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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Feel free to disregard this question if its not the type of thing you're looking to get into.

Do you have any thoughts on Marc Cohodes? Raises red flags for me when I see a guy based in the US but specializing in shorting the (much smaller) Canadian market. Does he have a good reputation in financial circles?

Any thoughts on his recent interview on BNN? To me, it looked like if he was given 2 more minutes of air time his answers would have devolved to include a zombie apocalypse scenario.

Thanks again for your opinions.
Read Answer Asked by john on May 03, 2016
Q: Hi Team ... I am up nicely on BNS and will be selling some in order to maintain a proper weighting within my portfolio. I'd like to redeploy the proceeds within the sector and am looking for a company offering a nice yield as well as good growth potential. I'm leaning towards Fiera Capital (FSZ) and would appreciate your thoughts. Also, any other candidates I could be considering?
Read Answer Asked by Richard on May 03, 2016
Q: Hello, I had a position in Lingo Media, and sold them just after Q4 financials were released. The stock has fallen since and I am just wondering your take on the company moving forward. I did not like the precipitous fall in online revenues in Q4 (which was not explained by management), but annual numbers looked good.

Read Answer Asked by Scott on May 03, 2016
Q: Dear Peter and 5i research team:
Thank you for the advise on Royal Nickel. I sold my Initial investment In Royal Nickel and am sitting risk free thanks to you and your team. I would like to ask you for 3 small cap penny stocks you would think may run?
Thanks for you and your team saving me allot of heart ache. And for your time and courtesy in sending me such well thought out, well written advise.
Hugh in Calgary
Read Answer Asked by Hugh on May 03, 2016
Q: Not a question, but a comment, further to Valeant pharmaceuticals. Aren't they the company that bought up off patent drugs and then boosted the cost by a couple thousand percent, thus by passing the cost of R &D, but still charging the exorbitant prices they claim are necessary to make back R &D? I'm stunned nothing seems to have been done about this.
Read Answer Asked by M.S. on May 03, 2016
Q: Good morning,

Regarding Concordia Healthcare, it seems to be a darling among analysts on BNN as one of three top pics with increasing frequency. Assuming that these fund managers are adding to positions and assuming that there is a consensus both that the stock is cheap and that a takeover is likely, what do we take away from the continually falling price?
It would seem that the company is a buy based on valuation and if not for that reason, then the potential for a premium to be paid during acquisition. Three parts to this question:
1. Do you see it drifting lower until concrete news about a buyout (or not) emerges?
2. What do you see it as being worth if acquired?
3. If the revenue is growing and the debt levels are high but cash flows allow it to be paid down, is there something else causing the price to remain compressed?

Read Answer Asked by Tim on May 03, 2016
Q: Hi 5i - I have enjoyed the run up on WIN (now only down 6%) - I was considering taking the small loss and investing the cash in KXS (since its pulled back) - would you endorse the switch? I understand that KXS is still a risky investment, but sounds like a much better company overall? Thanks, Neil
Read Answer Asked by Neil on May 03, 2016
Q: Hi folks,
I took a small position in Prometic Life Sciences when it was at $2.70. It's gone up quite a bit since then and I've been waiting for an opportunity to buy more. Considering doing that this week but am now looking at Concordia given the big drop today (I was considering before the possible buyout news but thought I'd missed my opportunity). Any information on the 9% drop today in CXR? Thoughts on taking a half position in each this week? I have no other pharma/medical positions so my exposure to the sector is limited and the positions would be relatively small. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Jordan on May 03, 2016