed SPDR GOLD exchange tradable fund (the "GLD Shares") at an initial exchange price of US$149.99 which is a premium of 20% above the VWAP of GLD Shares on April 29, 2014 (currently equivalent to a gold price of approximately $1,556 per oz). Further details regarding the terms of the Bonds and the Loan Agreements, subject to the revised terms described herein are set out in the Company's press release of April 23, 2014.
Could you comment on whether this bond issue is still a good deal for Mandalay given the huge drops in the SPDR price and the Cdn dollar.
Any help simplifying and interpreting this deal for me would be much appreciated - it seems very complicated !!
Read Answer Asked by Ralph on November 09, 2015
Q: Hi Team

Of the following two financial stocks which do you prefer?

Read Answer Asked by Dave on November 09, 2015
Q: Hello, my previous advisor had this stock in my rrsp, I have a 3.4% weighting in my portfolio, but is 15% of my rrsp account. I am down 11% currently. It has a decent dividend, but it seemed to have peaked during the spring of 2013 and has been trending down ever since. Do you think it's worth holding or should I look for better opportunities. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Sheldon on November 09, 2015
Q: My BMO Investorline displays Hydro One as dropping $19.445 to $2.175 per share from $21.75 per share. This change occurred about 14 minutes after 4:00pm Friday. Is this just a computer error?
Read Answer Asked by Patti on November 09, 2015
Q: Hi Guys,

I own most of the companies covered in the 5i growth portfolio. Just wanted to know if you still like this and if the story remains intact or has gotten better/worse. The app is fantastic and it seems like they've got a nice brand, plenty of users, and growth ahead. However, I'm concerned about the company's ability to become profitable. Do you think these fears are overblown? I'd appreciate your thoughts on this as I'm debating about adding a half position to this in December when tax loss selling has abated.


Read Answer Asked by Elliott on November 09, 2015
Q: I currently hold ENB IPL and PPL for a total weighting of 8.4% each having a capital loss. I am considering selling IPL outright and reinvesting an other sectors. Am also considering selling either ENB of PPL replacing with TRP. Is this a reasonable strategy and witch of ENB or IPL would you sell. Thanks!!!
Read Answer Asked by Lynda on November 09, 2015
Q: Seems cheap - recent earnings look OK? Your opinion, please.
Read Answer Asked by jim on November 09, 2015
Q: with an interest rate hike in the US seeming more likely in December, is it time to make a move to US financials? I currently have ZUB but would ZBK be the better choice? with an interest rate hike, would this strengthen the US$ and by buying ZBK would it profit from both the move to US financials and a strengthening US$?

What do you think of adding ZBK and keeping ZUB. I'm fairly diversified and this move would increase my weighting in financials overall.

Read Answer Asked by Rob on November 09, 2015
Q: I have been following this company for a while, but have not yet purchased. Good thing, as the price keeps dropping. The latest earnings report looked quite good to me. One comment I have heard about the company is that they started share buybacks and a dividend to boost the share price, but that this is actually a negative, because they will need to borrow more money at higher rates to fund its loan growth, which adds to risk. What are your thoughts? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Donald on November 09, 2015