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Investment Q&A

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Q: Computer task group just reported. From the press release CTG expects total revenue for the 2016 second quarter to range between $85.0 and $87.0 million. Net income is expected to be between $0.03 and $0.05 per diluted share.

For the full year 2016, Non-GAAP net income is expected to be between $0.13 and $0.21 per diluted share.

Revenue has been declining over the past few years, the long time CEO also died recently.

They have reported $7.9M in cash in the balance sheet right now, and $79M is accounts receivable.

Is it rare to see a company trading with a market cap at close to cash + AR? (Currrent market cap is $96M)

Do you think they will drain cash to maintain the quarterly dividend of $0.06/share, making it unsustainable? Or a candidate for a cut?

Do you see this as a potential value play or trap?

Is it reasonable to speculate that a Democratic win in 2016 would be positive for healthcare IT spend? (one of CTG strengths.)

Could CTG be a takeover target?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on April 28, 2016