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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Guys, and Thanks for the awesome service.
Why are p/e on companies of this nature so high- Kinaxis 74x,dsg80x's
Read Answer Asked by Rick on January 25, 2016
Q: Good Afternoon,
Do you guys have some very defensive portfolio suggestions in case once this bounce runs its course we agressively fall once again? Would you build a portfolio with some bonds, gold, and defensive stocks like Telecom, utilities, health care etc.. or just hold lots of cash? What defensive stocks do you like currently?
Read Answer Asked by Chris on January 25, 2016
Q: Could you tell me what the expected earnings are for csh.un please? Thank you! Don.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on January 25, 2016
Q: I am putting together an ETF portfolio for US and Int'l exposure. I am looking for ETFs with low mgmt fee and diverse holdings so the returns will not be influenced by a few holdings. I also prefer ETF that's hedged to C$, if available.
Please provide recommendations for the following categories. Many thanks.
- US broad market
- US dividend appreciation
- US sector etfs that are likely to outperform in 2016-17
- broad market European Developed countries
- Dividend appreciation for European developed countries
- Broad market Emerging Market countries
- Dividend appreciation for emerging market
Read Answer Asked by Willie on January 25, 2016
Q: I've been holding this stock and I'm now down 60%. Time to move on?
Read Answer Asked by Rob on January 25, 2016
Q: Can you please explain what a hedge fund is? And what value it adds to ones portfolio. How does it correlate to stock performance? I was looking at adding the ETF HHF to my portfolio as a 5% holding. This would be to add a little more safety with something other than bonds. Would this make sense?
Read Answer Asked by Carla on January 25, 2016
Q: I was wondering what your thoughts are on entering BDI for a ~5 year term. How is it's dept and valuation? Also you published a report in 15jan2015, Will you be publishing an updated report soon?
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on January 25, 2016
Q: I am looking at CAT in US which is down but always seems to come back strong. I have bought and sold it a few times for decent profit. Do you think the wait will be extra long this time or have other concerns? An alternative could be CBI which took a beating lately but seems very strong with a pipeline of orders. Do you think the worst is over and it has much upside?
Read Answer Asked by Ed on January 25, 2016
Q: I own a few rate reset preferreds that I should have sold a long time ago but didn't because I thought all the downside was already priced in and they are paying high yields. Hah! Was I wrong about the downside. Anyhow, I own BRF.PR.A , ENB.PR.N , and PPL.PR.E. These are now priced at 14.25, 13.91, and 16.85 and yield 6.3%, 7.5%, and 6.4% at the current prices. Their face values rose quite a bit in the market upswing on Friday so they seem to be affected by the overall market sentiment. What would be your advice on what to do with these now? Also, I own some CPD which is yielding 6.4% at 11.60. These were all supposed to be part of the fixed income part of my portfolio but have done worse that most of my equities.
Read Answer Asked by Maria on January 25, 2016
Q: Hi Peter and team ! I hold a little bit of capstone mining company, and even though the commodities have fallen on hard times, I was wondering if Capstone's balance sheets warrant me holding on to it until things perk up. Thank you for all you do! Cheers, Tamara
Read Answer Asked by Tamara on January 25, 2016
Q: I have read recent article about currency regime change and one of recommendation is to stay diversified. Are there any diversified model/income/etf portfolios recommended or published by 5iResearch?
Read Answer Asked by Anshu on January 25, 2016
Q: Peter,I raised some cash recently(not that I was fearfull of the market),but there looks to be an opportunity to pick up some Blue Chip stocks with enhanced yields!I recently purchased ALA,IPL and already own AQN and 3 or 4 apt. reits.I soon will be 63 and I will need some income from my investments in a few years,so I view this as an opportunity.First of all do you concur,and if so any Blue Chip names with increasing dividends that fit this strategy
Read Answer Asked by Randy on January 25, 2016
Q: Is BDT a good place to put money?
The dividend looks good but is it a true div. or a distribution? (they call it a div)
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Helen on January 25, 2016
Q: Do you have any information on this company, prospects, value, risk, potential. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Michael on January 25, 2016
Q: What is the reason for this stock to be on a continuous downward spiral. What will make this stock go back to the highs of 24 or higher where I unfortunately bought it. Also can you comment on PNT (CPI Card group) as they have released at least one quarter of their results. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on January 25, 2016
Q: Hello, thank you for great service! I made good money after split and now I am thinking is CIG & FSV are still keeping good potential to grow? I have them in my TFSA portfolio. Is it good time to sell and to invest in some potentially faster growing names?
Read Answer Asked by Galina on January 25, 2016
Q: Hi, I have owned this stock for a long time and I highly respect Marc Leonard's disciplined approach to growing Constellation to a CAD$ 11 billion company over years. However, since late 2015 and more recently in past few weeks, stock appears to show signs of exhaustion. After reaching a high of $595, a few times in 2015, stock price seems to be range bound between $495 and $525, with a day time low of $485 during January 18 market sell off. I do not wish to reduce/sell my position, but trying to figure out why this stock has been a laggard, recently. Even on the days of market rallies, while many good stocks (several from portfolios) have shown strong bounce back, price action of CSU has been only lukewarm, at best. Do you believe market is grossly underestimating its potential and stock is very underpriced at current levels? what is the short interest in the stock ? Any other comments will be most appreciated. Thnaks
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on January 25, 2016