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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: On my Itrade account under the April 26 news section Eric Sprott purchased 16.2 million shares of Newmarket Gold at $2.80 to bring his holdings up to 17%. On April 26 the stock was trading in the $3.30 to $3.40 range. How did he get them for $2.80? Where is the best place to find when companies earnings are coming due. There is very little information on Itrade about it. People looking for somebody who explains stock charts -- go to stock scores with Tyler Bulhorn - he has a weekly email that explains all the charts and where the markets are headed.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on April 29, 2016
Q: Intermap, IMP is a small Canadian mapping company that I own a small position in, as it is being touted quite heavily in another newsletter I subscribe to.

There's lots of talk about the mega deal they signed, how much of it will actually end up with IMP as profit, and whether they'll land another whale or two. Talking like $2 is reasonable...

Thoughts from 5i?
Read Answer Asked by Cameron on April 29, 2016
Q: It seems to me, based on market action and even the number of related questions here, that there is an expectation that the oil industry (and mining in general) is soon going to make a comeback and people are antsy to jump back in. Being old enough to have seen other cycles, and from what I read about world inventories and production, I really don't believe we're going back to boom level revenues again until the supply and demand sides cross again going in opposite directions. And this usually takes years, not months, or quarters. Do you think this dynamic currently exists, and is it holding back prices of other companies with money 'waiting in the wings' for an oil recovery?
Read Answer Asked by Rick on April 28, 2016