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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I know you have done this before, but with reference to recent results for both companies, could you compare and rank these two companies. TOI gets a higher grade A- on your most recent report, and LMN gets a B+. As I read through the responses to questions, it seems that LMN is preferred, but I thought TOI's results were better than LMNs. But I must confess I do not understand some of the "preferred" charges. It appears that LMN suffered a huge loss. I realize that both are long term investments, but I'm just trying to get a sense of portfolio allotments. Thank you for fantastic service, as always.
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on November 03, 2023
Q: What would be your best contrarian pick today in both us and canadian markets
Read Answer Asked by Todd on November 03, 2023
Q: As a longterm underwater holder could you please evaluate the quarter. Is this enough positive momentum to begin to undo the mistakes of the past? Is this a positive enough quarter to suggest they are turning the corner due to recent structural changes involving the move to in-house payment processing? Does this give you new hope for the company going forward?
Read Answer Asked by Warren on November 03, 2023
Q: I just received a Chapter 11 notice on a small holding I have AKUMIN. Another in a long line of US Healthcare companies that list in Canada and go bust! Looking at the trading history on your site, it looks like it was trading very small volumes (9.5k) at around .20 for 4 or 5 months and then all of a sudden on Monday October 23rd, its last trade, was at .51 for 1,170,000 shares. Two questions 1) why would anyone buy a large block and pay a huge premium for a stock that is in trouble???.......does this not wreak of foul play? If not, why would someone have purchased these shares? 2) Is my money dead or is there hope it will come thru bankruptcy with some shareholder value? I would love your perspective as this seems really odd to me.

Many Thanks

Read Answer Asked by Scott on November 03, 2023
Q: Hi, With respect to recent topic of DRIP discounts, we have had our accounts with CIBC Investors' Edge for a long time and we have never had any issues receiving DRIP shares with a discount, if the company offers it. Of course, the brokerage only buys DRIP shares with a minimum of 1 share and balance of dividend is received in cash. Generally, we would need to make sure that we call the brokerage to register a DRP with the company well before the Dividend Payment Date, preferably before stock going ex-dividend.

If company does not have a DRIP program, then brokerage also offers a Synthetic DRIP, as per the their own approved list of names.

Hope this helps.

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on November 03, 2023
Q: Considering the important number of mortgage renewals ( including many "variable rate" mortgages.. ) that are projected during the next 1-3 years,what is your point of vue about the safety of canadian banks and insurance Cies stocks during this period ? a word on US financials shall be also appreciated, .
Read Answer Asked by Jean-Yves on November 03, 2023
Q: Hello,
I recently mentioned taking a position in MDLZ for part of my international holdings, not realizing MDLZ is actually US-based. Knowing you don't follow international stocks, are you generally aware of other internationally-based consumer defensive companies listed on a major US stock exchange? I looked at Nestle, but it seems to be only buyable OTC, and I am not too keen on that market. Another thought was DEO, do you see any red flags with it?
Thanks again, Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on November 03, 2023
Q: Hi Team,
I had the following on my watchlist to "buy the dip" so to speak: LMN,BN, BIP.UN. WELL. After today they have all had nice moves off what was hopefully a "bottom". Is it time to buy? Is risk on again? Or is this a suckers rally after the fed induced rally? Predictive question I know...just looking for opinion. This being said; if it's a good time to buy, What Canadian stocks would you be your Top picks to buy today for a long term hold? Could you rank a list for me please? Thanks

Read Answer Asked by Shane on November 03, 2023