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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Do these have a place in this market for a retiree seeking for moderate income and security and would the tlt have better potential . Thanks have a good day. Tom

Read Answer Asked by Tom on February 12, 2016
Q: Given the world financial situation what do you reccommend re gold holdings? I currently have your allocation of AEM as per your port weightings.

1)Should gold % holdings be increased due to what is happening re Europe/China etc?

2)If yes, would you reccommend more junior producers with leverage or stick with what we got? If yes to the junior increment what would they be?



Read Answer Asked by Sheldon on February 12, 2016
Q: I am looking for a few growth dividend paying stocks. I will be going with BNS that you suggest. What about Telus, TransCanada pipe and RioCan for diversification, growth and dividends?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Martin on February 12, 2016
Q: There is an investment(!) strategy whereby the dividend payout dates are used as the basis of buying and selling equities for multiple payouts during a year. Intellectually this sounds interesting. Is a plan such as this practical, feasible, legal, moral etc. On the surface this might generate reasonable returns if mid tier dividend payers are followed closely , with all the usual selection criteria employed. Are there serious tax implications? Your usual pragmatic overview please.
Read Answer Asked by Ryczard on February 12, 2016
Q: Hi Peter & Co.,
Rogers Sugar reported quarterly earnings this week that beat the street's estimates. I currently hold a position in my income-oriented account. Can you comment on this quarter's earnings, and whether you think it's a good long-term hold for income? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Brian on February 12, 2016
Q: Re answer to Ron's question on bond investment yesterday, it was mentioned "use CBO for better diversification in the corporate sector. There are 'target date' ETFs that provide a diversified pool of bonds maturing in a specific year. They are not perfect but do help to solve this problem a bit."
Can you please expand on the reasons why the target date ETFs are not perfect and the pros and cons between owning CBO and build a ladder using multiple target date ETF? Do they have similar YTM?
With target date ETFs, isn't the initial investment guaranteed plus YTM at maturity; whereas with CBO, after say 5 years, there is no guarantee one will get back the initial investment pending on the bond market and interest rate trend? Thanks for explaining in more details.
Read Answer Asked by Willie on February 12, 2016
Q: Could I please have your thoughts on Brookfield's recently announced results. Thank You.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on February 12, 2016
Q: Hi Peter, I apologize for a general question.
TD Direct Investing (aka TD Waterhouse) has told me that they can "journal entry" my gold stock positions from my CAD margin accounts to a CAD Cash account. The question I'm fussing with is whether the CRA will consider this JE transaction a deemed disposition (for Capital Gains reasons). I'm trying to avoid dealing with the CRA bureaucracy and did a google search to get some insight with no luck. Do you have an opinion on this? Do you know of any chat rooms, websites, other sources where I can get an answer?
Thanks for your patience, Ralph.
Read Answer Asked by Ralph on February 12, 2016
Q: would you buy cf at 3.77 or what would you recommend something else
Read Answer Asked by Allan on February 12, 2016
Q: Hello, thank you for the p / e article. Reading it made me reflect to p / e ratio vs p / cf and p / free cf. I thought professional money managers don t look too much at p / e but use p / free cf to really assess the merit of a company. Can you please comment on that and clarify how it is calculated. My understanding is that cf is net income plus all accounting expenses which are not really paid such as amortization and free cash flow involves reducing the cf by deducting all capex necessary to maintain your asset base. Please add some subtlety to your explanation if you have time. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on February 12, 2016
Q: Could you please update on alexco, have moved up a lot but don't know why? Volume hasn't changed much and I don't see any news.
Should I sell 1/2 position after such a nice move?
Read Answer Asked by Doug on February 11, 2016
Q: I am sure the gold bugs at Sprott are celebrating.
This stock has gone up alot for me and my position has grown from 1% to 6%. I think the company still looks very good however and there has been no insider sells yet. Any thing you see differently. I will probablly trim some and start buying some other beaten down sectors.
Read Answer Asked by blake on February 11, 2016
Q: I am hoping to retire in the next couple of years. If I can get a 4% return on my portfolio, I believe I'll be in great shape for many years. Recognizing that National is not your favourite bank, I can't help but look at the 6% return and wonder why I wouldn't buy this as a solid income producer. Canadian Banks (including NA)are very well regulated and if they all go under, we'll all have very big problems. Am I missing something or perhaps to ask the question another way, do you see a better place to get a fairly secure 6% return for many years into the future?
Read Answer Asked by Dave on February 11, 2016
Q: Good afternoon:

Would it be a wise more to borrow $100,000 on a line of credit and invest in the Model Balanced Equity Portfolio at this time.

We have zero debt are semi retired with indexed pensions.

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Mike on February 11, 2016