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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i team,

I'm currently building a portfolio from scratch for my mother who is 61 and retired. We are thinging conservative value and income equities for 10+ years.

Which 5 stocks, either from your balanced or income portfolio would you use as building blocks? If possible, can you recommend stocks that are fairly priced at the moment?

Thank you for your excellent service,

Read Answer Asked by Cameron on June 10, 2016
Q: I have held CNQ for a long time and still show a good profit. Knowing that it's not your favourite energy company, could you please give me your current opinion of it? And which ones you prefer over it?

Regarding PHM I'd like to tell Patrick that I feel his pain. I bought this at $1.42 in my TFSA and it's still sitting there.

Thanks to all at 5i for your usual good service.

Read Answer Asked by Molly on June 10, 2016
Q: I notice lately that a fair number of questions from members do not have
any related ID's (I.E. Ticker Symbols) at the top of the questions. This will hamper future search "By Symbol" results.
Could you not in these instances automatically add these tickers to your
database (even if the Member does not specifically request it) and re-post the question with the ticker?


Read Answer Asked by Scot on June 10, 2016
Q: A question related to portfolio weightings. I used to only have individual stock names and a fairly equal balance across various sectors. I just purchased an market ETF the other day (VUN) to get additional exposure and classified it as "other", but it didn't feel right when I noticed that the weighting of my other sectors went down.

As an example, if I had x% in a particular sector, but made a large contribution due to new cash into a market ETF, the original x% in that sector would now show up lower in my own calculations. How do you account for this? I don't want to be overleveraged in a particular sector by mistake.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on June 09, 2016
Q: I am considering buying either mfr.un or hhl.un, mainly for their 8% dividend for a 1 year hold. Would either be affected by a nominal rate increase? Mfr.un could be more stable and might benefit from an interest rate hike,protecting capital whereas hhl.un might be affected byU.S. politics. Could you please give your assessment?
Read Answer Asked by Steve on June 09, 2016
Q: I'm interested in PUR as an investment & would appreciate your comments on its future.I realize they had a strong last quarter.Currently I have 5% holdings of both SIS & DBO & they are doing well for me.If you like it, what %age of PUR should I buy or am I getting too much money in small caps.What %age of small caps would you recommend ? Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on June 09, 2016