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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: In addition to my previous question if this stock drops do you have a price that if Enghouse went below it would be a table pounding buy? Reading through some past reports the company consistently states that operating results fluctuate between quarters and I'm guessing this is one of those quarters where things fluctuated below expectations.

How much weight would one put into Sadler selling some shares in the 70s a few months back to foresee recent movements in Enghouse stock? Is the drop at the end of trading Wednesday March 9 suspicious and does the OSC monitor such activity?
Read Answer Asked by John on March 10, 2016
Q: I am looking for a home for a bit of extra cash - 3-5 year time frame. I own all of the stocks in your growth portfolio at roughly your pro-rata weightings. What are your current favorites for an additional investment. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Gary on March 09, 2016
Q: I am under water [$13.50] with WCP and getting conflicting views as far as meaningful recovery in the near future. Should I sell and use the fund elsewhere? If so I like to have your suggestion of a few other choices please. Many thanks, A.J. P. Burlington
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on March 09, 2016
Q: Hello Peter,
I am trying to decide between crescent point energy or tourmaline oil for 1 to 2 year hold. Also, what is driving the metal stocks like Teck and Hudbay minerals? Do you see this as a sustained rally or do you think it is simply a trade for now. Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on March 09, 2016
Q: I own parex and rrx, want to add your top pick in smaller to mid oil and gas stock assuming oil goes to 50 by year end.would surge be it or whitecap or something else. This would not be a long term hold. Dividend not important.Dave
Read Answer Asked by david on March 09, 2016
Q: I own Surge Energy which is down 54% and presently represents 1% of my portfolio. I want to slowly build up this sector by starting to buy again into Surge but I thought I should also add another name and keep the 2 within the overall 5% range of the total. What other name would you recommend. Thanks. Gerry
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on March 09, 2016
Q: The company has released it's 4th quarter results and management seems to be confident they can afford the dividend although many of the financial metrics seem to have declined. I am wondering what your thoughts are? I couldn't see a cash flow in the release.
Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by michael on March 09, 2016
Q: Could you please clarify the recent deal where Imperial Oil has sold its retail ESSO stations to various entitities, including PKI and ATD? In one news article, it seemed to suggest that PKI purchased all of the "On the Run" convenience stores and some of the gas stations. Howefer, in reply to a previous question, you stated that ATD had bought some of the gas stations but it would seem to me that they would want the convenience stores as well, so I am left wondering who purchased what.

Could also comment on how you see the acquistions affecting both ATB and PKI.

Thanks for the insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on March 09, 2016
Q: How do the quarterly results look for CXI to you. Is this still a hold or time to add some. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Luca on March 09, 2016
Q: Going to buy either cnq or su soon please help me decide! Have read all the reports and they both look good.
All the best Harry
Read Answer Asked by harry on March 09, 2016